A new author in our midst, @angelclintonjr
I’ve come to know this rather insightful fellow via social media since coming back to DC Public Schools. Mr. Angel Clinton, Jr. is a colleague, a middle school teacher, in the great Ward 8 in our nation’s capital. Here’s a link to his author page and bio. As you might be able to tell, his […]
Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”?
Are Common Core and Testing Debates \”Two Different Matters\”?. via Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”?.
If I were a student, I would ask my…
If I were a student in a high poverty public school, I would pose the following questions to my teachers, guidance counselor, principal, and parents/guardians. This piece is not intended to score cheap education reform or political points. After a few years experience teaching in a high poverty public middle school, this piece simply reflects some of my […]
11-4-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: An Open Exchange with AFT President Randi WeingartenOn October 26 and 27, 2013, I exchanged a number of emails with American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten. I had planned to write a post about Weingarten, which I did on October 27. My post took the form of an open letter to her. I sent it to her for her response […]3 by deutsch29 / 2h 11-3-13 @ The Chalk