Latest News and Comment from Education

Friday, December 10, 2010

Schools Matter: “The federal government, both the executive branch and the legislative branch, have virtually abandoned school integration”

Schools Matter: “The federal government, both the executive branch and the legislative branch, have virtually abandoned school integration”

“The federal government, both the executive branch and the legislative branch, have virtually abandoned school integration”

While the Oligarchs' point system for Race to the Top applications included bribery for states adopting data surveillance, pay for test scores, teacher evaluation plans based on tests, and segregative charter schools, there were no incentives or bonus points for ending, or even challenging, the resegregation of American schools, which began in earnest during the Reagan era.

From this illuminating piece of journalism in Miller-McCune, we are reminded again of the quickly-cementing image of an Administration emasculated by its fear and cowardice to address the social and economic issues that must be put on the table if the Republic is to survive. If it is not fear and cowardice, then it is complicity, which recommends Obama-Duncan to even a hotter circle of Hell:
. . . . School districts have been moving away from integrated classrooms that could yield these