L.A. teachers union seeks to re-negotiate evaluation system | 89.3 KPCC
L.A. teachers union seeks to re-negotiate evaluation system | 89.3 KPCC: L.A. teachers union seeks to re-negotiate evaluation systemThe union representing teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District wants to re-work how the district rates teachers' job performance.It's one of two portions of the labor contract between the district that United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) leaders proposed
Invitation Title I committee of practitioners. CPAG Appointment - Application Information (CA Dept of Education)
Invitation for CPAG Appointment - Application Information (CA Dept of Education): Invitation for CPAG AppointmentApplications Invited for Appointment to the California Practitioners Advisory GroupThe State Board of Education (SBE) is currently seeking applications to fill up to 15 positions on a newly constituted advisory committee, which will be called the California Practitioners Advisory Group
American Federation of Teachers President: Hillary's a 'pragmatic progressive' - Talk Media News
American Federation of Teachers President: Hillary's a 'pragmatic progressive' - Talk Media News: American Federation of Teachers President: Hillary’s a ‘pragmatic progressive’Talk Media News' Justin Duckham spoke with Randi Weingarten, President of the AFT and member of the AFL-CIO, about endorsing Hillary Clinton for the presidency. MANCHESTER, N.H. (Talk Media News) – The American Federation of
Seattle Schools Community Forum: SPS Asking for Input on Family Survey
Seattle Schools Community Forum: SPS Asking for Input on Family Survey: SPS Asking for Input on Family SurveySPS is working on the Family Survey and are considering some new questions to add to it. They would like your input but please get this back to them by the end of this week. Send feedback to research@seattleschools.orgI applaud the district in asking for this input. My input is that I f
Terrible Teacher Thoughts. Can I Tweet That? | Welcome to the Testing Games
Terrible Teacher Thoughts. Can I Tweet That? | Welcome to the Testing Games: Terrible Teacher Thoughts. Can I Tweet That?You know the story.Room full of teachers. Data abound.One teacher seems to take charge. The enthusiasm is nauseating.A few teachers are sneaking glances at their phone. A few are watching … waiting.The directions continue:“Use the testing printouts to identify students who have
Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan signs with CAA - Chicago Tribune
Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan signs with CAA - Chicago Tribune: Former Education Secretary Arne Duncan signs with talent agency ne Duncan, President Obama's former secretary of education, has signed withCAA, a talent and sports agency.The agency said that it "will create opportunities for Duncan across all areas, including books and speaking, as well as identify new business ventures
solidaridad: Gülen cult’s corporate charter chain’s Magnolia Science Academy
solidaridad: Gülen cult’s corporate charter chain’s Magnolia Science Academy: Gülen cult’s corporate charter chain’s Magnolia Science AcademyGülen cult’s corporate charter chain’s Magnolia Science AcademyGülenist CEO Caprice Young claims that the privately managed Magnolia Science Academy Reseda (MSA) is a “high performing” charter school. Do the facts bear out her marketing claim?College Entrance
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Editorial Boards Weigh in on Recent Republican Legislative Action
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Editorial Boards Weigh in on Recent Republican Legislative Action: Editorial Boards Weigh in on Recent Republican Legislative ActionBasically, the editorials seem to be asking "what are YOU doing to solve problems besides criticizing others?" (bold mine)From the Daily Herald:Peterson was dismissed without being given an opportunity to defend her record, n
Dora Taylor: Washington's Charter School Fight—Let's Set the Record Straight | The Progressive
Washington's Charter School Fight—Let's Set the Record Straight | The Progressive: Washington's Charter School Fight—Let's Set the Record Straight Washington State has been ground zero in the fight over charter schools this past year, and misinformation abounds.Over the last several years Bill Gates and the Waltons of Walmart poured millions of dollars into Washington to establish charter schools
United Teachers of Flint: When a Student Asks: Am I Going to Die? - Lily's Blackboard
When a Student Asks: Am I Going to Die? - Lily's Blackboard: When a Student Asks: Am I Going to Die?I sat with our brave colleagues and cried with them. Karen Christian is a math teacher, but after school she’s president of United Teachers of Flint. That’s how it is with most of our union activists; they volunteer to be the union voice of their colleagues after their students head home. Karen’s t
Maestro, Some “Opt Out” Music Please | The Merrow Report
Maestro, Some “Opt Out” Music Please | The Merrow Report: Maestro, Some “Opt Out” Music PleaseMajor celebrations always begin with music. Sunday’s Super Bowl had Lady GaGa, for example. The national meeting of United Opt Out will have music of its own. A well-placed source inside the organization tells me that the annual meeting (beginning Friday in Philadelphia) will kick off with a variation o
NEIFPE Answers Reformer’s Questions | Live Long and Prosper
NEIFPE Answers Reformer’s Questions | Live Long and Prosper: NEIFPE Answers Reformer’s QuestionsI’m a member of NEIFPE, the Northeast Indiana Friends of Public Education(Facebook page: HERE and @NEIFPE on Twitter).Last week we received an email from someone who is “not a public school teacher,” but “works in a public charter school” and is taking a “class” delivered by the Institute for Quality Ed
Pick Me! Pick Me! I Want My Child to *OPT IN*. – Missouri Education Watchdog
Pick Me! Pick Me! I Want My Child to *OPT IN*. – Missouri Education Watchdog: Pick Me! Pick Me! I Want My Child to *OPT IN*.*Please please please* opt my child into a test like this! Educational reform must include the move from passive permission for student testing/data mining to active permission being required from parents before testing/data tracking of students. Parents must have the legal
With A Brooklyn Accent: Who's Going to Honor Them?
With A Brooklyn Accent: Who's Going to Honor Them?: Who's Going to Honor Them? When you praise Teach for America, as President Obama did at TFA's 25th anniversary celebration, for bringing "high quality teachers" into schools in high needs communities, it is an implicit insult to teachers already there who have made this work their lifetime commitment. I wonder how many TFA Corps members
State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm
State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm | Center for Popular Democracy: State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm Low-performing public schools have become a critical battleground between corporate-backed initiatives that remove local control of scho
Making the case for school gardens as classrooms - NonDoc
Making the case for school gardens as classrooms - NonDoc: Making the case for school gardens as classroomsBy Tiara Blue -Tiara Blue’s son Dawson sits in a upraised bed of strawberry plants in their family garden. (Tiara Blue) TISHOMINGO — Gardening should be taught in schools, and not just because food is kind of important.School gardens have been tied to higher standardized test scores, fewer di
CURMUDGUCATION: Maryland University President's Loyalty Purge
CURMUDGUCATION: Maryland University President's Loyalty Purge: Maryland University President's Loyalty PurgeRemember the story about the university president in Maryland who directed his faculty to "drown the bunnies" in order to improve their retention and graduation numbers? Well, according to Inside Higher Ed, he has gone after and fired faculty members that he considers disloyal-- in
Equity and Excellence in the President’s Budget for Education | ED.gov Blog
Equity and Excellence in the President’s Budget for Education | ED.gov Blog: Equity and Excellence in the President’s Budget for EducationAnyone in America can succeed, but success doesn’t arrive overnight. More often, it’s the result of countless hours spent studying, of supportive families and communities, of educators preparing inspiring lessons and staying late with students who are struggling
Letter to the Auditor – Crazy Crawfish
Letter to the Auditor – Crazy Crawfish: Letter to the AuditorI recently received this letter from a friend named Mark Joyce, who has been getting very actively involved in Louisiana’s education scene and in particular the malfeasance at the LDOE. (Mark has recently been investigating and publishing pieces about campaign financing for candidates in the Advocate and Louisiana Voice.) After reading
Teachers Can’t Fix Poverty or Problems Like Housing Eviction | janresseger
Teachers Can’t Fix Poverty or Problems Like Housing Eviction | janresseger: Teachers Can’t Fix Poverty or Problems Like Housing EvictionFor twenty years, our society has embraced a theory of school reform whose driving idea is that if schools expect more and teachers work harder, test scores will rise among the students who struggle. It is a theory that expects public schools themselves to compen
ACLU unveils privacy fight in 16 states
ACLU unveils privacy fight in 16 states - Jan. 20, 2016: ACLU unveils privacy fight in 16 statesFrustrated with increasing surveillance by the federal government and corporations, politicians in 16 states are pushing for sweeping privacy laws.On Wednesday, officials proposed legislation to guard personal privacy and student data, and to make it harder for police to use high-tech spying tactics.The
What Happens to Students School-Lunch Bills Go Unpaid? - The Atlantic
What Happens to Students School-Lunch Bills Go Unpaid? - The Atlantic: What Do Unpaid Lunch Tabs Mean for Schools?Some schools are tossing out the lunches of those who don’t pay. Others provide free meals to all.Like many parents of school-age children, Frances Frost tries to keep up with the papers sent home in her daughter Natalie’s backpack. Sifting through permission slips, picture day fliers,
Politics, the Super Bowl, and, of course, the Children – the becoming radical
Politics, the Super Bowl, and, of course, the Children – the becoming radical: Politics, the Super Bowl, and, of course, the ChildrenThis was supposed to be another post about good teachers because I was invited to speak to a class of 4th graders about writing public opinion pieces and that experience confirmed myrecent assertion that to know if a teacher is good just watch and listen to the stude
State Takeover Failure: Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm – Cloaking Inequity
State Takeover Failure: Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm – Cloaking Inequity: State Takeover Failure: Financial Mismanagement & Student HarmToday the Center for Popular Democracy is releasing the report State Takeovers of Low-Performing Schools: A Record of Academic Failure, Financial Mismanagement & Student Harm. The report is an important compendium of information about hostile
ED needs primer on flexibility and local control :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet
ED needs primer on flexibility and local control :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet:ED needs primer on flexibility and local controlAnyone looking for examples of compulsive micro-management by government officials need look no further than the latest advisories from the U.S. Department of Education on the implementation of the Every Student Su
Join the Feb. 9 #ToxicTakeovers Twitter Storm | Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools #ToxicTakeovers
Join the Feb. 9 #ToxicTakeovers Twitter Storm | Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools: Join the Feb. 9 #ToxicTakeovers Twitter StormJoin the #ToxicTakeovers Twitter Storm on Feb. 9 at 1 PM EST Show Your Support as Detroit Kicks Off National Walk-Ins!On February 9, parents, students and educators in Detroit will kick off the first-ever nationally coordinated Walk-Ins for the Schools All Our Children De
We Are Walking in. Join Us! - Lily's Blackboard
We Are Walking in. Join Us! - Lily's Blackboard: We Are Walking in. Join Us!What do you get when you bring together on one day educators, parents, students, and community activists who believe that each and every student should have access to a great education?You get advocates with an impossible-to-ignore voice for schools.You get a “school walk-in,” and there will be hundreds of them across the
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Changing face of the city, schools and politics
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Changing face of the city, schools and politics: Changing face of the city, schools and politicsHere's what has replaced public housing in Rahmville. 2 Bedrooms In Cabrini-Green's New High Rise Start At $3,200 A Month. The units boast such amenities as Nest Thermostats, floor-to-ceiling glass windows and exposed concrete ceilings. The building's shared spaces includ
Democrats Malloy and Wyman stab state employees in the back – again – and again. - Wait What?
Democrats Malloy and Wyman stab state employees in the back – again – and again. - Wait What?:Democrats Malloy and Wyman stab state employees in the back – again – and again.When they were running for re-election, Governor Dannel Malloy and Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman were all smiles as they accepted the political endorsements from Connecticut’s state employee unions and the Connecticut AFL-CIO.When
What Kids Need From Grown-Ups (But Aren't Getting) : NPR Ed : NPR
What Kids Need From Grown-Ups (But Aren't Getting) : NPR Ed : NPR: What Kids Need From Grown-Ups (But Aren't Getting)Annelise Capossela for NPRErika Christakis' new book, The Importance Of Being Little, is an impassioned plea for educators and parents to put down the worksheets and flash cards. Ditch the tired craft projects (yes you, Thanksgiving Handprint Turkey) and exotic vocabulary lessons, a
Here’s What College Cost 200 Years Ago - Yahoo Finance
Here’s What College Cost 200 Years Ago - Yahoo Finance: Here’s What College Cost 200 Years AgoIf you were heading off to college in 1816, you wouldn’t have had to worry about buying extra-long sheets, renting a mini-fridge, or packing a spare iPhone charger. You would, however, need to load up on candles and oil—the electric light bulb still being some 60 years in the future.Plus, if you planned t
Did a War on Teachers Lead to New Shortages? - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week
Did a War on Teachers Lead to New Shortages? - Rick Hess Straight Up - Education Week:Did a War on Teachers Lead to New Shortages?Note: Joshua Cowen is Associate Professor of Education Policy in the College of Education at Michigan State University and you can follow him on Twitter at @joshcowenMSU. Katharine Strunk is Associate Professor of Education and Policy in the Rossier School of Education
In Education "Reform" Nothing Means What You Think It Does
In Education "Reform" Nothing Means What You Think It Does: In Education "Reform" Nothing Means What You Think It DoesIn the world of Education reform, nothing means what you think it will. We learned that the hard way with No Child Left Behind. I mean, of course we don't want a child left behind! Why would we want a child left behind? Sign the bill! Stamp the approval! All kid
Charter schools say L.A. Unified is unfairly scrutinizing their campuses - LA Times
Charter schools say L.A. Unified is unfairly scrutinizing their campuses - LA Times:Charter schools say L.A. Unified is unfairly scrutinizing their campuses price Young thought the worst was behind her, that her group's charter schools would be free to grow after straightening out the poor financial record-keeping that prompted a recent state audit.She was wrong.The school district still found fau
'Sunshine' questions loom over Philadelphia School Reform Commission resolution — NewsWorks
'Sunshine' questions loom over Philadelphia School Reform Commission resolution — NewsWorks: 'Sunshine' questions loom over Philadelphia School Reform Commission resolutionThe School Reform Commission is under fire for its handling of a surprise resolution. (Bastiaan SlabbersThe Philadelphia School Reform Commission is facing widespread questions about whether it acted illegally when it quickly pa
NAAPID: the day to welcome black parents to the table | MinnPost
NAAPID: the day to welcome black parents to the table | MinnPost: NAAPID: the day to welcome black parents to the table Staff at Bridge View School celebrating National African American Parent Involvement Day in 2015.I love National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID)! Each year when it comes near and I start to see the emails and invitations I mark it on calendar and get excited. Why
Cato: Which States Snag The Most K-12 Cash From Everyone Else?
Which States Snag The Most K-12 Cash From Everyone Else?: Which States Snag The Most K-12 Cash From Everyone Else?Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Arizona must love U.S. taxpayers for sending them so much K-12 money for lackluster education.The five states with the biggest appetite for federal K-12 cash are Mississippi, Louisiana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Arizona, accordi
School district deems teachers' union proposal inappropriate | Sacramento News - KCRA Home
School district deems teachers' union proposal inappropriate | Sacramento News - KCRA Home: School district deems teachers' union proposal inappropriateNatomas Teachers Association calls claims 'utterly false'NATOMAS, Calif. (KCRA) —The Natomas Unified School District (NUSD) claims a contract proposal from Natomas Teachers Association (NTA) union includes provisions that allow teachers to bring we
Swearing an Oath -- Part 2: The Kristallnacht of American Public Education
Swearing an Oath -- Part 2: The Kristallnacht of American Public Education:Swearing an Oath -- Part 2: The Kristallnacht of American Public Education As the second possibility, suppose that before or during their gubernatorial campaigns, our governors came out with a full-throated endorsement of charter schools. Why would these sworn protectors-to-be of public education do something as provocative
Most Charter Schools are Public Schools in Name ONLY | gadflyonthewallblog
Most Charter Schools are Public Schools in Name ONLY | gadflyonthewallblog: Most Charter Schools are Public Schools in Name ONLYCharter schools are public schools.But are they?Really?They don’t look like a duck. They don’t quack like a duck. Do you really want to serve them confit with a nice orange sauce?Sure, charters are funded by tax dollars. However, that’s usually where the similarities end.
Ex-principal of Franklin Towne charter files whistle-blower suit
Ex-principal of Franklin Towne charter files whistle-blower suit:Ex-principal of Franklin Towne charter files whistle-blower suit A federal whistle-blower suit claims an elementary principal at the Franklin Towne Charter School in Bridesburg was hired under false pretenses and then terminated after he raised serious concerns about its operations.Todd A. Dupell alleges that he was wrongfully dismis
More Transcribed Interactions from USDOE CIO Danny Harris’ Hearing | deutsch29
More Transcribed Interactions from USDOE CIO Danny Harris’ Hearing | deutsch29: More Transcribed Interactions from USDOE CIO Danny Harris’ HearingOn February 08, 2016, I published transcribed excerpts from the February 02, 2016, Congressional Oversight Committee Hearing of US Department of Education (USDOE) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Danny Harris. Danny HarrisIn this post, I continue my tra
Credentialing commission considers slowing rotation of substitute teachers | EdSource
Credentialing commission considers slowing rotation of substitute teachers | EdSource: Credentialing commission considers slowing rotation of substitute teachersThe California Commission on Teacher Credentialing this week will consider whether to create a new teaching permit in place of a decades-old permit that limits the amount of time substitutes can fill in for teachers on medical and other le
In an age of resegregation, these schools are trying to balance poor and wealthy kids - The Washington Post
In an age of resegregation, these schools are trying to balance poor and wealthy kids - The Washington Post:In an age of resegregation, these schools are trying to balance poor and wealthy kidsAs U.S. public schools have grown increasingly segregated by race and income, there is a growing number of school districts and charter schools striving for greater balance among their students, according to
Ed Notes Online: MORE Co-Sponsors: Lois Weiner at CUNY Tuesday 5-7PM
Ed Notes Online: MORE Co-Sponsors: Lois Weiner at CUNY Tuesday 5-7PM: MORE Co-Sponsors: Lois Weiner at CUNY Tuesday 5-7PMUnions must act on the principle that if it's a social justice issue, it's a labor issue. Join Dr. Lois Weiner in her presentation of New Jersey City University’sUrban Education & Teacher Unionism Policy ProjectTuesday, February 9th5pm - 7pmRoom 6304.01 at the CUNY Graduate
CURMUDGUCATION: VA: Stupid Lawmaker Tricks
CURMUDGUCATION: VA: Stupid Lawmaker Tricks: VA: Stupid Lawmaker TricksMark Obenshain is a lawyer/legislator in Virginia who has all sorts of cool ideas for laws to pass.Back in 2009, he proposed a law that would require all women who had a miscarriage while not right near a doctor to report that miscarriage within twenty-four hours. He was reportedly trying to respond to a case in which a woman th
CURMUDGUCATION: CAP: The Promise of Testing
CURMUDGUCATION: CAP: The Promise of Testing:CAP: The Promise of TestingCAP is back with another one of its "reports." This one took four whole authors to produce, and it's entitled "Praise Joyous ESSA and Let a Thousand Tests Bloom." Ha! Kidding. The actual report is "Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act: Toward a Coherent, Aligned Assessment System."The report
Russ on Reading: The Common Core and the "Stuff" Curriculum of E. D. Hirsch
Russ on Reading: The Common Core and the "Stuff" Curriculum of E. D. Hirsch: The Common Core and the "Stuff" Curriculum of E. D. HirschIn many ways, I see the adoption of the Common Core State Standards as the ultimate victory of E. D. Hirsch and his idea of "cultural literacy." I do not think that it is a coincidence that Hirsch advocates for a "core knowledge&q
Oregon Save Our Schools: Teacher Input: What would it really look like?
Oregon Save Our Schools: Teacher Input: What would it really look like?: Teacher Input: What would it really look like?It’s an election year and we’ve just been provided with a plan through the Governor’s office asking for nominations to the new Governor’s Council on Educational Advancement. The Council’s mission is to provide oversight to programs managed and funded through the Network for Quali
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/8/16
CORPORATE ED REFORMOregon Save Our Schools: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!Oregon Save Our Schools: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!As someone who has fought the battle against corporate education reform for the past four years, one would think I would have been the first parent in line to opt my children out of high-stakes testing.