Schools Matter: Coverage of Opt Out's Occupy DOE 2.0
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 43 minutes ago
Schools Matter: Coverage of Opt Out's Occupy DOE 2.0: Coverage of Opt Out's Occupy DOE 2.0 by Jim Horn From Education Opportunity Network: _______________________ Occupy The Department Of Education Ushers In America’s Angry Spring No offense, but the Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Education building in Washington, DC is not a pretty sight. Crossing the National Mall on 4th street, you pass between the glisteningly modern National Air and Space Museum and the sculpted brown stone of the National Museum of the American Indian to come face to face with what can only be described... more »
Pulling the Trigger
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 43 minutes ago
Pulling the Trigger: Pulling the Trigger By Yasha Levine When NSFWCORP sent me to Victorville this January, I little expected that the neighboring town of Adelanto would become ground zero for a fight between billionaires on one side, and poor, vulnerable minority parents and children on the other. I first heard about the fight through the local right-wing paper, the Victorville Daily Press, which gleefully announced on its front page that a local school, Desert Trails Elementary, had just made history as the first school in the nation to be privatized under California's new "... more »
Gabby Giffords nails it on Senate’s failure
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 53 minutes ago
Gabby Giffords nails it on Senate’s failure: Gabby Giffords nails it on Senate’s failure Posted by Valerie Strauss on April 18, 2013 at 9:15 am [image: Jesse Lewis, Gabby Giffords and President Obama in the Rose Garden (Jacquelyn Martin/AP)] Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords and President Obama in the Rose Garden on Wednesday talking about the Senate’s failure on gun control . (By Jacquelyn Martin/AP) So much for making children and adults in schools safer. As anybody following the news knows by now, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a water-down compromise of a watered-down version... more »
Remember teachers, as this happens, YOUR jobs are on the line. Think about it. – @ the chalk face
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 53 minutes ago
Remember teachers, as this happens, YOUR jobs are on the line. Think about it. – @ the chalk face: State test “puke” policy trumps parents refusal attempts. by Timothy D. Slekar After the first week of opt out or “refusals” across the country there have been some interesting stories emerging—one that is bit troubling. I won’t call it a trend but it is worth mentioning. Principals and teachers are coercing children into taking state tests even after parents have made it clear that they do not want their children to take the tests. Example: Last night I posted the following Facebo... more »
Modern School: Fixing LAUSD’s Rubber Room With Hot Knives
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 53 minutes ago
Modern School: Fixing LAUSD’s Rubber Room With Hot Knives: Fixing LAUSD’s Rubber Room With Hot Knives by Michael Dunn Teachers Locked Down in LAUSD's Notorious "Rubber Room" Los Angeles Superintendent John Deasy’s take all prisoners approach to teacher discipline in the wake of the Miramonte Elementary School molestation case last year (see here and here) has swelled the number of teachers in LAUSD’s rubber room (teacher jail) to over 300. Today the school board will consider a proposal to speed up and “improve” investigations, ostensibly to speed up the removal of criminals and e... more »
Questioning Assumptions About the Poor - Bridging Differences - Education Week
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 53 minutes ago
Questioning Assumptions About the Poor - Bridging Differences - Education Week: Questioning Assumptions About the Poor by Deborah Meier Dear Elliott, Your explanation of SLANT seems sensible, but my problem, in a nutshell, is that it seems more like "Five rules for success" rather than a set of moral or intellectual rules. Actually, at the three colleges where I recently spoke—Bates, Wesleyan, and Brandeis—I didn't see a lot of SLANT behaviors, but their absence didn't make me feel unwanted, uncomfortable, or unheard. Still, I appreciate your concern that your students not waste ... more »
hearings on school closings + The in box. UIC grad employees strike vote. | Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
The in box. UIC grad employees strike vote. | Fred Klonsky: The in box. UIC grad employees strike vote. by Fred Klonsky Update: *In case you haven’t already heard, the membership has voted to conduct a strike authorization vote. The vote has begun and will continue through the week and until the end of our next bargaining session. Please make sure that you take a moment to let your voice be heard. * *There will be a polling station located in the Port Center Cafe on the second floor of University Hall today from 11am-4pm. * *There will be additional locations on East and West camp... more »
Yesterday’s Senate Gun Control Vote Was Even More Undemocratic Than It Appeared |
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Yesterday’s Senate Gun Control Vote Was Even More Undemocratic Than It Appeared |: Yesterday’s Senate Gun Control Vote Was Even More Undemocratic Than It Appeared by Angus Johnston Yesterday the United States Senate voted by a 55-45 margin to require background checks before all commercial sales of guns. Because of the filibuster threat, however, the proposal failed, needing 60 votes to move forward. That in itself is bad enough. That a measure supported by 90% of Americans and 55% of their elected officials could be torpedoed by the other 45% is a reflection of the dysfunction ... more »
The Next Gates Things | EduShyster
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
The Next Gates Things | EduShyster: The Next Gates Things by edushyster2012 *At last a tool to weed out bad teachers: the edu-drone* Coming to a classroom near you: advanced edu-drone technology. A sophisticated algorithm has calculated that visionary and change agent Bill Gates produces approximately 3.7 excellent transformational ideas per day. (Note: due to a glitch in the program, neither bad ideas nor ideas that Gates himself is ‘walking away from’ are included in this calculation.) So what’s the next Gates idea that will at last enable our low-achieving educators to guide thei... more »
Teacher and Columbine Survivor Stands Up For Common Sense School Safety Measures | NEA Today
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Teacher and Columbine Survivor Stands Up For Common Sense School Safety Measures | NEA Today: Teacher and Columbine Survivor Stands Up For Common Sense School Safety Measures by twalker *By Brian Washington* Colorado art teacher Katie Lyles hoped her students would be spared from the sort of dark specters that haunt her memories of high school. But during an emergency “lock down” drill at her elementary school, while crammed into a storage room with about 24 second graders, one student, a 7-year-old named Anthony, reached for her hand in fear. At that moment, her hopes began to fad... more »
Grassroots Report: Allentown, Pennsylvania plans to cut vital programs despite public outcry | The Network For Public Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Grassroots Report: Allentown, Pennsylvania plans to cut vital programs despite public outcry | The Network For Public Education: Grassroots Report: Allentown, Pennsylvania plans to cut vital programs despite public outcry by admin [image: The Network For Public Education -] We have a crisis situation here in Allentown, PA. Our school board has approved a “worst case scenario” plan of cuts to vital programs, despite public outcry. A Save Our Schools Rally is planned for this Sunday, April 21, 2-4pm at Cedar Beach Park in Allentown. What follows is from the Allentown Education Ass... more »
A conversation with a New Orleans Parent about Vouchers and Choosing a School. «Education Talk New Orleans Education Talk New Orleans
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
A conversation with a New Orleans Parent about Vouchers and Choosing a School. «Education Talk New Orleans Education Talk New Orleans: *A conversation with a New Orleans Parent about Vouchers and Choosing a School.*Thursday, Apr 18 2013 Uncategorized edutalknola 7:07 am Last night I received a call from a very distress parent who was concerned about her child’s voucher school and it’s ability to provide a quality education for her 9 year old child. Sadly this child has already attended 3 different private schools and one charter school. This mother was surprised to find out that... more »
Shanker Blog » America’s Union Suppression Movement (And Its Apologists), Part Two
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 hour ago
Shanker Blog » America’s Union Suppression Movement (And Its Apologists), Part Two: America’s Union Suppression Movement (And Its Apologists), Part Two by Leo Casey *This is part two of a two-part post. The first part can be found here.* As the war against American unions reached a fever pitch in recent years, there emerged a small group of right-wing academics and think tanks that have taken up the anti-union cause in intellectual circles. Of particular note for our purposes are Terry Moe’s book, *Special Interest*, and a recent study, *How Strong Are U.S. Teacher Unions?,* which... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 4-18-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] How Pearson Cheats on State Tests by dianerav A teacher in upstate New York wrote me to say that the state English language arts test for 8th grade (written by Pearson) contained a passage that his students had read a week earlier—in a Pearson 8th grade textbook! The story is “Why Leaves Turn Color in Fall,” by Diane Ackerman. The story appears on page 540 of the Pearson textbook. Moral of the story: if you want your students to succeed on the state tests wr... more »
Louisiana Educator: Education Summit: Just Another Bogus Propaganda Effort
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Louisiana Educator: Education Summit: Just Another Bogus Propaganda Effort: Education Summit: Just Another Bogus Propaganda Effort by Michael Deshotels I attended the so called "Education Summit" called Leadership For Change yesterday in Baton Rouge. This was an invitation only conference sponsored mostly by LABI, the big business group, and several astro turf organizations that promote charter schools, vouchers and merit pay schemes all over the country. (Oh yes, a+pel was also a sponsor) There were very few real educators in attendance, and no real educators as speakers or panel... more »
Donors and School Reform (Stanley Katz) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Donors and School Reform (Stanley Katz) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Donors and School Reform (Stanley Katz) by larrycuban *Scholars, educators, and pundits have written often about well-funded foundations distributing cash to reform schools since the late-19th century. Diane Ravitch, Rick Hess, Sarah Reckhow, and Joanne Barkan, for example, have scolded, defended, and analyzed contemporary philanthropists who see public schools as a useful lever for improving children’s lives and correcting injustices. In this essay, Stanley Katz describe the history of... more »
FL GOP Want to End Local Control of Schools; Except When They Don’t to Get Parent Trigger Passed | Scathing Purple Musings
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
FL GOP Want to End Local Control of Schools; Except When They Don’t to Get Parent Trigger Passed | Scathing Purple Musings: FL GOP Want to End Local Control of Schools; Except When They Don’t to Get Parent Trigger Passed by Bob Sikes So Republican Altamonte Springs senator David Simmons has crafted an amendment to Parent Trigger which he says was inspired by a letter from education commissioner Tony Bennett. *StateImpact *writer Gina Jordan explains: Senators said they changed a key provision in the session’s most controversial education bill on the advice of Education Commissio... more »
Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations | toteachornototeach
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations | toteachornototeach: Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations by aristotlethewise *Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations** Michelle Rhee, head of a group that advocates using student test scores to evaluate teachers, fends off accusations that she failed to pursue evidence of cheating when she ran the D.C. school system.* By Howard Blume Michelle Rhee, head of an influential education advocacy group that backs using student test scores to evaluate teachers, this week fended off accusations that sh... more »
UPDATE: Daily Kos: "The United States has done it again — and not in a good way."
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Daily Kos: "The United States has done it again — and not in a good way.": Mark Warner - I will no longer support you by (teacherken) Mark Warner voted against the assault weapons ban Mark Warner voted against limiting the size of magazines Mark Warner is the most popular political figure in Virginia, and could have voted for both measures without in any way jeopardizing his reelection in 2014 Mark Warner is from a state that saw the slaughter at Virginia Tech. Cho used both ten and fifteen round magazines for his two handguns. Think how much damage he did. Think ... more »
Lobby Firms and 'community colleges' in California: Monetizing students for MOOCs | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Lobby Firms and 'community colleges' in California: Monetizing students for MOOCs | - Breaking Censored News, World, Independent, Liberal News: Lobby Firms and ‘community colleges’ in California: Monetizing studentsfor MOOCs by Danny Weil Harrison Wills, once the Student Body President of Santa Monica College who worked for in Washington D.C. where he learned some excellent research skills has discovered the following. Wills will be attending Whitman College soon on a full-boat scholarship. His research is excellent and as a young student, he k... more »
Schooling in the Ownership Society: School Reform Mississippi-style
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 3 hours ago
Schooling in the Ownership Society: School Reform Mississippi-style: School Reform Mississippi-style by Mike Klonsky Arkansas 1958 (Atlantic Monthly) Mississippi Gov. *Phil Bryant* has signed a charter school expansion bill into law continues the state's long tradition of two-tier schooling and racial segregation. The new law is one that expands the authority to create charter schools -- public schools run by private groups that are freed up from government regulation. Charters in states like Mississippi and Alabama are the latest version of the "segregation academies" which allow... more »
Support for AB 420 (Dickinson) – Disruption and Defiance: Reducing Grounds for Harsh Discipline National Lawyers Guild of Sacramento
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 6 hours ago
National Lawyers Guild of Sacramento April 16, 2013 The Honorable Joan Buchanan Chair, Assembly Education Committee State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Fax: (916) 319-2187 RE: Support for AB 420 (Dickinson) – Disruption and Defiance: Reducing Grounds for Harsh Discipline Dear Assemblymember Buchanan, and Committee: The National Lawyers Guild of Sacramento supports the passage of Assembly Bill 420, which would limit the use of suspension and expulsion for acts of disruption and defiance. We support elements of the measure, including encouraging the use of other means of correction ... more »
Photos from Wrong-Sizing Fall Out Forum created by Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) 4-17-13
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
*Photos from Wrong-Sizing Fall Out Forum created by Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) 4-17-13 * * *
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 4-17-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
*Nite Cap UPDATE* * * ** *UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* ** *CORPORATE ED REFORM* Informative CCSS Conference Call Scheduled in Wisconsin by chascherrie Daniel Webster once said: “If truth be not diffused, error will be.” *Common Core State Standards* in education have garnered a growing degree of attention from all sides of the educational policy field in the last several months. Wisconsin was one of the first states to adopt this new set of academic standards and is right at the center of this lively debate. Common Core’s advocates say it raises the educational bar in Wisconsin.... more »
McDuffie presses inspector general for more information on D.C. schools cheating probe - The Washington Post
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
McDuffie presses inspector general for more information on D.C. schools cheating probe - The Washington Post: McDuffie presses inspector general for more information on D.C. schools cheating probe D.C. Council Member Kenyan McDuffie on Wednesday renewed his criticism of the city’s inspector general for conducting an “anemic” investigation of test-cheating allegations in D.C. Public Schools. In a strongly worded letter to Inspector General Charles Willoughby, McDuffie (D-Ward 5) requested permission to review confidential files compiled during that investigation. The probe laste... more »
ALERT: Documents reveal Adamowski and Windham Officials misled public on STEM Academy Operations Plan - Wait, What?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 10 hours ago
ALERT: Documents reveal Adamowski and Windham Officials misled public on STEM Academy Operations Plan - Wait, What?: ALERT: Documents reveal Adamowski and Windham Officials misled public on STEM Academy Operations Plan by jonpelto After dragging their feet for nearly three months, the Connecticut State Department of Education has finally responded to a Freedom of Information request by releasing a series of documents and emails related to the Charles Barrows STEM Academy that is schedule to open in Windham this coming fall. Despite multiple claims to the contrary, the documentat... more »
Freestyle Week: Just Getting To The Test Is A Challenge [Common CorrrUGH] | The Jose Vilson
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
Freestyle Week: Just Getting To The Test Is A Challenge [Common CorrrUGH] | The Jose Vilson: Freestyle Week: Just Getting To The Test Is A Challenge [Common CorrrUGH] by Jose Vilson [image: finishline]*This week, I’m writing blog posts based on people’s submissions to my Facebook page right here. My second one is based on online friend Theresa DeVore’s suggested title, “How can we keep our compassion in this era of high stakes accountability? When told to make sure test scores are raised but in the classroom students are not motivated. I have had to personally remind myself that ... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie Is a Little Sneak
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie Is a Little Sneak: Chris Christie Is a Little Sneak by Duke *Cross-posted from Blue Jersey.* From the fine folks at the Education Law Center, more proof that Chris Christie is a slippery little sneak: Governor Christie’s proposed FY14 State Budget contains a special “assessment” or tax on 493 school districts that *wipes out the small aid increases many of those districts were initially notified they would receive *. The Administration’s special tax is contained in language buried deep in the Governor’s budget. According to the Governor’s proposal, ... more »
The in box. North suburb forum and rally on pension justice. | Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 13 hours ago
The in box. North suburb forum and rally on pension justice. | Fred Klonsky: The in box. North suburb forum and rally on pension justice. by Fred Klonsky From Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice: The Daily Herald and a billionaire funded, for-profit media site (called Reboot Illinois) are holding a Pension Forum at Harper’s Wojcik Conference Center next Wednesday on April 24th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Speakers include State Rep. Elaine Nekritz of Northbrook (sponsor of a key pension cutting measure, HB 3411), State Rep. Tom Morrison of Palatine, and Cinda Klickna, president of the ... more »
Contact Your Senators to Co-Sign Grassley’s Request to Halt Common Core Funding | Truth in American Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 14 hours ago
Contact Your Senators to Co-Sign Grassley’s Request to Halt Common Core Funding | Truth in American Education: Contact Your Senators to Co-Sign Grassley’s Request to Halt Common Core Funding by Shane Vander Hart [image: View of the Capitol from the Newseum] I reported at Caffeinated Thoughts that Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-IA) office emailed me about a letter they were sending to the Senate Appropriations Committee on education to request that they prohibit future funding for the Common Core State Standards, their assessments, and the assessment review panel that was recently laun... more »
Katie Osgood A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
*Katie Osgood at Occupy the Dept of Ed* A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 – @ the chalk face coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 – @ the chalk face: A collection of links from Occupy the DOE 2.0 #uoodc13 by Chalk Face, PhD As the dust finally settles on a great event, there’s still work to be done. Namely, collecting coverage of the event. I’m going to start posting links here. If I’ve missed any, please let us know in the comments. We’re expecting some long form pieces in the coming days, so the... more »
Agenda Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) (CA Dept of Education)
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Agenda May 1 and 2, 2013 - Administration & Support (CA Dept of Education): Agenda May 1 and 2, 2013Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) meeting agenda. ------------------------------ Advisory Commission on Special Education Members Kristin Wright, Chair Diane Fazzi, Vice Chair Feda Almaliti Maureen Burness Morena de Grimaldi Kristi Hagans Somer Harding Sara Jocham Betty Karnette Gina Plate Nancy Portillo Naomi Rainey Mariano Sanz Barbara Schulman Jaclyn Vincent Student Members Matthew Stacy Timothy Higgins Legislative Members Carol Liu, Senate Joan Buchanan, Assembly S... more »
Anti-Bullying Doesn’t Apply at Test Time – @ the chalk face
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 15 hours ago
Anti-Bullying Doesn’t Apply at Test Time – @ the chalk face: Anti-Bullying Doesn’t Apply at Test Time by Kris Nielsen [image: test3]The New York refusal movement is going extremely well, as students–with the support of their parents and friends–proudly stand against what they know is harming them. They watch their classmates taking the tests and they know they made the right choice. Students around the state are walking out of school defeated, exhausted, and disappointed. The tests are literally beating them down: many have not been able to finish, which affects their scores; se... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do We Want Girls to Think?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 16 hours ago
Seattle Schools Community Forum: What Do We Want Girls to Think?: What Do We Want Girls to Think? by Melissa Westbrook Is it me? I don't think so. Lately there have been a swelling of stories that involve misogyny. First up, is this story from ThinkProgress from West Virginia where a high school brought in a faith-based speaker to talk to the teens about abstinence. I think all high school should be talking to teens about sex and abstinence can certainly be part of that discussion. But this discussion was not just saying "wait kids." In fact, the fliers that advertised it sa... more »
UPDATE: The Power of Play | Parents Across America
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
The Power of Play | Parents Across America: Weekly Leg Fax for 4-17-13: Failure of market-based reform by pureparents Parent Voices Weekly Education Fax April 17, 2013 Fix our schools, don’t privatize them This week’s update:Market-driven school reforms, mayoral control causing more harm than good A new study, “Market-oriented education reforms’ rhetoric trumps reality,” on the effects of market-driven reform in Washington, D.C., New York City and Chicago concludes that little has been accomplished and some harm has been done to students, especially the underprivileged…. Market... more »
Report Card: Volunteers sought on future of Sacramento's closing campuses
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Report Card: Volunteers sought on future of Sacramento's closing campuses: [image: Photo: Sacramento parents and activists meet over school closures Members of Hmong Innovating Politics will meet with parents and community leaders at 6 p.m. today to discuss decisions by Sacramento City Unified School District Superintendent Jonathan Raymond and district trustees' to close seven neighborhood schools. With less than two months before the start of summer vacation, students and families at the seven closed Read more here: more »
Rethinking Teacher Evaluation For The Competency-Based Grading & Reporting System | Connected Principals
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 18 hours ago
Rethinking Teacher Evaluation For The Competency-Based Grading & Reporting System | Connected Principals: Rethinking Teacher Evaluation For The Competency-Based Grading & Reporting System by Brian Stack *[image: 022212nyevaluation_512x288]* *Introduction: Rethinking the Effectiveness of the Dog & Pony Show Model* During my first three years as a high school math teacher in Massachusetts back in the early 2000’s, I had grown accustomed to having an administrator in my classroom to observe me teach a math lesson. As a *new*teacher I was required by district policy to be observed at l... more »
Diane in the Evening 4-17-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Duncan Urges US Chamber of Commerce to Defend Common Core by dianerav Arne Duncan is concerned about the backlash against the federal government’s heavy-handed imposition of the Common Core. At a speech to business leaders in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, he urged their support for Common Core. He probably forgot that the U.S. Department of Education is legally prohibited from being involved in any matters that prescribe curriculum or instruction to the nation’s public schools. When Students in New Orleans Got... more »
Daily Kos: What Do I Say?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Daily Kos: What Do I Say?: What Do I Say? byShakespeares SisterFollow - - - 3 Comments / 3 New *Now get the hell OUT!* Rarely, as an English teacher, do I find myself at a loss for words. Now, as I’m faced with the fact that I have to say goodbye to my students, and tell them I will not return as their teacher next year, I just don’t know what to say. Do I tell them I’m leaving because the school they attend is finally so broken of an institution that it is unlikely to see repair and it is in fact more likely that the state will take over the school and turn it... more »
Play-In fun for everyone! Parents United for Responsible Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Play-In fun for everyone!: Play-In fun for everyone! by admin [image: PlayIn2] *Parents, teachers, children at Play-In call for less testing, more playing for young children in CPS* Today, dozens of Chicago parents, children and educators attended a “Play-In” organized by More Than a Score to highlight their concern that testing has taken over the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) classrooms of our youngest children, pushing play-based learning out. The group set up play areas at CPS headquarters to demonstrate the power of play.... more »
When the African American Male Student Doesn't Succeed — Whole Child Education
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 20 hours ago
When the African American Male Student Doesn't Succeed — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: Dianna Minor]When the African American Male Student Doesn’t Succeed April 17, 2013 by Dianna Minor Across the United States, teachers can quickly tell you who is the most 'at-risk' student sitting in their classrooms. The answer is the same, whether it's from a teacher in Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles, Houston, New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, or Birmingham. It's the student who struggled in 3rd grade. It's the student in 8th grade reading grade levels behind his peers. It's the ... more »
District Silent As Charter School Dodges Audit - LA School Report
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
District Silent As Charter School Dodges Audit - LA School Report: District Silent As Charter School Dodges Audit by Hillel Aron Monica Garcia, left, Marcos Aguilar, right, after Academia Semillas was renewed in April of 2012 Fresh off a controversial April 2012 renewal, the El Sereno charter school called Academia Semillas has refused to comply with an LAUSD audit, according to this December 2012 report by the Office of the Inspector General. “Repeated attempts to obtain this information from the school were unsuccessful and the school chose to communicate to the OIG exclusively t... more »
Mother Crusader: I've Opted Out And You Can Too!
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Mother Crusader: I've Opted Out And You Can Too!: I've Opted Out And You Can Too! by darciecima I just got off the phone with the Assistant Superintendent of my district, and was told it's no problem to opt my 1st graders out of the NJPASS. This is not a mandated test, and the results are not reported to the state. It is given mostly to prepare students for taking the NJASK in 3rd grade - so in my estimation, it's all but useless for my kids and a waste of money for the district. The OK to opt out this year came with a warning that once my girls hit 3rd grade this would not b... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Can someone loan Chicago a city planner? How about you, Kansas City?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Can someone loan Chicago a city planner? How about you, Kansas City?: Can someone loan Chicago a city planner? How about you, Kansas City? by Mike Klonsky Byrd-Bennett *Memo to city mayors from Barbara Byrd-Bennett*: *Someone, please help me. I need to borrow a city planner ASAP. * *Our guy, Babbit or Babbitz, whatever his name is useless. We have no plan. Rahm is making me close 54 schools in the next few months and I don't have the slightest idea what do do with all those boarded-up buildings. Until we can sell them, we will have to spend $1 millio... more »
Pink-Slipped - Sacramento Magazine - May 2013 - Sacramento, California
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Pink-Slipped - Sacramento Magazine - May 2013 - Sacramento, California: Pink-Slipped By Sasha Abramsky Posted on April 17 Area teachers are feeling the sting of budget cuts and layoffs. We take an in-depth look at those on the front lines. This is the story of a system in crisis, of what Sacramento City Unified School District Superintendent Jonathan Raymond terms “the continual corrosive effect on morale” of cuts, and of the collateral damage—to teachers, to students and to the broader community—when there isn’t enough money to pay all of the city’s education bills. It is a story... more »
Diana Rodriguez for State Assembly, District 9
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 21 hours ago
Diana Rodriguez for State Assembly, District 9: *Diana Rodriguez for State Assembly, District 9* *About Diana* Diana Rodriguez represents families in the 9th Assembly District as an elected trustee of the Sacramento City Unified School District. First elected in 2008, and then re-elected to a second term in 2012, she has been a leading voice against harmful school closures, proper spending of the district’s $440 million budget, and increased transparency. Diana has been an advocate for working families and children and has supported policies to improve schools and put the be... more »
Corporate Reform Puts Democratic Party Leaders in a Bind - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Corporate Reform Puts Democratic Party Leaders in a Bind - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Corporate Reform Puts Democratic Party Leaders in a Bind by Anthony Cody Leaders of the Democratic Party are finding themselves in a potentially dangerous bind due to their enthusiastic embrace of increasingly unpopular corporate education reforms. Under the Obama administration, many state and city leaders of the party have been vocal proponents of corporate reform. We have seen Newark mayor Cory Booker, Sacramento mayor and husband of Michelle Rhee Kevin Johnson, Chicago mayo... more »
New RTTT competition announced, targets Early Learning SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
SI&A Cabinet Report – News & Resources: New RTTT competition announced, targets Early Learning *The majority of the Obama administration’s remaining 2013 Race to the Top funds – some $370 million – will be available for states looking to develop successful early learning programs for children, according to an announcement Tuesday.* *While $250 million will be used to fund a second *Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant competition, *$120 million *will be made available as part of a second round of the Race to the Top-District competition, which supports locally-develop... more »
Academic Gains in NYC, D.C., and Chicago Overstated, Report Contends | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Academic Gains in NYC, D.C., and Chicago Overstated, Report Contends | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Academic Gains in NYC, D.C., and Chicago Overstated, Report Contends by thenotebook *(Members of the groups ACTION United, Youth United for Change, and the NAACP will be holding a press conference to discuss the report at the District's headquarters on Wednesday, April 17, 4 p.m.)* *This is a reprint of an article that originally appeared** at *Education Week. ------------------------------ *by Lesli A. Maxwell* The school improvement strategies highly touted by leaders such... more »
Driving force behind Bridgeport’s mandatory uniform policy is Board of Ed Member who sells school uniforms - Wait, What?
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 22 hours ago
Driving force behind Bridgeport’s mandatory uniform policy is Board of Ed Member who sells school uniforms - Wait, What?: Driving force behind Bridgeport’s mandatory uniform policy is Board of Ed Member who sells school uniforms by jonpelto Last week, with only about 40 days left to the 2012-2013 school year, Central High School announced that they would begin enforcing Bridgeport’s district-wide school uniform policy. As the CT Post wrote, “The edict, made during morning announcements Tuesday by Principal Stephen Anderson and sent home to parents by letter, was ordered by the d... more »
Education By The Numbers | Per pupil spending by school district in the United States
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
Education By The Numbers | Per pupil spending by school district in the United States: Ed Data: Per pupil spending by school district in the United States by Jill Barshay At the end of March, the Hoboken school board voted to increase taxes by 4 percent to pay for the school budget, which spends $23,716 per student, the second highest in the state of New Jersey. It struck me how much school spending has changed since I went to school, when wealthier districts consistently spent more on education than poor districts. In New Jersey, for example, the state kicks in money to help rai... more »
There’s a lot of ‘acting’ at U.S. Education Department
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
There’s a lot of ‘acting’ at U.S. Education Department: There’s a lot of ‘acting’ at U.S. Education Department Posted by Valerie Strauss on April 17, 2013 at 10:51 am Education Secretary Arne Duncan Nearly six months after the presidential election, the Education Department is still riddled with “acting” officials, and Secretary Arne Duncan is losing some of his key aides. Deputy Secretary Tony Miller is departing within the next month, according to Acting Press Secretary Darren Briscoe, and Assistant Secretary Carmel Martin, who ran the office of planning, evaluation and policy deve... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, April 17, 2013
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Freedburg: More than half of suspensions are for “willful defiance” of school authorities* Education Headlines *Wednesday, April 17, 2013* Desert Sands Unified District to refinance bondsThe Desert Sands Unified school board unanimously voted Tuesday to refinance a portion of a school construction bond, saving taxpayers an estimated $4.8 million over the next two decades. Temecula, Perris school districts considering layoffsTwo Southwest County school districts will consider eliminating a total of 22 positions this week, includ... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Vertical linking & looking for feedback on this year's ELA exams
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 23 hours ago
NYC Public School Parents: Vertical linking & looking for feedback on this year's ELA exams: Vertical linking & looking for feedback on this year's ELA exams by Leonie Haimson If you have children or students in grades 3-8 they are now in the midst of three days of state ELA standardized testing. Last year, the ELA exams werefull of errors and confusing and ambiguous questions, including the infamous Pineapple passage, which we first reported on our blog. This year, we have heard from teachers and principals that the reading passages were difficult and the questions extremel... more »
Revisiting the Compexities of Charter Funding Comparisons | School Finance 101
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Revisiting the Compexities of Charter Funding Comparisons | School Finance 101: Revisiting the Compexities of Charter Funding Comparisons by schoolfinance101 This Education Week Post today rather uncritically summarized a recently published article based on an earlier report on charter school spending “gaps.” I’ve not had a chance to dig into this updated study yet, but the Ed Week post also referred to an earlier study from Ball State University which I have critiqued on multiple occasions. Importantly, my previous critiques of this study point to the complexities of making thes... more »
UPDATE: The Ignored Arm of the Commons and the Invisible Hand of the Market – @ the chalk face
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
The Ignored Arm of the Commons and the Invisible Hand of the Market – @ the chalk face: On thoughtful disagreements and righteous anger by Barbara Madeloni I have been writing this post in my head since at least Occupy the DOE, so it is not simply a direct reply to president of the American Educational Research Association Bill Tierney’s recent email in which he, I expect in anticipation of the protests planned for Arne Duncan’s invited talk at the AERA conference, wrote: “I am weary of the abuse of social media by writers hurling anonymous, venomous insults—a practice that encour... more »
UPDATE: Rahm Emanuel and the myth of invincibility + Appearing to be invisible: An Oxymoron. | Fred Klonsky
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Appearing to be invisible: An Oxymoron. | Fred Klonsky: Tony at the Red Line Tap. by Fred Klonsky [image: TonyattheRedLine] It was a dark and stormy night. It seemed like Chicago hadn’t had a day without rain for weeks. “Good for the ducks,” my mom used to say. “What’ll you have Freddy?” Marty asks. “Hmmm. How about a cold bottle of Lindemans Gueuze Cuvée René” I said. “I was guessing that’s what you would be asking for so I happen to have one right here.” She reached down into Call now. They will vote on whether to gut pensions this week. by Fred Klonsky [image: 602002_6444736889118... more »
Cracking the School-to-Prison Pipeline | California Progress Report
coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 1 day ago
Cracking the School-to-Prison Pipeline | California Progress Report: Cracking the School-to-Prison Pipeline by callen *By Anthony Asadullah Samad* There has been another raging discussion taking place over the past couple months, that of the school-to-prison pipeline. How many different ways can we say that the absence of investment in America's intellectual capital causes - even promotes - devastating social consequences? And how many different ways can we assess the racial consequences of misapplied forms of social control? No, there are no more "whites only" or "colored only" s... more »