Terrible Teacher Thoughts. Can I Tweet That?

You know the story.
Room full of teachers. Data abound.
One teacher seems to take charge. The enthusiasm is nauseating.
A few teachers are sneaking glances at their phone. A few are watching … waiting.
The directions continue:
“Use the testing printouts to identify students who have not made gains, highlight the standards that show a need for “aggressive intervention” then test those students by …”
Here it comes. That one teacher, you know the one, interrupts …
“But, what if we are not sure the data is correct? Have you read some of those test questions … I just don’t think …”
The interruption is cut short:
“Well, we are supposed to go over the data. It’s not our problem. Plus, it’sTerrible Teacher Thoughts. Can I Tweet That? | Welcome to the Testing Games: