Schools Matter: Will Rahm the Raptor Take Arne Back to Chicago with Him? Please.
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Rolls On
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Rolls On: TFA Rolls On by Melissa Westbrook By the numbers:In an interview on the Huffington Post in December 2012, TFA founder and CEO Wendy Kopp said the following: *"On average, our corps members stay in the classroom for eight years."*Anthony Cody of the Living in Dialogue blog at Ed Week asked for substantiation of this claim because the generally previously accepted number was more like only 10-15% of TFAers stay past their third year. Others doing the math found that one study found that about 40% of TFAers leave after two years and anot... more »
Followed by @abcte on #twitter, so what is this American Board? – @ the chalk face
Followed by @abcte on #twitter, so what is this American Board? – @ the chalk face: Special episode of At the Chalk Face tonight, 9PM EST/6PM PST by Chalk Face, PhD We’ve invited a great guest, which is why the special day and time: Alexia Garcia, student organizer of a Portland boycott of the OAKS test. Probably the best test acronym by far. There’s some information here I’ll quote from Education Week, which is in turn from OregonLive: Alexia Garcia, a Lincoln High School senior, said the tests take away valuable class time and are ultimately unfair measures for both students and... more »
Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 12-4-12 AM Posts #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break 6-21 #soschat #edreform
UPDATE: The Ignored Commons: Our Children + Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee is a terrible comedian – @ the chalk face
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee is a terrible comedian – @ the chalk face: The Ignored Commons: Our Children by plthomasedd I have recently discovered an Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speaketh to the folly of charter schools.” When I explain that charter schools perform no better than public schools, and in many cases, create problems worse than the ones we need to reform in our current system (see my recent primer), I incite the ire of charter advocates, many of whom are middle-class and progressive. And this has led to another realization: Charter schools allow middle... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series Talk
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series Talk: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series TalkThe Sacramento Speakers Series presented education reform advocate and StudentsFirst founder and CEO, Michelle Rhee at the Community Center Theater on Tuesday, January 29th as part of this year’s lineup. The six-part lecture series showcases contemporary insights from some of today’s most influential figures. The Sacramento Speakers Series presented education reform advo... more »
Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer by thenotebook Former Philadelphia schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman, who led the District from 2008 to 2011, died Saturday of pancreatic cancer. She was 66. Ackerman had been living in Albuquerque, N.M. since she accepted a controversial buyout of her contract after leaving the District in August 2011. Before coming to Philadelphia, she had served as a superintendent in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. Raised in St. Louis where she attended a racially segregated ... more »
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 2-6-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*Nite Cap UPDATE**UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* Fairy Tale Jeopardy! JeopardyLabs:This is Not Powerpoint! by Lisa M When I created my Fairytale Jeopardy, I used a PowerPoint template. (And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). The hard part for me was keeping score. The kids and I would get all mixed up. It was a hot mess! :) Then I discovered JeopardyLabs. Love it. The game is online so it can be played wherever, or on whatever,you use to access the Internet. It keeps score with a click and the Jeb Bush at the Trough by P. L. Thomas A picture is worth a 1000 words... ... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Teachers Carrying Guns at School - That's a Paramount Duty?
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Teachers Carrying Guns at School - That's a Paramount Duty?: Teachers Carrying Guns at School - That's a Paramount Duty? by Melissa Westbrook In a newbie display of idiocy, newly elected Rep. Liz Pike (R-Camas) and several other Republicans are sponsoring HB 1788 that would authorize teachers to carry guns at school. Hilariously, here's their name for the bill: *Sec. 1. This act may be known and cited as the safer schools act of 2013.* Given the huge number of accidental shootings in this country, nothing could go wrong here. (The latest is a 3-... more »
UPDATE: Popular backlash against high stakes testing grows stronger NYC Public School Parents: Mayor's Appointees Force Big Testing Contract Despite Looming Classroom Cuts
NYC Public School Parents: Mayor's Appointees Force Big Testing Contract Despite Looming Classroom Cuts: A Guide to Corporate Education "reform" by Leonie Haimson Lots of parents are confused by the large number of education organizations that have sprouted up like weeds in recent years, many of which have “Children” or “Students” in the title, and claim to be working in the interests of children but actually pursuing the free-market ideology of privatizers, hedge funders and billionaires. Yesterday on Diane Ravitch’s blog, I wrote how one could identify these astroturf groups... more »
New Report: Profiting from Public Dollars | In the Public Interest
New Report: Profiting from Public Dollars | In the Public Interest: *New Report: Profiting from Public Dollars* Posted on 09/11/2012 For years, corporations have joined the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) for the opportunity to develop legislation that diverts public dollars into their corporate coffers. A new report by*In the Public Interest,* "Profiting from Public Dollars: How ALEC and Its Members Promote Privatization of Government Services and Assets," exposes ALEC's extensive privatization agenda. The report details how private prison corporations, online edu... more »
Judith Butler at Brooklyn College last night: Brave and Brilliant « Bill Ayers
Judith Butler at Brooklyn College last night: Brave and Brilliant « Bill Ayers: Judith Butler at Brooklyn College last night: Brave and Brilliant by billayers *Editors Note: Despite a campaign to silence them, philsophers Judith Butler and Omar Barghouti spoke at Brooklyn College on Thursday night. In an exclusive, *The Nation* presents the text of Butler’s remarks.* About the Author Judith Butler Judith Butler is a professor in the Rhetoric and Comparative Literature department at UC Berkeley. She is the… Also by the Author You Will Not Be Alone (War and Peace, Regions and Countries... more »
Technology: Use it, or lose it! « My Island View
Technology: Use it, or lose it! « My Island View: Technology: Use it, or lose it! by tomwhitby I recently got into a discussion with my friend Errol St. Clair Smith, Executive Producer at BAM Radio Network on the effect that technology has had on the news media. Many of the old tried and true guidelines of journalism have been forever changed with the 24-hour news cycle, as well as, news on demand. There is also the ability of anyone to publish at anytime and have the capacity of communicating to large masses with the click of a return button (command button for Apple Folks). Thi... more »
UPDATE: CSCOPE Announces Changes. Can This Happen In Common Core? Missouri Education Watchdog: Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database
Missouri Education Watchdog: Maxine Waters Confirms "Big Brother" Database: CSCOPE Announces Changes. Can This Happen In Common Core? by stlgretchen *CSCOPE and Common Core have many similarities.* * *From Donna Garner: *Message to the entire United States: It was grassroots citizens in Texas who got involved and uncovered CSCOPE. We can make a difference when we do our “homework” and then contact our elected officials. Our successful efforts in Texas to bring about change in CSCOPE can be replicated throughout this country to uncover the Common Core Standards.* **************... more »
UPDATE: FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Friday, February 8, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Large crowd lobbies against planned Sacramento City school closures Education Headlines *Friday, February 8, 2013* Mira Monte student caught with gun on campusA student was arrested Thursday after he brought a gun to Mira Monte High School, but authorities said they're not aware of any plans the boy had to actually use the weapon. LAUSD, other districts, raid meal funds for poor students to cover other costs, state reportsDriven to desperation by historic funding shortfalls, school districts across the state in recent years have b... more »
UPDATE: The Ignored Commons: Our Children + Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee is a terrible comedian – @ the chalk face
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee is a terrible comedian – @ the chalk face: The Ignored Commons: Our Children by plthomasedd I have recently discovered an Eleventh Commandment: “Thou shalt not speaketh to the folly of charter schools.” When I explain that charter schools perform no better than public schools, and in many cases, create problems worse than the ones we need to reform in our current system (see my recent primer), I incite the ire of charter advocates, many of whom are middle-class and progressive. And this has led to another realization: Charter schools allow middle... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-8-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Why We Need Public Schools! by dianerav Why do we have public schools? Would we be better off, as certain reformers now think, if everyone had school choice and went to a charter or used a voucher to go to a private or religious school? Do we need public schools? I asked Carol Burris, principal of South Side High School in Rockville Center, New York, how she would answer these questions. How would you answer? This is what Carol wrote: “When I think of the purpose of public schooling I always think of Dewey’s... more »
Changing the National Narrative About Public Schools...Next Steps | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Changing the National Narrative About Public Schools...Next Steps | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Changing the National Narrative About Public Schools...Next Steps [image: Cheryl S. Williams's picture] By Cheryl S. Williams on February 7, 2013 *By Cheryl Williams, Executive Director at Learning First Alliance* *The following post appeared on January 31, 2013, as the final LFA entry in the Transforming Learning Blog on Education Week. For the past year, LFA members have contributed postings to the EdWeek blog on a regular basis. Those wise commentaries are archi... more »
Outside spending pours into L.A. school board race -
Outside spending pours into L.A. school board race - Outside spending pours into L.A. school board race [image: Photo: Los Angeles School Board Member Steven Zimmer appears deep in thought as the LAUSD board meets March 2012. Credit: Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times] Outside groups are mounting campaigns to influence the outcome of three races for seats on the Los Angeles Board of Education. The outside donations are helping more than one candidate in District 4, which stretches from the Westside to portions of the west San Fernando Valley. That race pits one-term incum... more »
Another crazy conspiracy theory? No – it is a blatant attack on teacher pensions and public education in Illinois, Florida and federally. | Reclaim Reform
Another crazy conspiracy theory? No – it is a blatant attack on teacher pensions and public education in Illinois, Florida and federally. | Reclaim Reform: Another crazy conspiracy theory? No – it is a blatant attack on teacher pensions and public education in Illinois, Florida and federally. by kenpreviti There is no “crazy conspiracy theory” behind teacher pension problems. There is a blatant attack on teacher pensions and public education in state after state and federally by well financed politicians. Democrats in Illinois, Republicans in Florida, and Democrapublicans at the ... more »
Duncan to Congress: War on Public Education is Working | Blog
Duncan to Congress: Giving States Flexibility is Working | Blog: Duncan to Congress: Giving States Flexibility is Working Posted on February 7, 2013 by Cameron Brenchley War on Public Education Drones On States and their schools are breaking free from the restrictions of No Child Left Behind and pursuing new and better ways to prepare and protect all students, Education Secretary Arne Duncan told a Senate committee Thursday. In a hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Duncan promoted the value of providing flexibility to states under th... more »
Followed by @abcte on #twitter, so what is this American Board? – @ the chalk face
Followed by @abcte on #twitter, so what is this American Board? – @ the chalk face: Special episode of At the Chalk Face tonight, 9PM EST/6PM PST by Chalk Face, PhD We’ve invited a great guest, which is why the special day and time: Alexia Garcia, student organizer of a Portland boycott of the OAKS test. Probably the best test acronym by far. There’s some information here I’ll quote from Education Week, which is in turn from OregonLive: Alexia Garcia, a Lincoln High School senior, said the tests take away valuable class time and are ultimately unfair measures for both students and... more »
Ruben Brosbe Exposes His Incompetency at MS Ruben Brosbe Exposes His Incompetency at MS 331 by (Bronx Teacher) Back in July we here at SBSB shared how Ruben Brosbe, famed former E4E fool had gotten a gig using his Harvard Graduate School of Education skills with Citizens Schools NY as the leader of whatever at MS 331 in the Bronx. Recently a someone who had worked closely with Ruben at MS 331 contacted The Crack Team here at SBSB and we commissioned this person to to guest blog for us. Please sit back and enjoy. *First off was his relationship with the senior member of the... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Rolls On
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Rolls On: TFA Rolls On by Melissa Westbrook By the numbers:In an interview on the Huffington Post in December 2012, TFA founder and CEO Wendy Kopp said the following: *"On average, our corps members stay in the classroom for eight years."*Anthony Cody of the Living in Dialogue blog at Ed Week asked for substantiation of this claim because the generally previously accepted number was more like only 10-15% of TFAers stay past their third year. Others doing the math found that one study found that about 40% of TFAers leave after two years and anot... more »
Big Education Ape - SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-7-13 #soschat #edreform
*Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break* Sacramento Current--School Closures:"Too many Questions, too little time." by Kate_Lenox Cosmos Garvin's must read article raises many important questions about the districts push to close "under-enrolled" schools. The future of district bond measures is one issue that hasn't been talked about much in the debate over the closures. Just a few months ago the district sold voters on approving two bond measures to upgrade school facilities. The district had detailed assessments made of each site to give the public some knowledge of where ... more »
Diane in the Evening 2-7-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: Strange Bedfellows Oppose Common Core in Indiana by dianerav Glenda Ritz, the new State Superintendent of Public Instruction in Indiana, thrashed reform idol Tony Bennett last November. She received more votes than anyone else on the ballot except the Attorney General (she ran ahead of the governor). Tony Bennett, who famously supports free-market solutions to education problems, is an advocate for charters and vouchers, for evaluating teachers by test scores, and for for-profit online corporations and charters. Tony Bennett is one of the nation’s loudes... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation
NYC Public School Parents: Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation: Coalition of education, parent & privacy groups protest plan to share confidential student data with Gates-funded corporation by Leonie Haimson Education, parent and privacy groups, including the Massachusetts ACLU, the MA state PTA, the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, and Citizens for Public Schools, sent a letter today to the MA State Board of Education, protesting the state's plan to share confidential student and ... more »
A Compleat Guide to the Corporate Reform Movement « Diane Ravitch's blog
A Compleat Guide to the Corporate Reform Movement « Diane Ravitch's blog: *A Compleat Guide to the Corporate Reform Movement * Leonie Haimson, who leads Class Size Matters in New York City and was a co-founder of Parents Across America, has worked with other parents and with educators to compile a comprehensive list of corporate reform organizations and to identify the lingo of the reformers. She asks your help in reviewing the list and letting her know about errors and omissions. Review the list of organizations and definitions. You can let her know your thoughts at the email she... more »
UPDATE: Voting for the Levies Seattle Schools Community Forum: MAP Boycott Support/Action Rolls On
Seattle Schools Community Forum: MAP Boycott Support/Action Rolls On: Voting for the Levies by Melissa Westbrook Did you? Still pondering? I hear of virtually no one who is against the Operations Levy. The reality of what the state is NOT providing is clear for all to see. Take 25% of our General Fund away and watch the bottom drop out of our district. But BEX. In case you missed it, there are several loose groups against it but interestingly, none of them have joined forces. Depending on your point of view, this could be a good thing because there is not a focus or widesprea... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 2-7-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] What Happens When TFA Takes Over Vegas and Nevada by dianerav EduShyster tells a fascinating story about Nevada’s love affair with TFA. It is humorous but not funny. Nevada has large numbers of non-English speaking students but does not want to pay what t csts to help them learn. Nevada has the lowest graduation rate in the nation, worse even than Michele Rhee’s D.C. Schools. Las Vegas has some of the most overcrowded classrooms in the nation–as many as 50 in some classes. Two TFA alumnae have been elected t... more »
Sacramento News & Review - Sacramento city district's worst practices on school closures - Bites - Opinions - February 7, 2013
Sacramento News & Review - Sacramento city district's worst practices on school closures - Bites - Opinions - February 7, 2013: *Sacramento city district's worst practices on school closures* *Sacramento News & Review* * * By Cosmo Garvin This article was published on 02.07.13. *Related stories:* Downsizing the district Sacramento neighborhood schools to be shuttered, and the superintendent's “priority schools” will be spared. SN&R, 01.24.13. Superintendent man and the meddling mayor Michell Rhee and Mayor Kevin Johnson screw with other people's school syste... more »
UPDATE: Joy Resmovits: No Child Left Behind Review, Fountainhead In Idaho: Ed Today + No Child Left Behind Hearing Features Waiver Attack By Obama Ally
No Child Left Behind Hearing Features Waiver Attack By Obama Ally: No Child Left Behind Review, Fountainhead In Idaho: Ed Today by Joy Resmovits *Happy Waiver Day!* Today, the Senate's Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Committee will hold an oversight hearing on the No Child Left Behind waivers, featuring none other than U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, the big cheese himself. Catch our preview here. *Mandatory Reading?* In Idaho, a lawmaker has proposed a bill that requires all students to read Tea Party favorite Atlas Shrugged before they can graduate. *Kind Cops?* In... more »
Won’t you be my neighbor? A lesson in community relations | Baltimore Brew
Won’t you be my neighbor? A lesson in community relations | Baltimore Brew: Won’t you be my neighbor? A lesson in community relationsAnger over a proposed greenhouse at a Hampden high school leads a community activist to reflect on the need for educators to reach out to local communities. Edit Barry February 6, 2013 at 8:06 am Story Link 3 [image: green house at ACCE] Site of a dispute: this hoop house in Hampden has spawned opposition from residents on Berry Street, in background. Photo by: Mark Reutter The words “civic engagement” are the stuff of academic symposium titles and armc... more »
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 2-6-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*Nite Cap UPDATE**UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* Fairy Tale Jeopardy! JeopardyLabs:This is Not Powerpoint! by Lisa M When I created my Fairytale Jeopardy, I used a PowerPoint template. (And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). The hard part for me was keeping score. The kids and I would get all mixed up. It was a hot mess! :) Then I discovered JeopardyLabs. Love it. The game is online so it can be played wherever, or on whatever,you use to access the Internet. It keeps score with a click and the Jeb Bush at the Trough by P. L. Thomas A picture is worth a 1000 words... ... more »
New Director of School Fiscal Services Division - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education)
New Director of School Fiscal Services Division - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Appoints New Director of School Fiscal Services Division SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today congratulated Peter Foggiato on his appointment as the new director of the California Department of Education's (CDE) School Fiscal Services Division. "Peter brings a wealth of knowledge to his new position at the department," said Torlakson. "School districts across the state rely on the department's fiscal experts for help navigating ...more »
No Pools For Schools « PWC Education Reform Blog
No Pools For Schools « PWC Education Reform Blog: No Pools For Schools by pwceducationreform I spent most of my childhood swimming. Springboard pool in Springfield was my home, from early mornings at swim team practice to afternoons lounging around the pool. I remember the frozen hair after leaving practice in the winter and the chlorine smell that permeated everything I owned. One of the girls I swam with, Susie Rapp, received a silver medal in the 1984 Olympics for the 100 meter breaststroke. I swam on our neighborhood and high school teams until I turned 16, got a job, and d... more »
Council of the Great City Schools / Council of the Great City Schools - Homepage
Council of the Great City Schools / Council of the Great City Schools - Homepage: - *Read the January/February edition of the Urban Educator* - *PRESS RELEASE: Statement on the Passing of Arlene Ackerman by the Council of the Great City Schools* - *PRESS RELEASE:* *Thousands of Educators Nationwide Taking Advantage of Resource to Help Urban School Districts Implement New Standards* - *NEWS RELEASE: New Common Core Academic Standards Advancing in Nation's Urban School Districts, Report Shows* - *NEW REPORT: Implementing the Common Core State Standards in Urba... more »
Big Education Ape - SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-6-13 #soschat #edreform
*Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break* Chicago parents pass petitions at 37 schools to limit CPS testing by admin [image: standardized-tests]More Than a Score press release – Feb 6, 2013 Chicago parents pass petitions at 37 schools to limit CPS testing Joining National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott Chicago, IL: Demanding fewer standardized tests in their children’s schools, and more test transparency from the district, parents of children in 37 Chicago public schools gathered signatures before and after school today on a new petition created by the parent, te... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: A Kinder, Gentler Michelle Rhee? Don't Count On It
Seattle Schools Community Forum: A Kinder, Gentler Michelle Rhee? Don't Count On It: A Kinder, Gentler Michelle Rhee? Don't Count On It by Melissa Westbrook IS MICHELLE RHEE THE ANN COULTER OF EDUCATION? You may well have heard or seen Michelle Rhee on tv in the last week. She has a new book, Radical, that's she pushing. I have read a few excerpts and they don't fail to startle. As I had previously mentioned, the PBS series, Frontline, had Ms. Rhee as a focus of one show. It was quite the show as this was during the time period when she was DC Chancellor of schools. The re... more »
Today We Are All Garfield Teachers! - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week
Today We Are All Garfield Teachers! - John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week: Today We Are All Garfield Teachers! By John Wilson on February 6, 2013 7:35 AM [image: John Wilson Unleashed] We all knew that we would get to this point someday, that, somewhere, teachers would decide that their students were not served well by the proliferation of testing, test preparation, and test stress. We knew that someday and somewhere, teachers would declare that their students should come first and that their declaration would be written in civil disobedience. That is the American way, not to me... more »
UPDATE: Bush’s Education Foundation Sought to Influence Other State’s Employees + New Mexico Ed Boss – With Close Ties to Jeb Bush – Overrules State Commission in Favor of Another Bush Foundation Donor | Scathing Purple Musings
New Mexico Ed Boss – With Close Ties to Jeb Bush – Overrules State Commission in Favor of Another Bush Foundation Donor | Scathing Purple Musings: Bush’s Education Foundation Sought to Influence Other State’s Employees on Louisiana School Board Races by Bob Sikes Maine was among the states which In the Public Interests obtained emails in an FOIA request regarding contacts between Bush’s Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE) staff and numerous state employees. Only 13 emails were acquired, but one cloud included an exchange which revealed to what length FEE staff and state e... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, February 6, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Fensterwald: Brown details how to hold districts accountable under funding reform Education Headlines *Wednesday, February 6, 2013* Former school official sues districtA former Lodi Middle School vice principal who ordered a citizen's arrest against a physical education teacher for allegedly shoving her in 2011 has filed suit against the Lodi Unified School District, claiming she was forced to resign and has suffered "extreme and severe emotional distress." Committee says it didn't break law in decision on Cayucos student transfe... more »
Pencils down and dukes up: Two views of the growing anti-testing campaign among teachers. Is it for students or self-preservation? | Get Schooled
Pencils down and dukes up: Two views of the growing anti-testing campaign among teachers. Is it for students or self-preservation? | Get Schooled: Pencils down and dukes up: Two views of the growing anti-testing campaign among teachers. Is it for students or self-preservation? by Maureen Downey [image: crcted.0920 (Medium)]Two views of the growing organized resistance to standardized testing: From the Chicago Teachers Union, which is distributing an anti-testing petition today: As part of its “Pencils Down” campaign against high-stakes standardized testing, the Chicago Teachers Uni... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Wear Red for Ed Day
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Wear Red for Ed Day: Wear Red for Ed Day by Melissa Westbrook Don't forget to wear red today in support of teachers, parents and students against the MAP. This is especially true if you are going to the Board meeting tonight. *Updates from yesterday at Garfield:* From Scrap the MAP: *A bunch of substitute teachers were called in this morning, to cover the many weeks of testing the 430+ ninth graders. Asst Principals came into the classrooms and tried to pull out students to take the MAP. Many of the students stared straight ahead and would not... more »
Daily Kos: Another sign of what is wrong in public education
Daily Kos: Another sign of what is wrong in public education: Another sign of what is wrong in public education by (teacherken) is the desperate need for money as local and state governments either see tax revenues dropping (from depressed house prices and sales taxes or from deliberate attempts to starve revenues as Republicans slash tax rates on corporations and the wealthy). We have seen schools and districts selling naming rights to football stadiums, we have seen charging of fees for participation in athletics and other extracurricular activities. This week ... more »
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 2-5-13 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*Nite Cap UPDATE**UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* Standard & Poor's -- No standards but a lot of folks made poor by Mike Klonsky Forget for a brief moment that the current Illinois teacher-pension crisis is a manufactured one, caused primarily by the state's inability or unwillingness to raise enough revenue to make it's necessary contribution to the pension fund. Forget also for a brief moment, that the state legislature grabbed millions from that fund, into which retirees had been paying out of their take-home pay for decades and used that money to pay off other debts. Let's lo... more »
Big Education Ape - SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-5-13 #soschat #edreform
*Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break* PSAT for 2-5-13: Fight the tests – and school closings by admin The enemy has us fighting on at least two fronts: school closings and testing. [image: psat_logo]Most of the time, the two things are completely connected. Low test scores – which are most closely related to economic status - provide corporate reformers with the excuse to close schools. This year CPS has changed it up a bit by crying poor and “underutilized” using a bunch of data (100,000 “lost” city children, 50% empty schools) that is just as fishy as the test scores. Th... more »
Ed Notes Online: Parents, Advocates to Protest Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee ’s Right-Wing Agenda At Book Signing Event TONIGHT
Ed Notes Online: Parents, Advocates to Protest Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee ’s Right-Wing Agenda At Book Signing Event TONIGHT: Parents, Advocates to Protest Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee ’s Right-Wing Agenda At Book Signing Event TONIGHT by ed notes online Did you see the disappointing Jon Steward interview with Rhee last night where he had the chance to make her sweat? Here is some retribution. Actually, would have been fun to picket at the Stewart show -- might have spurred him on a bit. *Media Contacts:* Julian Vinocur. 203-313-2479. Dan Morr... more »
UPDATE: Why growing concentrated poverty dooms school reform
Why growing concentrated poverty dooms school reform: Why growing concentrated poverty dooms school reform Posted by Valerie Strauss on February 5, 2013 at 4:00 am - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - Share: - - - More » Until very recently, policymakers ignored the effect that concentrated poverty has on student achievement. Here’s a look at why more attention must be paid to the problem, written by Greg Kaufmann, who reports on poverty for the Nation, and Elaine Weiss, the national coordinator for the Broader Bold... more »
Action Alert! Seattle Supe forcing teachers to give MAP test today: Please sign the petition to cancel the MAP test in Seattle « Seattle Education
Action Alert! Seattle Supe forcing teachers to give MAP test today: Please sign the petition to cancel the MAP test in Seattle « Seattle Education: Action Alert! Seattle Supe forcing teachers to give MAP test today: Please sign the petition to cancel the MAP test in Seattle by seattleducation2011 [image: action alert] This just in: According to sources at Garfield High School, the teachers will NOT administer the test today and many students will not take the MAP test in support of the teachers and with the support of the Garfield High School PTSA. THE BOYCOTT STILL STANDS! *From ... more »
UPDATE: Governor Malloy’s attraction to the concept of “MAJOR” initiatives + Step up and show your support for Seattle Teachers! - Wait, What?
Step up and show your support for Seattle Teachers! - Wait, What?: Governor Malloy’s attraction to the concept of “MAJOR” initiatives by jonpelto Faced with a projected $1.2 billion budget deficit for next year and $63 billion in overall state debt and unfunded liabilities – giving Connecticut the largest debt burden per capita in the nation – Governor Malloy recently proposed a $1.5 billion initiative for UConn, a program to augment the existing $2.3 billion 1995-2017 UConn 2000/21st Century UConn program that was designed to rebuild, renew and expand the state’s public research ... more »
UPDATE: A Whiteous Cause +Let Them Eat Cake | EduShyster
Let Them Eat Cake | EduShyster: A Whiteous Cause by edushyster2012 *Introducing a new concept: “whiteousness,” the unshakable belief that one knows what’s best for others**, especially those of other races or lower income brackets.* Achievement-gap-measures that are all the rage in education reform circles are often fueled by a sense of “whiteousness.” Today I invite you to ponder one of the great questions of our age: How can I pull down some serious cheddar in the name of the achievement gap? How has the civil rights issue of our time turned out to be the source of so many civil... more »
S.88: 21st Century Charter School Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
S.88: 21st Century Charter School Act - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress: *TONITE'S NEW LAWS ARE ENTHUSIASTICALLY BROUGHT TO YOU BY * Bill Introduced: S.88 21st Century Charter School Act Open Congress : Major Bill Actions in Education programs funding - 6 minutes ago A bill to amend the public charter school provisions of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Bill Introduced: H.R.359 Center to Advance, Monitor, and Preserve University Security Safety Act of 2013 Open Congress : Major Bill Actions in Education programs funding - 6 minutes ago To ... more »
SPECIAL SCRAP THE MAP EDITION!!!! Step up and show your support for Seattle Teachers! « Diane Ravitch's blog
Step up and show your support for Seattle Teachers! « Diane Ravitch's blog: Step up and show your support for Seattle Teachers! by jonpelto [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Wednesday, Feb. 6th, 2013 is the National Day of Action to support Garfield High School and the other MAP test boycotters who are facing possible 10 Day Suspensions without pay for refusing to force students to take an unfair, counterproductive and bad standardized test. Information about the Day of Action can be found here: http://scrapthemap.wordpress. com/2013/02/02/national-day- of-actio... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s memoir: What you can learn from reading it
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhees memoir: What you can learn from reading it: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee’s memoir: What you can learn from reading it Posted by Valerie Strauss on February 4, 2013 at 5:42 pm - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - Reprints - - - - Michelle Rhee’s memoir, “Radical,” is coming out Tuesday and you may be wondering what, if anything, you could learn from reading the book. Plenty of things — like, for example, how the first time she fired someone was as a college sophomore while she managed a... more »
Jon Stewart’s betrayal: #michellerhee – @ the chalk face
Jon Stewart’s betrayal: #michellerhee – @ the chalk face: Jon Stewart’s betrayal: #michellerhee by Timothy D. Slekar [image: @TCF on Blog Talk Radio] *Tonight: Jon welcomes author Michelle Rhee. Her new book on education reform is called “Radical.” 11/10c.* I know. I know. Someone has to say it! WTF Jon? Really? You spoke at the SOS rally two years ago in favor of public school teachers. Your mom was a teacher. You have been the lone “media” voice pointing out the ridiculous claims made by the idiots (education reformers) that disparage teachers. And now your going to allow “... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ingraham PTSA Speaks on MAP
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ingraham PTSA Speaks on MAP: Ingraham PTSA Speaks on MAP by Michael Rice January 29, 2013 Dear Superintendent Banda, The board of the Ingraham High School PTSA respectfully requests that the district suspend all MAP testing at the high school level, effective immediately. Our PTSA represents the diverse community of parents, teachers, and students at Ingraham. We want our teachers to have the support they need to teach our students and effective tools to measure academic progress. An overwhelming majority of the teachers at our school have expr... more »
Questions and issues for discussion at the school closure meetings: | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Questions and issues for discussion at the school closure meetings: | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Questions and issues for discussion at the school closure meetings: by Kate_Lenox *Why is the district closing schools in the light of the passage of prop 30 and the Governor's new policy initiative to change the way schools are funded? *Sac City is 73% free and reduced lunch students. It could receive an infusion of funds. The district has sighted the Sacramento County Office of Education's requirement that that district have a balanced budget 3 years out or ... more »
Superintendent Apologizes for 'Several Factual Errors' in CFO Interview - Voice of San Diego: Education
Superintendent Apologizes for 'Several Factual Errors' in CFO Interview - Voice of San Diego: Education: Superintendent Apologizes for 'Several Factual Errors' in CFO Interview - Story - Comments (11) - Image *(1)* ShareShare PrintCreate a hardcopy of this pageFont Size:Default font sizeLarger font size - Photo by Sam Hodgson Bill Kowba RELATED DOCUMENTS *Kowba Statement re: Stan Dobbs Interview* Posted: Monday, February 4, 2013 12:36 pm | *Updated: 12:39 pm, Mon Feb 4, 2013.* - By *WILL CARLESS* San Diego Unified School District Superintendent B... more »
Big Education Ape - SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 2-4-13 #soschat #edreform
*Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break* The cradle-to-prison pipeline by Bill McKenzie / Editorial Columnist *Stand for Children-Dallas is part of the Stand for Children-Texas network. The goal of the organizations is to increase access to quality public schools for Texas children living in poverty.* Stand for Children-Dallas recently looked at zip codes with a high number of residents in Texas prisons. It turned out that 10 Dallas zip codes had the largest number within our city. Then the organization looked at data for the high schools in those zip codes. It wanted to see h... more »
It Takes a Whole School: School Librarians' Roles in The Whole Child — Whole Child Education
It Takes a Whole School: School Librarians' Roles in The Whole Child — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG [image: ASCD Whole Child Bloggers]It Takes a Whole School: School Librarians’ Roles in The Whole Child February 4, 2013 by ASCD Whole Child Bloggers *Post submitted on behalf of whole child partner American Association of School Librarians by Marcia A. Mardis, assistant professor with the School of Library and Information Science and associate director of thePartnerships Advancing Library Media (PALM) Center iSchool at Florida State University* "It takes a whole village... more »
Web 2.0 Taxonomy - The Educator's PLN
Web 2.0 Taxonomy - The Educator's PLN: Web 2.0 Taxonomy - Posted by Synessa Debro on February 4, 2013 at 12:31pm - View Blog Educators are undoubtedly familiar with Bloom's Taxonomy and how it has impacted which activities teachers design for learning activities.Teachers are also keenly aware of how technology can impact and motivate student engagement. This graphic organizer brings the two together and gives teachers an "Easy button" when deciding which Web 2.0 tools to explore at each level of the taxonomy. As you design your lessons, consider this visual aid to help... more »
New on-line only charter school, Connections Academy, gobbles up New Mexico
New on-line only charter school, Connections Academy, gobbles up New Mexico: New online-only charter school, Connections Academy, gobbles up New Mexico state by Danny Weil This fall public school students across New Mexico could start getting their education completely online by the largest member of the text book cartel, Pearson, out of England. Pearson also recently bought the GED tests many students take in order to graduate from high school and are buttoning up their takeover of public education at alarming speed. Education Secretary Designate Hanna Skandera recently approve... more »
Joy Resmovits: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Regrets, School Voucher Fight: Ed Today
Joy Resmovits: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Regrets, School Voucher Fight: Ed Today: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Regrets, School Voucher Fight: Ed Today Posted: 02/04/2013 8:06 am *Rhee-grets, She Has A Few?* Former Washington, D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee is out with a new memoir this week (called "Radical"), and she's making the talk show rounds to promote it. Yesterday, she told George Stephanopolous on "This Week" that maybe she shouldn't have fired that principal on TV. "My style is very deliberative and very focused on doing what's right for kids... more »
Ed Notes Online: MORE Educator Book Club! Starts With Ravitch Book Feb 12th, Join us!
Ed Notes Online: MORE Educator Book Club! Starts With Ravitch Book Feb 12th, Join us!: MORE Educator Book Club! Starts With Ravitch Book Feb 12th, Join us! by ed notes online MOREs are certainly busy bees and not just interested in union politics. Diane Ravitch's book is first up in the MORE book club and rumors are she will be (unconfirmed) at Julie's place for the discussion. Her place is not that big so RSVP if interested. I have a course that night so can't make it and besides don't want to take up someone else's spot. MORE is proud to sponsor this opportunity to read and lear... more »
Schools as Community Centers – @ the chalk face
Schools as Community Centers – @ the chalk face: Schools as Community Centers by Kris Nielsen My friend, Dr. Mark Naison, wrote a beautiful piece a while ago about his vision for education, which he graciously allowed me to reprint. I loved his idea of schools as community centers. I wanted to talk to about that for a minute: I’ve worked in schools that began using their personnel and resources to offer community programs and assistance–in effect, becoming the community center of the neighborhoods in which they serve. One fantastic example is Leslie Middle School in Salem, Or... more »
Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Death of Dr. Arlene Ackerman | U.S. Department of Education
Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Death of Dr. Arlene Ackerman | U.S. Department of Education: Statement by U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on Death of Dr. Arlene Ackerman FEBRUARY 3, 2013 *America's educators have lost a leader, and I have lost a friend and mentor. Whether in Philadelphia, San Francisco, or Washington, Arlene Ackerman cared deeply about America's urban schools and students. As a young superintendent in Chicago, I looked up to Arlene and learned a lot from her tenacity, courage and commitment to children.*
School turnarounds prompt community backlash - SFGate
School turnarounds prompt community backlash - SFGate: School turnarounds prompt community backlashBy CHRISTINA HOAG, Associated PressUpdated 1:04 pm, Sunday, February 3, 2013 [image: In this photo taken Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013, parents, teachers and students of Crenshaw High School protest outside the Los Angeles Unified School District headquarters to try to stop the conversion of the school to a magnet program in Los Angeles Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013. A backlash against drastic school reforms is growing across the nation. Photo: Damian Dovarganes] In this photo taken Tuesday, Jan. 1... more »
Student Unions of Portland Opt Out Campaign Press Conference: February 6th | United Opt Out National
Student Unions of Portland Opt Out Campaign Press Conference: February 6th | United Opt Out National: Student Unions of Portland Opt Out Campaign Press Conference: February 6th by admin *Student Unions of Portland state:* Come support the Student Unions of Portland at our press conference about the opt-out campaign! All over Portland Public Schools students will be opting out of taking their standardized OAKS tests. The Student Unions of Portland are encouraging students to opt-out to send a greater message about how standardized tests are an inaccurate representation of student k... more »
DC Kids Speak UP!
*Published on Dec 6, 2012* Thurgood Marshall Elementary School students in Washington, D.C. speak up against proposed school closing. Way to stand up for yourselves, Journey (3rd grade) and Marquis (2nd grade)!!
HBO Gets honest for 3 minutes....mostly. | MyFDL
HBO Gets honest for 3 minutes....mostly. | MyFDL: [image: User Picture]HBO Gets honest for 3 minutes….mostly.By: cmaukonen Saturday February 2, 2013 7:44 pm [image: Tweet]Tweet [image: digg] [image: stumbleupon] This 3 minute clip has been getting some play on the Internet. I don’t know how many people have shared it on YouTube and FB but it has been quite a few. The opening of the new series NEWSROOM, though not having cable I will not be able to see just how honest it will remain. Most series have at least 3 minutes worth watching. Now I do have to disagree to a small extent ... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Two new proposals to revamp mayoral control; about time!
NYC Public School Parents: Two new proposals to revamp mayoral control; about time!: Two new proposals to revamp mayoral control; about time! by Leonie Haimson State Sen. Velmanette Montgomery on steps of City Hall todayState Senator Velmanette Montgomery of Brooklyn and Assemblymember David Weprin of Queens announced they were introducing a new bill that would end mayoral control, by taking away his supermajority on the Board of Education, now called Panel for Educational Policy. The Board would continue to have 13 members: five appointed by the borough presidents, all public s... more »
The Weekly Update: Cyber buck$, high stake$ testing and charter school$. It’s all about the children, right? « Seattle Education
The Weekly Update: Cyber buck$, high stake$ testing and charter school$. It’s all about the children, right? « Seattle Education: The Weekly Update: Cyber buck$, high stake$ testing and charter school$. It’s all about the children, right? by seattleducation2011 *The Weekly Update for the News and Views You Might Have Missed* [image: cartoon] Some of our state representatives are not asleep at the wheel. On Friday I posted information regarding two bills that are up for public hearings this coming week. That same day three of our representatives questioned the motives of the legislat... more »
Diane in the Evening 2-3-13 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: The Case of the Disappearing Teachers by dianerav EduShyster has discovered a brilliant program for highly effective teachers who don’t plan to hang around for very long. Read it and get a good laugh, as you always do when you read EduShyster. Here is the sales pitch: *Do you dream of CRUSHING the achievement gap but aren’t sure that a 14 hour work day is right for you? Are you MAD passionate about training the next generation of test takers but worry that you lack the hand gestures to keep a large class of minority students on task? Reader: I’ve got exc... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: The Similarities Between CSCOPE and Common Core
Missouri Education Watchdog: The Similarities Between CSCOPE and Common Core: The Similarities Between CSCOPE and Common Core by stlgretchen Does CSCOPE sound like Common Core? What is CScope? From the home page: *CSCOPE is a customizable, online curriculum management system aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). CSCOPE's high quality curriculum, assesment, and instructional components assist schools in meeting the high standard of rigor and relevance required in the TEKS and STAAR assessments.* CSCOPE has come under intense scrutiny from Texas legislato... more »
One Washington School District Is Trying to Copyright Homework - National - The Atlantic Wire
One Washington School District Is Trying to Copyright Homework - National - The Atlantic Wire: One Washington School District Is Trying to Copyright Homework by Connor Simpson One school district in Washington is looking to put a copyright on everything created by their employees or students, which means they would own new lesson plans, an app created in a computer science class, or even just your everyday homework. The *Washington Post*'s Ovetta Wiggins reports Prince George’s County Board of Education is raising eyebrows for their proposed new policy. As it stands, the policy ... more »
National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott
National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott: National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott by Server SOS Supports the National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott National Day of Action to Support Seattle MAP Test Boycott:*Originally Posted on February 2, 2013* *- MEDIA ADVISORY –* *“We demand quality assessment!”* *Wear Red on Wed for Ed! Scrap the MAP!* **Join the event on Facebook!** *Supporters will hold meetings, press conferences, rallies, take photos, and wear red to show support* *Contact:* *For more info, visit:*... more »
Pearson Looked for Test Graders on Texas Craigslist | Scathing Purple Musings
Pearson Looked for Test Graders on Texas Craigslist | Scathing Purple Musings: Pearson Looked for Test Graders on Texas Craigslist by Bob Sikes You just can’t make this stuff up. By now, many Texans are familiar with the backlash against the over-testing of our students in public schools. Most of this backlash has focused on the amount of tests being given and the amount of time, energy and resources being spent on “teaching to the test” as opposed to our students mastering and retaining the information. Another issue has just surfaced that has caused significant concern about ... more »
UPDATE:Quote of the Decade - Jersey Jazzman: Michelle Rhee Can't Possibly Be This Stupid, Can She?
Jersey Jazzman: Michelle Rhee Can't Possibly Be This Stupid, Can She?: Michelle Rhee Can't Possibly Be This Stupid, Can She? by Duke Oh, my sweet, sweet lord: *You offered thousands of dollars to teachers and principals who brought up their schools’ test scores. Did you ever consider that it would encourage some to cheat? * Teachers have integrity. And if money was the motivating factor, they wouldn’t be in education. *Michelle, if money isn't a motivating factor for teachers, why would you * * * Quote of the Decade by Duke I would so love to hear Bill Gates try to answer this:... more »
National revolt against MAP Standardized Testing takes shape as Hartford expands MAP Standardized testing…. - Wait, What?
National revolt against MAP Standardized Testing takes shape as Hartford expands MAP Standardized testing…. - Wait, What?: National revolt against MAP Standardized Testing takes shape as Hartford expands MAP Standardized testing…. by jonpelto Earlier this month, teachers at Seattle’s Garfield High School announced that they would be boycotting the (Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test system. The also released a letter explaining why. The teachers wrote, “…MAP test is not good for our students, nor is it an appropriate or useful tool in measuring progress…It produces specio... more »
Ed Notes Online: Sign the Petition: UFT and NYC DOE: Share the Details of the Teacher Evaluation Agreement
Ed Notes Online: Sign the Petition: UFT and NYC DOE: Share the Details of the Teacher Evaluation Agreement: Sign the Petition: UFT and NYC DOE: Share the Details of the Teacher Evaluation Agreement by ed notes online *A new teacher evaluation needs to be fair and be a source of support to the classroom. Share the MOU.* [image: UFT and NYC DOE: Share the details of the Teacher Evaluation Agreement proposed] Petitioning UFT/DOE Share the details of the Teacher Evaluation Agreement being proposed ------------------------------ On January 17, 2013 United Federation of Teachers Preside... more »
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] What Lies Ahead for Education in Obama’s Second Term? by dianerav Gerald Coles here analyzes President Obama’s inaugural speech to divine what the President has in mind when he thinks about education policy. Coles unpacks the assumptions. The President seems to think of education only in terms of economic needs. He sees children as global competitors. He thinks that schools can overcome poverty. It makes for interesting readin Jersey Jazzman Evaluates Governor Cuomo by dianerav Jersey Jazzman has been wonderi... more »
UPDATE: #scrapthemap + Last week, #progressive #education summit in MD, @cityneighbors – @ the chalk face
Last week, #progressive #education summit in MD, @cityneighbors – @ the chalk face: Let us consider supporting #scrapthemap this Wednesday FEBRUARY 2, 2013 BY CHALK FACE, PHD LEAVE A COMMENT Here’s a link to the Facebook campaign. How can At the Chalk Face readers support this event next week? Keep that national momentum going for Seattle-area educators. Last week, #progressive #education summit in MD, @cityneighbors by Chalk Face, PhD Kristian Rusher, Kate Chesser, and yours truly. [image: Kristian Rusher, Kate Chesser, and yours truly.]This is the first chance I had to talk abou... more »
Join Us in DC: April 4-7, 2013 | United Opt Out National
Join Us in DC: April 4-7, 2013 | United Opt Out National: Join Us in DC: April 4-7, 2013 by admin Click HERE for the official schedule. This entry was posted in Uncategorized by admin. Bookmark the permalink. ** *Today, January 21st, 2013, is a remarkable day in history – a day that pays tribute to leadership, civil rights, and the power found in the voice of each individual. * *In his second inaugural address, President Obama declared, “You and I, as citizens, have the obligation to shape the debates of our time – not only with the votes we cast, but with the voices we lift in def... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected??
NYC Public School Parents: Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected??: Journey for Justice and "School choice" week; just whose choices are being respected?? by Leonie Haimson Last week was “School choice” week. The entire concept of “school choice week” was invented by Jeb Bush to promote the expansion of charter and vouchers, supposedly to allow for more parental choice in selecting their children's schools. Meanwhile, it was just revealed that Bush's organization, Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), promotes the busine... more »
Suit alleges teachers forced to work at non-union charter schools in California « Seattle Education
Suit alleges teachers forced to work at non-union charter schools in California « Seattle Education: Suit alleges teachers forced to work at non-union charter schools in California by seattleducation2011 [image: OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA] This is where all of this ed reform is ultimately going…into the courts and then down the toilet. When you have charlatans hiding behind fauxroot puppet organizations, pulling the strings with millions of dollars so that others can make a fortune off of a public good, well, nothing good will come out of that with the deceit and lies that are perpe... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series Talk
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series Talk: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Says "We Have Gone Completely Soft" at Sacramento Speakers Series TalkThe Sacramento Speakers Series presented education reform advocate and StudentsFirst founder and CEO, Michelle Rhee at the Community Center Theater on Tuesday, January 29th as part of this year’s lineup. The six-part lecture series showcases contemporary insights from some of today’s most influential figures. The Sacramento Speakers Series presented education reform advo... more »
RSVP to Special DAC Meeting + District Advisory Committee (DAC) - Sacramento City Unified School District
District Advisory Committee (DAC) - Sacramento City Unified School District: *Special DAC Meeting* *When* Tuesday February 5, 2013 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM PST Add to Calendar *Where* *Serna Center* 5735 47th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95824 Driving DirectionsHello fellow DAC Members Many of you have heard about the District staff recommendation Board to approve a recommendation to close 11 elementary schools in the District. The schools recommended for closure are: 1. CB Wire 2. Mark Hopkins 3. Washington 4. Tahoe 5. Fruitridge 6. James Marshall 7. CP Huntington ... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Want Change in SPS? BE that Change
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Want Change in SPS? BE that Change: Want Change in SPS? BE that Change by Melissa Westbrook Someone requested a thread about talking about how middle school might now work in the NE region. (Frankly, this will actually have a reach over to the NW where the new Wilson-Pacific will affect Whitman enrollment. As well, a decision will have to be made on APP middle school and that will affect all regions.) Key questions (but chime in): - what is the district's plan/timeline for JA MS? - should the new JA MS have a focus or be a solid middle school a ... more »
Dismantling Public Accountability & Transparency in the Name of Accountability & Transparency? « School Finance 101
Dismantling Public Accountability & Transparency in the Name of Accountability & Transparency? « School Finance 101: Dismantling Public Accountability & Transparency in the Name of Accountability & Transparency? by schoolfinance101 This post comes about as a follow up to a previous post where I critiqued the rationale of the Students First policy agenda. It should be noted that the Students First policy agenda is anything but unique. Like DFER, SFER, ALEC or any policy advocacy organization, the SF policy agenda is little more than an aggregation of largely non-original, templat... more »
The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar
The Weekly Cheddar : blue cheddar: The Weekly Cheddar February 2, 2013 By bluecheddar January 27 - February 2, 2013 [image: Share] This is my 4th weekly round-up of the Wisconsin political news and opinion I think you gotta read like yer life depends on it should see. *Robin Vos Got Served A* *Subpenis* *Subpoena* “Correction: Wisconsin State Assembly Speaker was served with a “subpoena” not a “subpenis.” We regret any confusion this error may have caused.” Wish I had the photoshop skillz of Root River Siren. *Walkergate Updates* Walker transfers $40,000 to legal fund – from Daniel ... more »
Churn for Charters is No Solution - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Churn for Charters is No Solution - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Churn for Charters is No Solution by Anthony Cody The latest report from the research team at CREDO could be seen as solace to some critics of charter schools. This article from the New York Times summarizes the report's message: Despite a growing number of studies showing that charter schools are generally no better -- and often are worse -- than their traditional counterparts, the state and local agencies and organizations that grant the charters have been increasingly hesitant to shut down school... more »
Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Arlene Ackerman, 66, dies of cancer by thenotebook Former Philadelphia schools Superintendent Arlene Ackerman, who led the District from 2008 to 2011, died Saturday of pancreatic cancer. She was 66. Ackerman had been living in Albuquerque, N.M. since she accepted a controversial buyout of her contract after leaving the District in August 2011. Before coming to Philadelphia, she had served as a superintendent in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. Raised in St. Louis where she attended a racially segregated ... more »
Chicago Teachers Union | Disappearing acts: The decline of black teachers
Chicago Teachers Union | Disappearing acts: The decline of black teachers: Disappearing acts: The decline of black teachers BY *BRANDON JOHNSON, CTU ORGANIZER* | 01/31/2013 As long as I can remember, there has been a perennial plea for black people to enter the teaching profession, and many of us enthusiastically headed this righteous call. However, as the nation's population and students have grown more diverse, the teaching force has done the opposite — it's grown more white and less diverse; the growing shortage of black teachers, especially black men is an issue in the nation'...more »
UPDATE: Kwame draws the news. The bus strike + CTU VP and family opt out of CPS high stakes testing. « Fred Klonsky
CTU VP and family opt out of CPS high stakes testing. « Fred Klonsky: Kwame draws the news. The bus strike. by Fred Klonsky From the NY Times: Kids draw the news. Bus strike. [image: 17kidsbus-cityroom-jumbo-v3] CTU VP and family opt out of CPS high stakes testing. by Fred Klonsky CTU web site. *Joenile S. Albert-Reese* *AN Pritzker School* *2009 W. Schiller Ave.* *Chicago, IL 60622* *January 15, 2013 * *Dear Dr. Reese, * *We are writing to inform you that we are exercising our right to exempt our children from all non-state mandated tests for the current school year. This includ... more »
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Should Select Schools Be Compared to Non-Select Schools? by dianerav A New Orleans research group says comparing select and non-select schools is wrong. Yet boosters of select charters do it often. A Billionaire Obsessed by Union-Phobia by dianerav What do you say about a billionaire in Idaho who sees unions as the biggest threat to the American way of life? As most people know, the number of people who belong to unions has declined dramatically in recent decades. As manufacturing jobs were outsourced to ... more »
The Inconvenient Truth Of Education “Reform” - Jeff Bryant
The Inconvenient Truth Of Education “Reform” - Jeff Bryant: The Inconvenient Truth Of Education “Reform” by Jeff Bryant Events this week revealed how market-driven education policies, deceivingly labeled as “reform,” are revealing their truly destructive effects on the streets and in the corridors of government. From the streets, we heard from civil rights and social justice activists from urban communities that school turnaround policies mandated by the Obama administration’s education agenda are having disastrous results in the communities they were originally intended to serve. ... more »