Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations
Education advocate Michelle Rhee fends off accusations
Michelle Rhee, head of a group that advocates using student test scores to evaluate teachers, fends off accusations that she failed to pursue evidence of cheating when she ran the D.C. school system.
By Howard Blume
Michelle Rhee, head of an influential education advocacy group that backs using student test scores to evaluate teachers, this week fended off accusations that she failed to pursue evidence of cheating when she ran the District of Columbia school system.
In an internal memo, a district consultant warned that about 190 teachers at 70 schools — more than half the system’s campuses — may have cheated in 2008 by erasing wrong answers on student testing sheets and filling in correct ones. The four-page document was made public last week in a post by PBS journalist John Merrow, who had received the memoanonymously.
In an interview with The Times editorial board, Rhee said that although she “didn’t see the memo” at the time,
Michelle Rhee, head of a group that advocates using student test scores to evaluate teachers, fends off accusations that she failed to pursue evidence of cheating when she ran the D.C. school system.

Michelle Rhee, head of an influential education advocacy group that backs using student test scores to evaluate teachers, this week fended off accusations that she failed to pursue evidence of cheating when she ran the District of Columbia school system.
In an internal memo, a district consultant warned that about 190 teachers at 70 schools — more than half the system’s campuses — may have cheated in 2008 by erasing wrong answers on student testing sheets and filling in correct ones. The four-page document was made public last week in a post by PBS journalist John Merrow, who had received the memoanonymously.
In an interview with The Times editorial board, Rhee said that although she “didn’t see the memo” at the time,