Oregon Save Our Schools: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!
Oregon Save Our Schools: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!: Opting Out: My Story in Taking the Plunge!As someone who has fought the battle against corporate education reform for the past four years, one would think I would have been the first parent in line to opt my children out of high-stakes testing. Surprisingly, it took me a while to realize how important it was to have my children
Baltimore County Public Schools Used in 270 Million Dollar Tech Experiment – Save Maine Schools
Baltimore County Public Schools Used in 270 Million Dollar Tech Experiment – Save Maine Schools: Baltimore County Public Schools Used in 270 Million Dollar Tech ExperimentAs teachers in Detroit ask why their district spent 6 million dollars on a consulting contract when classrooms are overflowing and schools are in disrepair, citizens in Baltimore County are raising similar concerns over a 270 mil
Why the SAT and ACT May Replace PARCC and Smarter Balanced | EdSurge News
Why the SAT and ACT May Replace PARCC and Smarter Balanced | EdSurge News: Why the SAT and ACT May Replace PARCC and Smarter BalancedAlice BartonThis March, the SAT will be getting its most significant makeover in 10 years. Testmakers hope the new focus on data analysis, reading comprehension and algebra—and thankfully, less emphasis on obscure vocabulary—can better predict students’ readiness for
“COMMON” Goal: Corporate Ownership of Public Education and Our Children’s Futures | educationalchemy
“COMMON” Goal: Corporate Ownership of Public Education and Our Children’s Futures | educationalchemy:“COMMON” Goal: Corporate Ownership of Public Education and Our Children’s FuturesCommon Goal. Part I.Lamar Alexander and Patti Murray didn’t (really) write the new Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Business Roundtable (BRT) did. Let me break this down for you:By now, those of us who are fighting
State Supe: Poverty Drives Chronic Absenteeism, 'Proactive' Solutions Needed | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS
State Supe: Poverty Drives Chronic Absenteeism, 'Proactive' Solutions Needed | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS: State Supe: Poverty Drives Chronic Absenteeism, 'Proactive' Solutions NeededPoverty is a primary driver of chronic school absenteeism, the state superintendent of education said yesterday, while calling for "proactive" ways to reverse the problem, which leads to lower test sco
The NFL would never let this air during the Super Bowl, but it's important to watch.
The NFL would never let this air during the Super Bowl, but it's important to watch.:The NFL would never let this air during the Super Bowl, but it's important to watch.The NFL's rules for the Super Bowl ads state that no activism ads are allowed. The NFL is also notorious for protecting its brand. While this commercial wasn't submitted to the Super Bowl for consideration, you can see clearly why
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES"Special place in hell…" -- AlbrightMadeleine Albright assails young women Democrat Sanders supporters“There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!” Mrs. Clinton laughed, slowly clapped her hands and took a large sip of her beverage. -- N.Y. TimesGloria Steinem says they're boy crazy“When you’re yo
'Comfort women' and a lesson in how history is shaped in California textbooks - LA Times
'Comfort women' and a lesson in how history is shaped in California textbooks - LA Times: 'Comfort women' and a lesson in how history is shaped in California textbooksFlowers lie at the Glendale memorial to "comfort women." (Roger Wilson / Glendale News Press)ter nearly a decade of delays, California educators released a draft guideline that will shape how history is taught to students a
Education Support Professionals Organize For Workplace Justice - NEA Today
Education Support Professionals Organize For Workplace Justice - NEA Today: Education Support Professionals Organize For Workplace JusticeIn September 2014, a group of custodians with the Southside Education Association (SEA) in San Antonio, Texas, upended the order of their school district. After issuing a grievance and letter of no confidence to officials with the Southside Independent School Di
Looking Anew at How Teachers Teach | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Looking Anew at How Teachers Teach | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Looking Anew at How Teachers TeachToday, reformers from both ends of the political spectrum push Common Core Standards into classrooms. They champion charters and more parental choice of schools. They want teachers to be evaluated on the basis of student test scores. Policymakers, philanthropists, and vendor
Hoping, and Waiting, for a Bronx School’s Fresh Start to Pay Off - The New York Times
Hoping, and Waiting, for a Bronx School’s Fresh Start to Pay Off - The New York Times: Hoping, and Waiting, for a Bronx School’s Fresh Start to Pay OffDebra Jones, principal of the Urban Scholars Community School, in a kindergarten classroom last month. “My whole thing is, give it time,” Ms. Jones said of her school’s progress. CreditÁngel Franco/The New York TimesNew York City has already closed
Differences In Suspension May Cause 20 Percent Of Achievement Gap
Differences In Suspension May Cause 20 Percent Of Achievement Gap: Differences In Suspension May Cause 20 Percent Of Achievement GapThe achievement gap between black students and their peers is well documented, but conclusive explanations of the reasons for the gap are harder to come by.Now a study of more than 15,000 students in Kentucky says that as much as 20 percent of the difference may be du
School Teachers and Union Unfairly Blamed for Financial Mess in Chicago Public Schools | janresseger
School Teachers and Union Unfairly Blamed for Financial Mess in Chicago Public Schools | janresseger: School Teachers and Union Unfairly Blamed for Financial Mess in Chicago Public SchoolsHere are just some of the details of the financial morass in the Chicago Public Schools.Back in 2003, David Vitale, a banker and then-CEO Arne Duncan’s recently appointed Chief Financial Officer, convinced the ma
Investigation of USDOE CIO Danny Harris: Video and Transcribed Excerpts | deutsch29
Investigation of USDOE CIO Danny Harris: Video and Transcribed Excerpts | deutsch29: Investigation of USDOE CIO Danny Harris: Video and Transcribed ExcerptsBelow are excerpts from the February 02, 2016, Congressional Oversight and Reform Committee’s hearing of the allegations of impropriety related to US Department of Education (USDOE) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Danny Harris. Danny HarrisI b
Room to improve school services for LGBT students :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Room to improve school services for LGBT students :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Room to improve school services for LGBT students(Calif.) Even with all of the progress made in recent years to improve educational services for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, their well-being is still at risk in many schools with only a hand
Chinese New Year 2016: The Year of the Monkey - everything you need to know - Telegraph
Chinese New Year 2016: The Year of the Monkey - everything you need to know - Telegraph: Happy Chinese New Year 2016! Everything you need to know about the Year of the MonkeyThe Chinese New Year party in London will be the biggest outside of Asia. Here's your guide to the celebrations This year, Chinese New Year - The Year of the Monkey - begins on February 8th and lasts until Jan 27th, 2017.Happy
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: Would Horace MannTweet?
Gene V Glass: Education in Two Worlds: Would Horace MannTweet?: Would Horace MannTweet?On February 4, 2016, I was honored to have the opportunity to address the Ohio Deans Compact in Dublin, Ohio. The title of my talk was suggested by Aimee Howley and Deb Teller, the organizers of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Compact: Advancing Democratic EducationI can not be certain that the talk went in exactl
Low pay forces South Dakota teachers to hold 2nd, 3rd jobs - Yahoo News
Low pay forces South Dakota teachers to hold 2nd, 3rd jobs - Yahoo News:Low pay forces South Dakota teachers to hold 2nd, 3rd jobs SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) — Jessica Ries settles in behind the counter of Tip Top Tux and phones a couple to remind them of an upcoming fitting before their wedding. In the back room, beyond the dapper mannequins and vest swatches of pink, yellow and blue, a tote filled w
The Dangers of Obedience: Heroes Have Discipline Problems | Foundation for Economic Education
Heroes Have Discipline Problems | Foundation for Economic Education: The Dangers of Obedience: Heroes Have Discipline ProblemsA girl in your class can't breathe. She clearly needs help. The teacher tells you to stay seated. What do you do?I would have stayed seated. At least, that's what I would have done when I was 15, the age of Texas middle schooler Anthony Ruelas.You hear the girl wheezing and
The U.S. Labor Movement’s “Pearl Harbor Moment”. The Supreme Court’s Hearing of Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association
The U.S. Labor Movement’s “Pearl Harbor Moment”. The Supreme Court’s Hearing of Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association | Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization: The U.S. Labor Movement’s “Pearl Harbor Moment”. The Supreme Court’s Hearing of Friedrichs vs. California Teachers Association War can sneak up on you. And now unions are scrambling desperately for shelter, realizin
Charter, tax credit groups again outspend teachers' unions on lobbying | POLITICO
Charter, tax credit groups again outspend teachers' unions on lobbying | POLITICO: Charter, tax credit groups again outspend teachers' unions on lobbyingWhile teachers' unions remain near the top of the list of the state’s highest-spending interest groups, a position they’ve occupied for decades, they no longer dominate education lobbying in New York.The unions have been joined by several groups s
Legislative Analyst endorses parental choice program | EdSource
Legislative Analyst endorses parental choice program | EdSource:Legislative Analyst endorses parental choice programIn most places in California, students must attend a school in the district where they live, or a charter school anywhere if they find one they like. But 47 districts have opened their doors to students outside their borders, under a little–used program set to expire next year.The Le
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 2/7/16
CORPORATE ED REFORMSorting Coloradoans like shoes: “by size, shape, and color.” Pilot starts in Denver Public Schools – Missouri Education WatchdogSorting Coloradoans like shoes: “by size, shape, and color.” Pilot starts in Denver Public Schools – Missouri Education Watchdog: Sorting Coloradoans like shoes: “by size, shape, and color.” Pilot starts in Denver Public Schools(The sorting people like