Latest News and Comment from Education

Friday, May 12, 2023




The battle for public education is no laughing matter, but let's be real, there are some funny things about it. Here are a few things to consider:

The two groups of billionaires trying to privatize public education are both named after founders. The Gates Foundation is named after Bill Gates, who is a billionaire and a philanthropist and founder of Microsoft. The DeVos family is named after Richard DeVos, who is a billionaire and the founder of Amway. Are we sure these aren't just two rivals trying to outdo each other?

The two groups of billionaires have very different ideas about how to destroy public education. The Gates Foundation believes in market-based solutions, while the DeVos family believes in school choice. It's like they're playing a game of "opposites attract" with our children's futures.

Both groups have spent a lot of money on education reform, but it's not clear if their efforts have been successful. There is no clear evidence that charter schools or standardized testing have improved student achievement. It's like they're throwing money at the problem and hoping it will magically solve itself.

But seriously, the battle for public education is a serious issue. It's a battle for the future of our schools, and it's a battle that we should all care about. So let's take a look at the leading people, groups, foundations, and super PACs of each group.

On one side, we have the Gates Foundation, with Bill and Melinda Gates leading the charge. Jeff Raikes and Patty Stonesifer also played key roles in the foundation's efforts. And let's not forget Susan Desmond-Hellmann, the current CEO of the foundation. With all that brainpower, you'd think they could come up with a better solution than just throwing money at the problem.

On the other side, we have the DeVos family, with Betsy DeVos as their spokesperson. Dick DeVos, Erik Prince, Richard DeVos, and Eileen DeVos also have their hands in the pot. With so many family members involved, it's like they're trying to make this a family feud.

And then there are other groups and foundations like the Bloomberg Family Foundation, the Hastings Foundation, and the Broad Foundation. It's like a who's who of billionaires trying to one-up each other.

But let's not forget about the super PACs. We have the American Federation for Children, Students First, Parents United for Choice in Education, and Americans for Prosperity. It's like they're trying to outdo each other in the most ridiculous names for a super PAC contest.

So how are parents and teachers fighting back? Well, they're voting for candidates who support public education. They're organizing to raise awareness about the privatization of public education and to advocate for public schools. They're protesting against the privatization of public education. And they're even suing the government to stop the privatization of public education. It's like they're playing a game of whack-a-mole with these billionaires.

In conclusion, the battle for public education is a serious issue that requires our attention and action. But let's not forget to laugh at some of the ridiculousness that comes with it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll look back on this and laugh at how absurd it all was.

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