James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates | Educators from the US and beyond: please share your teaching stories with Mr. Bill Gates.
Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates | Educators from the US and beyond: please share your teaching stories with Mr. Bill Gates. How have the policies of the Gates Foundation influenced your classroom, your students, your teaching, your schools, and your communities?: NYC teacher: “THIS is what the Common Core is doing to our children; it’s heartbreaking and wrong”Posted on March 19, 2014by Teachers'Le
3-19-14 empathyeducates
empathyeducates: Liberals and Tea Party Find Common Ground with Common CoreBy Karen Wolfe | Originally Published at LA Progressive. March 19, 2014 Few if any political issues have brought together liberals and the tea party to the extent that the Common Core State Standards have. How can something be equally objectionable to political opposites? Tea partiers ideologically […]by empathy / 45min hid
Photo Essay: This Charter School is Lovely | Cloaking Inequity
Photo Essay: This Charter School is Lovely | Cloaking Inequity: Photo Essay: This Charter School is LovelyA student recently asked me in class if there was a charter school I would recommend in Austin besides the UT-Austin Elementary Charter School. This afternoon I visited one such school. There are some “reformers” in Austin that have criticized the Austin Independent School District for ending
Seattle Education Meetup: An Opt Out Workshop with Jesse Hagopian | Seattle Education
Seattle Education Meetup: An Opt Out Workshop with Jesse Hagopian | Seattle Education: Seattle Education Meetup: An Opt Out Workshop with Jesse HagopianFirst No Child Left Behind, then Race to the Top and now the Common Core Standards.Unsure what the Common Core Standards are?Want to know more about the term “high stakes testing”?Have you heard about parents, students and teachers opting out of st
Choosing Democracy: Vergara Lawsuit would take away teacher rights
Choosing Democracy: Vergara Lawsuit would take away teacher rights: Vergara Lawsuit would take away teacher rights"It would be very scary to me, if this lawsuit succeeds, to think that I might not have a job next year, not for anything I'd done in the classroom, but because my principal didn't like me, or my clothing, or something I'd said." —Laura Lacar, Gahr High School, ABC Unified Sc
Public School Defenders Launch Movement in Austin | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Public School Defenders Launch Movement in Austin | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Public School Defenders Launch Movement in AustinFiled under: Public Education — millerlf @ 2:36 pm The Progressive March 2014Deep in the heart of Texas, in the very center of what public-school advocate Diane Ravitch called the “education-industrial complex,” public-school activists from every corner o
Two Massachusetts Schools Approve PARCC Opt-Out | Truth in American Education
Two Massachusetts Schools Approve PARCC Opt-Out | Truth in American Education: Two Massachusetts Schools Approve PARCC Opt-OutFiled in Common Core Assessments by Shane Vander Hart on March 19, 2014 • 0 Comments91Educational officials in Massachusetts have been telling parents who desire to opt-out that it is mandatory that their students participate in the PARCC field testing that is occurring, de
solidaridad: Students. Tired of corporate reformers making choices about YOUR education? Fight back!
solidaridad: Students. Tired of corporate reformers making choices about YOUR education? Fight back!: Students. Tired of corporate reformers making choices about YOUR education? Fight back!REGISTER HERE: http://empowerED2014.com"If you had the power to change the education system, what would you do?"Here's your chance.On March 29, at the University of Southern California, through the Emp
Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposes | The Florida Squeeze
Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposes | The Florida Squeeze: Videos: Voucher groups admitting to squeezing Democrats and using low-income children as the “face” of program for political purposesKARTIK KRISHNAIYER ♦ MARCH 18, 2014 ♦ 4 COMMENTSHB 7099, the largest potential expansion to date of school vou
The Answer Sheet 3-19-14 School reformers love ‘choice,’ except when …
School reformers love ‘choice,’ except when …: School reformers love ‘choice,’ except when …School “reformers” love to promote “choice.” Charters. Vouchers. Tuition tax credits. It’s all about giving parents choices, right? Well, not always. Reformers don’t actually like choice quite so much when: * Parents decide they want to opt their children out of taking a high-stakes standardized test that h
3-19-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Wilson-Pacific MeetingThought I'd open a thread for anyone who attended that meeting to weigh in.As I posted elsewhere, I am baffled by the use of Wilson-Pacific fields for Lincoln High. Why not Woodland Park? Or, near me, they are going to lid the reservoir near Roosevelt High. Why not dedicate one of those fields to Lincoln? I said I think the district is doing
3-19-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): LA Unified, YMCA to break ground on new Westside facilityUniversity High School A large empty dirt lot sits at the Southwest corner of University High School’s campus in West Los Angeles. It won’t be empty for long. The Westside Family YMCA and LA Unified are set to break ground this summer on a 60,000 sq
The Daily Censored » Detroit Teachers Can Win if We Take Back Our Union Now!
The Daily Censored » Detroit Teachers Can Win if We Take Back Our Union Now!: Detroit Teachers Can Win if We Take Back Our Union Now!Detroit Teachers Can Win if We Take Back Our Union Now! It’s Time for the DFT to Act Like a Union Again, and Not an Arm of the Administration!Vote EON/BAMN Slate for the DFT Delegates to the 2014 AFT National and State Teachers’ Union ConventionsBallots sho
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 3-19-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Learning To Think Is The GoalLetter to the Los Angeles Times | http://bit.ly/OksXFm Re “Common Core learning curve,” Editorial, March14 http://t.co/EHTNQkunD3 Not mentioned in the editorial is the astonishing amount of testing required by Common Core and the requirement that testing be done online. No Child Left Behind required tests “only” at the end o
University of California The Campus Climate Study - STUDY RESULTS | Office of The President
University of California | Office of The President: HOMEOVERVIEWWHAT IS CAMPUS CLIMATE?OUR GOALSOUR TEAMSTUDY RESULTSFEEDBACKFAQOffice of the PresidentCampus Climate StudyCommitted to a healthy and inclusive climate.Study resultsThe campus climate study will consist of two major phases. The first includes data collected from a population survey that seeks input from the entire UC community.Based o
Save Our Schools March – Taking Back OUR Schools Rally & March – NYC Metro
Save Our Schools March – Taking Back OUR Schools Rally & March – NYC Metro: Taking Back OUR Schools Rally & March – NYC MetroCalling all NYC Metro community activists – families, students, civil rights advocates, voters, immigrant families, policymakers and legislators, union members, teachers, and faith leaders…Save Our Schools along with Change The Stakes, Movement of Rank and File Educa
Fighting Common Core
Fighting Common Core: Liberals and Tea Party Find Common Ground with Common CoreBy Karen WolfeShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services0(Photo: Barbara Haddock Taylor, Baltimore Sun)Few if any political issues have brought together liberals and the tea party to the extent that the Common Core State Standards have. How can something be equally obje
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, March 19, 2014
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: UPDATE: New Issue of Cream and Cherries: Los Angeles charter schools outperform traditional district schools | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCCEducation HeadlinesWednesday, March 19, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription pol
3-19-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Stemming STEM Will Help Everyone Except the BillionairesI have been railing for a number of years about the corporate socialism at work in the creation of an oversupply of scientists, technocrats, and engineers. Follow the links.So here is a clip from a very thoughtful piece from the Atlantic today, which concludes that the creation of an oversupply of workers in science, tech, and
3-19-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean MyersReading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myers. via Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myers.1 by plthomasedd / 19min 3-17-14 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: NPR Whitewashes “Grit” NarrativeNPR Whitewashes “Grit” Narrative. via NPR Whitew
3-19-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness by P. L. Thomas, EdD
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myersac·a·dem·ic: adjective \a-kə-ˈde-mik\ having no practical importance; not involving or relating to anything real or practical. ### Currently, I have three seniors on track to certify as secondary
Protecting Ourselves from the Vagaries and Blindness of Our Politics | janresseger
Protecting Ourselves from the Vagaries and Blindness of Our Politics | janresseger: Protecting Ourselves from the Vagaries and Blindness of Our PoliticsPosted on March 19, 2014 by janressegerAt the end of last week, the Education Law Center sent out an excellent and lucid summary of the significance of the recent state supreme court decision on Kansas school finance, Gannon v. State of Kansas. I
PSAT for yesterday: This is why we have elections Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for yesterday: This is why we have elections: PSAT for yesterday: This is why we have electionsTuesday really got past me – though I did vote. And this is why we have elections, folks – so that once in a while there are legislative proposals like 6 out of 7 of the ones mentioned below, that actually address important issues in useful w
StudentsFirst's "likes" on Facebook: Pathetic Popularity Contest - Momma Bears
StudentsFirst's "likes" on Facebook: Pathetic Popularity Contest - Momma Bears: StudentsFirst's "likes" on Facebook: Pathetic Popularity Contest03/18/2014 Momma Bears has often wondered about the gullible people who fall for the StudentsFirst sales pitch. StudentsFirst is an underhanded, astroturf organization funded by corporate billionaires (HERE and HERE). How on earth do
Morning Wink 3-19-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-19-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: KrazyTA Explains What Bill Gates Wants for His Own ChildrenThe most famous line ever written by John Dewey was this: “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the commu
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 3-19-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: KrazyTA Explains What Bill Gates Wants for His Own ChildrenThe most famous line ever written by John Dewey was this: “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child, that must the community want for all its children. Any other ideal for our schools is narrow and unlovely; acted upon, it destroys our democracy.” Our frequen
3-19-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: Florida’s New Tests to Be Field Tested….in UtahIn an odd opinion piece on Common Core from the Tampa Tribune - more on that later - this tidbit of incredulity is sure to be rolling eyes in district offices across the state: Also unhappy are many of the educators who are
3-19-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Infographic: “The Global Guide to Hand Gestures”I’m adding this infographic to The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures: Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.by Larry Ferlazzo / 2h 3-18-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Tea
3-19-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Ten minute drawing. Michael Madigan doesn’t want you to know.by Fred Klonsky / 3min Movement politics won in Chicago yesterday. Celebrating Will Guzzardi’s win at the Logan Square Auditorium last night. State Representative-elect Will Guzzardi made it the cornerstone of his acceptance speech last nig
3-19-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: A PEP Lovefest; I Compare Eva Moskowitz to Global WarmingLast night I attended my first PEP meeting under the new administration and it was quite a lovefest directed at Carmen Farina, even from critics. Even my usually sour presentation was tempered. The meeting was sparsely attended and there were critics there, but even they thanked Farina for at the very least, the stand to def
3-19-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Cuomo Will Try To Steal Money For His Charter School Donors From Traditional Public SchoolsFrom Jessica Bakeman's Capital NY article about the complex budget negotiations around education issues:Cuomo came out strong for charters, in response to pleas from Success Academy head Eva Moskowitz, pledging to “save” them, and the Senate was the first to quantify what that will tak
Education Opportunity Network
Education Opportunity Network: New Extremists In The Education DebateFor people who like to think of themselves as being “exceptional,” Americans can sometimes abandon the very principles their exceptionality is founded on. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the current debate of education policy. A feature that has long made America’s public school system exceptional for sure is its governance
Tell Congress: Investigate the Tests! - Integrity in Education
Tell Congress: Investigate the Tests! - Integrity in Education: Tell Congress: Investigate the Tests!It’s far from a secret to most teachers, students and parents that policies pushing high-stakes testing in primary schools are deeply flawed. Testing and test preparation has pushed out too much learning time in too many struggling schools nationwide.This week, our friends at the Network for Public
3-19-14 CURMUDGUCATION: Inauthentic Assessment
CURMUDGUCATION: Inauthentic Assessment: Inauthentic AssessmentOne more factor that highlights how artificial and inauthentic the current testing regimen has become is the proliferation of rules for proctors.Faced with the spreading realization of just how invalid the tests are, testmakers and state officials have issued a truckload of proctor leash laws.Some rules are no-brainers. "Don't eras
Shanker Blog » Estimated Versus Actual Days Of Learning In Charter School Studies
Shanker Blog » Estimated Versus Actual Days Of Learning In Charter School Studies: Estimated Versus Actual Days Of Learning In Charter School StudiesPosted by Matthew Di Carlo on March 19, 2014UPDATE: New Issue of Cream and Cherries: Los Angeles charter schools outperform traditional district schools | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCCOne of the purely presentational aspects that separates the new “generati
Arranging Classroom Furniture: An Unobtrusive Glimpse into How Teachers Teach | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Arranging Classroom Furniture: An Unobtrusive Glimpse into How Teachers Teach | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Arranging Classroom Furniture: An Unobtrusive Glimpse into How Teachers TeachHow teachers arrange the furniture in classrooms gives a peek into how teachers teach. Look at these photos taken last year of elementary and secondary classrooms that have different furnitu
For Reformers: An Important Paper on Worker Compensation and Incentives | Paul Bruno
For Reformers: An Important Paper on Worker Compensation and Incentives | Paul Bruno: For Reformers: An Important Paper on Worker Compensation and IncentivesBy PAUL BRUNO | Published: MARCH 19, 2014I’ve written before that education reformers often have an unfortunate lack of perspective about the way the world works outside of education. This means that reformers often unjustifiably assume – impl
KILROY WAS HERE AND RETRIBUTION WASN'T FAR BEHIND - Perdaily.com: KILROY WAS HERE AND RETRIBUTION WASN'T FAR BEHIND(Mensaje se repite en Español)How do you pick a title for a story that's so preposterous? You mightcall this one , The Curious Story of Lorcan Kilroy or The Truth Won'tSet You Free. But, alas, it's all true. As it now stands, Kilroy, whowas an art teacher at Van Nuys High School, fin
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Guzzardi wins in a rout
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Guzzardi wins in a rout: Guzzardi wins in a rout-- M. Klonsky photoState House - District 39 - Dem PrimaryMarch 18, 2014 - 11:04PM CTIllinois - 91 of 91 Precincts Reporting - 100%Name Votes Vote %Guzzardi, Will 5,245 61%Berrios, Toni (i) 3,402 39%All you had to do was walk into the Logan Square Auditorium on Kedzie last night and take a look around to see why Will Gu
3-18-14 Wait What? The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out. - Wait What?
The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out. - Wait What?: The Malloy Administration’s Big Lie: Parents Can’t Opt Out.Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, Stefan Pryor and his band of corporate education industry reforms continue their crusade to persuade Connecticut parents that they don’t have the right to opt out their children from the Common Core Smarter Balanced Assess
The Education of Mr. Gates | Truth in American Education
The Education of Mr. Gates | Truth in American Education: The Education of Mr. GatesFiled in Common Core State Standards by Ze'ev Wurman on March 19, 2014 • 0 CommentsI read the advice Bill Gates offered at AEI couple of days back, and I thought Mr. Gates can benefit from some education. My response is bold and italicized.———————OK. So what is the Common Core? It’s a very simple thing. It’s a wri
Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
Privacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out) | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsPrivacy Legislation: How to protect your children and negotiate from a position of strength (Data opt-out)Posted on March 18, 20142Tomorrow the Louisiana House Education Committee is poised to hear testimony on se
Research Study: VAM-Based Bias |
Research Study: VAM-Based Bias |: Research Study: VAM-Based Bias Researchers from Indiana and Michigan State University, in a study released in the fall of 2012 but that recently came through my email again (thanks to Diane Ravitch), deserves a special post here as it relates to not only VAMs but also the extent to which all VAM models yield biased results.In this study (albeit still not peer revi
Big pushback against Christie, Cami | Bob Braun's Ledger
Big pushback against Christie, Cami | Bob Braun's Ledger: Big pushback against Christie, CamiA protester holds an anti-Anderson sign at Broad and Market.Several hundred protesters yesterday shut down Newark’s central business district in a rush-hour demonstration aimed at showing the growing strength of the organized opposition to the Christie Administration’s “One Newark” plan that would close
Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty | Worcester MagWorcester Mag #sayno2joe
Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty | Worcester MagWorcester Mag: Hashtag Mayor Joe Petty1 Written by Walter Bird Jr. · 03/17/2014 · 10:56 amPosted By Walter Bird Jr.A minor local Twitter firestorm has erupted over Mayor Joe Petty's move to have the School Committee reconsider votes it took more than a week ago related to a controversial new test for students.The hash tag #sayno2joe has been created on T
Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centers | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC
Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centers | Pass / Fail | 89.3 KPCC: Waters accuses LA County of discriminating against minority-run Head Start centersDeepa Fernandes with KPCC staff | March 18th, 2014, 5:21pmDeepa FernandesCongresswoman Maxine Waters surrounded by irate parents and their toddlers at the Los Angeles County Office of Education's Office in Do
School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: Connections | Reclaim Reform
School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: Connections | Reclaim Reform: School Vouchers, Workman, Dwarf Tossing, Extremist Muslim Cleric: ConnectionsPosted on March 18, 2014by Ken PrevitiHow could school vouchers, Workman, dwarf tossing, and an extremist Muslim cleric be connected?$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$When greed and corruption, even legalized corruption, take precedent over the
Nite Cap 3-18-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPCURMUDGUCATION: Who Is Diane Ravitch?CURMUDGUCATION: Who Is Diane Ravitch?: Who Is Diane Ravitch?At Reclaiming Public Education 101 (my website for ed reform neophytes), I'm trying to create and collect materials to answer some of the questions n