Washington's Charter School Fight—Let's Set the Record Straight

Washington State has been ground zero in the fight over charter schools this past year, and misinformation abounds.
Over the last several years Bill Gates and the Waltons of Walmart poured millions of dollars into Washington to establish charter schools in the state.
Last fall the Washington State Supreme Court decided that those charter schools are unconstitutional, due to a lack of public oversight while using taxpayer dollars. The same organizations backed by Bill Gates including the League of Education Voters (LEV), Stand for Children (SFC) and the Washington State Charter Schools Association along with Democrats for Education Reform (DFER) founded by hedge fund managers, began funneling money to state legislators to bring bills to the floor that will circumvent public oversight of these charter schools.
Why all the flurry of activity over charter schools in our state? It's the money, of course.
Charter school operators, owners and CEO's stand to gain millions by taking Federal, state and district money to run their schools, whether they meet standards set by school district guidelines or not.
Many of these charter schools will take state money allocated for each student and then, particularly if they are special education students students with behavioral issues, or others who require more resources,will push them back into the public schools while keeping the taxpayer dollars.
Charter schools also make large profits by offering “blended learning” alternatives, which means placing students in front of computers for classes and testing. Some charter schools will place more than 40 students in a classroom in front of computers and have one “teacher” oversee the process. The teacher is not required to be certified, and many times is a Teach for America, Inc. (TFA) recruit who is paid far less than a certified teacher in the district, thus allowing the charter school to pocket money that should be spent teaching and supporting students.
There are charter school consultants who are openly fraudulent, charter school operators who bilk millions from states, and charter franchises that receive millions from the Department of Education, which is highly influenced by Eli Broad, a millionaire who champions charter schools. Some of our elected representatives will go to great lengths to set up profitable online charter schools in their districts,
Although charter schools tout themselves as being a better option to public schools, study after study has shown that is not the case. Skewed media coverage of the battle over charter schools, especially from the slick operation “The Seventy Four,” has created an echo chamber of misinformation about charter schools.
I want to set the record straight.
Let’s start with "the children". At this time approximately 840 students are enrolled in
- See more at: http://progressive.org/pss/washingtons-charter-school-fight%E2%80%94lets-set-record-straight#sthash.gqh0A7Y9.dpuf