Gabby Giffords nails it on Senate’s failure

Former congresswoman Gabby Giffords and President Obama in the Rose Garden on Wednesday talking about the Senate’s failure on gun control . (By Jacquelyn Martin/AP)
So much for making children and adults in schools safer.
As anybody following the news knows by now, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a water-down compromise of a watered-down version of legislation that would have banned some military-style assault rifles, limited the size of ammunition magazines and expanded background checks on most gun sales– measures that were aimed at keeping weapons out of the hands of criminals.
Former Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was a member of the House when she was grievously wounded in Tucson in 2011 in a mass shooting that left six dead and many injured, wrote a piece for The New York Times op-ed page that sums up her disgust in just a few sentences:
Senators say they fear the N.R.A. and the gun lobby. But I think that fear must be nothing compared to the fear the first graders in Sandy Hook Elementary School felt as their lives ended by a hail of bullets. The fear that those children who survived the
Why I’m not writing (anything new) about Jay’s High School Challenge Index this year
I decided not to write about my unrivaled colleague Jay Mathews’s just-published super-famous High School Challenge Index for 2013. First, I suppose, I should tell you what it is I am not writing about. Every year, Jay does a list … Continue reading →