Teachers Are Still Leading NBPTS
A reader writes to set the record straight:
My comments are simply to state facts and correct the misconceptions in the responses.I was a founding member of the National Board in 1987–a classroom special education teacher from Michigan. (Yes, serving with 62 other board members like Deborah Meier, Al Shanker and Mary Futrell but mostly, a majority of teachers) In 1990, I joined the National Board as staff–the first teacher hired by the start up organization. I worked as a Vice President for the organization until 2000 and witness the launch and continual evolution of National Board Certification. In 2010, I was re-elected to the NBPTS board of directors and serve now.The NBPTS by-laws state the the board is a teacher led board, and I serve with the most amazing NBCTs in
A Slight Correction to the Duncan Interview
A reader writes to offer some corrections of a minor sort to the interview with Secretary Duncan: