Harrison Wills, once the Student Body President of Santa Monica College who worked for Opensecrets.org in Washington D.C. where he learned some excellent research skills has discovered the following. Wills will be attending Whitman College soon on a full-boat scholarship. His research is excellent and as a young student, he knows

more than the teachers, union, faculty and staff at most what were once called ‘community colleges’.
From Wills:
Santa Monica College (SMC) has a contract with the lobby firm: Strategic Education Services: see below.
Please note the lobby firm’s other clients are privatization agenda companies- Connections Academy, one of the biggest online schools is now owned by Pearson- the testing giant out of England and also the owner of the GER or high school equivalency test.
K Street Consulting is another lobby firm. (Oakland Unified is one of K Street’s clients).
There are major conflicts here between public institutions such as SMC and private education companies. Assemblywoman, Julia