There Is Virtually No Difference Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Charter Schools
Every single charter school in the United States of America is either a disaster or a disaster waiting to happen
Stop kidding yourself.
Charter schools are a bad deal.
It doesn’t matter if they’re for-profit or nonprofit.
It doesn’t matter if they’re cyber or brick-and-mortar institutions.
It doesn’t matter if they have a history of scandal or success.
Every single charter school in the United States of America is either a disaster or a disaster waiting to happen.
The details get complicated, but the idea is really quite simple.
It goes like this.
Imagine you left a blank check on the street.
Anyone could pick it up, write it out for whatever amount your bank account could support and rob you blind.
Chances are you’d never know who cashed it, you’d never get that money back, and you might even be ruined.
That’s what a charter school is—a blank check.
It’s literally a privately operated school funded with public tax dollars.
Operators can take almost whatever amount they want, spend it with impunity, and never have to submit to any real kind of transparency or accountability.
Compare that to a traditional public school—an institution invariably operated by duly elected members of the community with full transparency and accountability in an open forum where taxpayers have access to internal documents, can have their voices heard and even seek an administrative position.
THAT’S a responsible way to handle public money!
Not forking over our checkbook to virtual strangers!
Sure, they might not steal our every red cent. But an interloper who finds a blank check Continue reading: There Is Virtually No Difference Between Nonprofit and For-Profit Charter Schools