James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

empathyeducates – Special Report: Taxpayers Fund Creationism in the Classroom
empathyeducates – Special Report: Taxpayers Fund Creationism in the Classroom: Special Report: Taxpayers Fund Creationism in the Classroom
Image; A striking shift in public policy has flown largely under the radar.By Stephanie Simon | Originally Published at Politico.March 24, 2014 05:01 AM EDTTaxpayers in 14 states will bankroll nearly $1 billion this year in tuition for private schools, includin
Call Albany and Tell Them NO!! On #NYBUDGET14 southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: Call Albany and Tell Them NO!! On #NYBUDGET14Janine Sopp and Change the Stakes hit another home run on Facebook with her latest posting.The Crack Team has decided to make her an honorary member and extends all benefits and privileges that go with membership to her.Basically, the FB post was a call to arms for everyone to contact their State Senator and Assembly mem
3-30-14 the becoming radical A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Unions? We Don’t Need No Stinking UnionsI have lived and worked always in the state of South Carolina. SC is a high-poverty state (see here and here) with a racially diverse population (ranked 12th highest). And, like many comparable states across the Deep South, SC is a
3-30-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Refusal Movement Growing in New YorkFYI, the correct legal term that districts and states use is "refusal" and not "opt-out." From the Mrs Mom Blog (in case you didn't know what the Supreme Court has to say on this subject):Until last year, I, along with most parents, did not realize that parents have the right to refuse state testing on behalf
Attorneys give final arguments in Vergara suit challenging laws for teacher hiring, firing | EdSource Today
Attorneys give final arguments in Vergara suit challenging laws for teacher hiring, firing | EdSource Today: Attorneys give final arguments in Vergara suit challenging laws for teacher hiring, firingMarch 28th, 2014 | 10 Comments | By John Fensterwald54Judge Rolf Treu must issue a ruling on the case by early July. Source: Courtroom View NetworkThe future of tenure and other laws governing how teac
Guest Essay: Why Common Core Should Bother All Republicans | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Guest Essay: Why Common Core Should Bother All Republicans | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsGuest Essay: Why Common Core Should Bother All RepublicansPosted on March 30, 20140WHY COMMON CORE SHOULD BOTHER ALL REPUBLICANS“Our current system of top-heavy, bureaucratic, centrally planned education is failing to ensure the quality of education our childre
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 3-30-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Los Angeles Says Goodbye To Celes King Iv30 March 2014 :: The community, the Greater Community, The City of Angels we aspire to be, bid farewell to Celes King IV at his funeral yesterday morning and afternoon. We celebrated a life well and completely lived – even if cut short. We prayed and wept and laughed and sang – and learned things we probably s
Stephen Krashen Blog 3-30-14
SKrashen: Misinformed at the common coreToo many people remain misinformed about the common core. Here is the latest distortion.Alan Greenblatt just attacked the Opt-Out movement, saying that it is irresponsible and selfish. There are over 300 comments on the website. Greeenblatt and most of those who commented have no idea what is going on. His review appears at: > http://www.npr.org/2014/03/28
The Edtech Trinity: Time, Training, and Tools | EdCentrist
The Edtech Trinity: Time, Training, and Tools | EdCentrist: The Edtech Trinity: Time, Training, and ToolsLeave a commentEdtech tools will never replace teachers, but teachers who use edtech tools will replace those who don’t. There’s absolutely no denying that edtech tools are changing the teaching profession. As a result, I’ll argue that the edtech trinity in education must include time, training
NYC Public School Parents: Say NO! to a massive corporate giveaway in the budget bill, and a video of Middletown HS students on this outrage
NYC Public School Parents: Say NO! to a massive corporate giveaway in the budget bill, and a video of Middletown HS students on this outrage: Say NO! to a massive corporate giveaway in the budget bill, and a video of Middletown HS students on this outrageDear parents: PLEASE call your legislators in Albany today and urge them to vote NO on the state budget bill! On Monday, the Legislature will
John Thompson: Legal Woes Growing for VAM-Based Teacher Evaluations - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
John Thompson: Legal Woes Growing for VAM-Based Teacher Evaluations - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: John Thompson: Legal Woes Growing for VAM-Based Teacher EvaluationsBy Anthony Cody on March 30, 2014 12:06 PMGuest post by John Thompson.I used to be a legal historian. That did not mean I could practice law without a license, but I could be a pretty fair consumer of legal analyses. I
Money Matters | EduShyster
Money Matters | EduShyster: Money Matters Teach for America alumnus Ben Spielberg talks Vergara vs. California, teachers unions and why education reform without social justice isn’t possible.TFA alum Ben Spielberg is now a leader of the San Jose Teachers Association.EduShyster: Vergara vs. California, the landmark case that seeks to eliminate tenure for teachers, wrapped up this week. Do you think
The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education
The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education: 9/01/2011 @ 5:25PM 63,725 viewsThe Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education I have been asked for my “single best idea for reforming K-12 education”. When you only have one shot, you want to make it count. So I thought I would share my idea here, in case anyone has a brighter insight.Root cause: factory model of managementTo decide what is t
The Answer Sheet 3-30-14
The Answer Sheet: Common Core backer: For public schools, it’s great. For my private school, not so much.One of the big disconnects in Common Core advocacy is that a lot of the people who think the standards are vital to the future of America and want to see them implemented in public schools everywhere send their children to private schools that have not adopted the Core. President Obama comes to
NYC Public School Parents: What does the state budget bill do in regards inBloom and student privacy? Not much.
NYC Public School Parents: What does the state budget bill do in regards inBloom and student privacy? Not much.: What does the state budget bill do in regards inBloom and student privacy? Not much.The budget bill, due to be voted on Monday, deals with student privacy in an inept and confusing way; the privacy provisions read as though they were written by a 3rd year law student at 1 AM in the mo
NYC Educator: Opt-Out Rally---Where's the UFT?
NYC Educator: Opt-Out Rally---Where's the UFT?: Opt-Out Rally---Where's the UFT?Here are the presenters at the opt-out forum that took place yesterday in Comsewogue. I got to meet and speak to a few of them. Second from the right is Beth Dimino, the intrepid President of the Port Jefferson Station Teachers Association. All the way to the left is Mercedes Schneider. In the center is Comsewogue Supe
What Common Core Opposition Looks Like in Missouri | Missouri Education Watchdog
What Common Core Opposition Looks Like in Missouri | Missouri Education Watchdog: What Common Core Opposition Looks Like in MissouriinShareMarkers represent sender location(click on graphic to enlarge)Over 1300 witness forms against Common Core were delivered to the Senate Education Committee at the recent Common Core hearing on March 26. There were many that were turned in at the hearing as well
GUEST BLOG: No TFA for me | Bob Braun's Ledger
GUEST BLOG: No TFA for me | Bob Braun's Ledger: GUEST BLOG: No TFA for meMelissa KatzBy Melissa KatzMy name is Melissa Katz and I am 18 years old. I am a freshman at The College of New Jersey studying urban education. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been asked, “Why do you want to go into education? Why do you want to be a teacher? Don’t you know how much more money you could be making in an
Morning Wink 3-30-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTS3-30-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: Of Me I Sing …. Really?A response from the United Opt Out organizers: Morna McDermott, Tim Slekar, Ruth Rodriguez, Peggy Robertson, Ceresta Smith and Shaun Johnson) In the effort to stay “current” in reporting about the rising tide of the Opt Out movement (aka high stakes standardized testing refusal), journalists
3-30-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Of Me I Sing …. Really?A response from the United Opt Out organizers: Morna McDermott, Tim Slekar, Ruth Rodriguez, Peggy Robertson, Ceresta Smith and Shaun Johnson) In the effort to stay “current” in reporting about the rising tide of the Opt Out movement (aka high stakes standardized testing refusal), journalists are eager to tell the story…but do they do their […]7 by education
3-30-14 Wait What? All Week
Wait What?: A MUST WATCH Video of public school students, teacher and administrators fighting back“No Mo Cuomo Music Video – New York Middletown High School” In response to Coumo’s decision to fund charter schools while failing to provide money to public schools. Swap Malloy for Coumo and you have the same thing in here in Connecticut! Watch these amazing students, teachers and administrators figh
Sunglasses and Advil, Last Edit Was Mad Real - The Jose Vilson
Sunglasses and Advil, Last Edit Was Mad Real - The Jose Vilson: Sunglasses and Advil, Last Edit Was Mad Realby JOSE VILSON on MARCH 30, 2014in JOSEI’m surprised a few of you haven’t put out on APB or Missing Persons Report for me since I haven’t blogged on any site for the last two weeks.Instead, I’ve focused exclusively on my new book, This Is Not A Test. The endorsements, pre-orders, and events
3-30-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: A Response to NPR's Corporate Socialist "Understanding" of United Opt OutUOO Response to NPR's Total Misunderstanding of What United Opt Out:Of Me I Sing?… Really?(A response from the United Opt Out organizers: Morna McDermott, Tim Slekar, Ruth Rodriguez, Peggy Robertson, Ceresta Smith and Shaun Johnson)In the effort to stay “current” in reporting about the rising tide of
3-30-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Step Up For Students Finds That Waiting List After AllTwo hours after Scathing Purple Musings pointed out that the administrative agent for Florida’s voucher system, Step Up for Students, did not really have a waiting list that Rep. Erik Fresen has been telling everybody
3-30-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Sunday reads. “When it comes to the news, the corporate view is `objective,’ all else is `propaganda.” – Studs Terkel No Mo Cuomo. “We didn’t know that we had the right.” Walmart. A business model that depends on poverty. Who is kissing the ring of Sherman Adelson? CPS board members caught on camera
Louisiana Educator: The Common Core Bills; Tell Your Legislator What You Want!
Louisiana Educator: The Common Core Bills; Tell Your Legislator What You Want!: The Common Core Bills; Tell Your Legislator What You Want!Attention educators and Parents! The anti-Common Core and anti-PARCC bills are going to be debated in the House Education Committee this Wednesday. This may be your best opportunity to make your concerns known to your legislator about Common Core and PARCC.In Ja
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-30-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: A Hero Superintendent in Massachusetts Speaks Out Against the MadnessTodd Gazda, superintendent of schools in Ludlow, Massachusetts, posted a blog that expresses the outrage that so many educators feel today as a result of federal and state meddling in the work best left to educators. Gazda writes: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! For his coura
teacherken at Daily Kos 3-30-14 - A different approach to education
A different approach to education: A different approach to educationBy now, most people interested in education and international comparisons among countries is aware both that Finland performs very well on such comparisons while the US does not - although a large part of the difference is because we have far more economic inequity. Pasi Sahlberg is internationally known for his work on education,
3-30-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Making Andrew Cuomo Pay For His BudgetArthur Goldstein dubbed Andrew Cuomo's budget this:@kenne2 @noahegotbaum @rweingarten @AFTunion It would be great if we could publicly label it the Moskowitz budget.— Arthur Goldstein (@TeacherArthurG) March 28, 2014And indeed, it truly is the Eva Moskowitz budget.Cuomo told Moskowitz's Albany rally a few weeks ago that he would protect
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog 3-30-14
Ms. Jablonski's Class Blog: Fun with North Korea: "Mind Your Own Busniness"(This post will be written in the style of Dick and Jane books to reflect the mental age of Kim Jung Un) See Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. See Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un. Un sends So Se Pyong to U.N. Human Rights Council. Un questions So about human rights."What are human rights?" says Un
3-30-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: The Work of Change the Stakes: Some History and How Organizing Bears FruitYES, word is spreading in Bed Stuy!... The teacher said the parent had the Change the Stakes refusal form!... Teacher in Bed-Stuy I left this as a comment on the Diane Ravitch bloggers network when the issue of Who is Our Audience came up.Organizational building: Blogging is a tool, not an end.After over 40
3-30-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELLI’ve started a somewhat regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention: What kind of teacher are you? is a fun little Facebook quiz that the British Council has developed for ESL/EFL Teachers.
3-30-13 Curmudgucation Week
CURMUDGUCATION: A Message from Andrea RediskeIt's a tough contest these days to determine which state legislature is most hostile to public education, but Florida legislators (motto "Finding New Ways To Make Things Worse") has been giving it the old college and career ready try.Nobody knows that better than the family of Ethan Rediske. His mother Andrea has been working tirelessly to ins
Standing Up to Testing - NYTimes.com
Standing Up to Testing - NYTimes.com: Standing Up to TestingDavid Rapheal, Brooklyn borough assessment implementation director for New York schools, at a meeting on the opt-out movement on Tuesday. CreditAnthony Lanzilote for The New York TimesIn the coming weeks, children in New York City and across the state will begin taking annual standardized tests in math and language that will run over the
Shame on Chicago Board of Ed Members for Mocking / Bullying a Parent: Caught. Picture. #SHAME | Continuing Change
Shame on Chicago Board of Ed Members for Mocking / Bullying a Parent: Caught. Picture. #SHAME | Continuing Change: Shame on Chicago Board of Ed Members for Mocking / Bullying a Parent: Caught. Picture. #SHAMESay it isn’t so … ?Say I didn’t just read that Chicago Board of Education Members, Henry Bienen and Mahalia Hines, were making fun of an impassioned parent who chose to speak up for her childr
Data: Education’s New “Dirty” Word | Connected Principals
Data: Education’s New “Dirty” Word | Connected Principals: Data: Education’s New “Dirty” Wordby Tom Martellone • March 30, 2014 • 0 CommentsIt seems that in some circles, data has come to be one of education’s “dirty” words. I suspect I know why, and unfortunately, it is difficult to convince those people who think that way otherwise.Many professions, such as medicine, law, finance, and even cons
The Inner Work of Transforming Whiteness | educarenow
The Inner Work of Transforming Whiteness | educarenow: The Inner Work of Transforming WhitenessPosted on March 30, 2014 | Leave a commentMy biggest concern with talk about the achievement gap is that it is used as one more code for blaming people of color.Gary Howard, in We Can’t Teach What We Don’t Know, suggests a different approach:“I am convinced there is a prior and equally compelling need fo
Teaches union fights new plan by Sacramento and other school districts to address low-performing schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee
Teaches union fights new plan by Sacramento and other school districts to address low-performing schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee: Teaches union fights new plan by Sacramento and other school districts to address low-performing schoolsBy Loretta Kalblkalb@sacbee.comPublished: Sunday, Mar. 30, 2014 - 12:00 amIn the seven months since Sacramento City Unified School District won unprecedented
Mother Crusader: Parent Fights Principal Who Uses Common Core To Deny A Teacher's Request For A Holocaust Speaker
Mother Crusader: Parent Fights Principal Who Uses Common Core To Deny A Teacher's Request For A Holocaust Speaker: Parent Fights Principal Who Uses Common Core To Deny A Teacher's Request For A Holocaust SpeakerBelow is a guest blog from a dear college friend of mine. I've known for quite some time that she is passionate about Holocaust education, both speaking to students herself and also arrangi
Under fire, proposed voucher expansion advances | Tampa Bay Times
Under fire, proposed voucher expansion advances | Tampa Bay Times: Under fire, proposed voucher expansion advancesKathleen McGrory, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau The proposed expansion of the state school voucher program cleared another hurdle Tuesday, winning the support of the House Choice and Innovation Subcommittee.The bill (HB 7099) received a favorable vote in the House Finance and Tax Sub
Nite Cap 3-29-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPLAUSD and UTLA Collude to End Collective Bargaining and Civil RIghts for Teachers Part 1 - Perdaily.comLAUSD and UTLA Collude to End Collective Bargaining and Civil RIghts for Teachers Part 1 - Perdaily.com: LAUSD and UTLA Collude to End Collecti