Pick Me! Pick Me! I Want My Child to *OPT IN*.

*Please please please* opt my child into a test like this!
Educational reform must include the move from passive permission for student testing/data mining to active permission being required from parents before testing/data tracking of students. Parents must have the legal right to excuse their students from being subjected to unvalidated testing and unknown entities receiving personally identifiable information on their students.
Parents need to reclaim their rights as taxpayers and guardians of their children, and supported by legislative statutes, to ensure that educational reform not based on research/data is instituted in their children’s classrooms and their children being subjected to substandard educational practices. Parents have the right and duty to demand assessments their children are taking in school be valid assessments, versus assessments written to determine future social/educational/workforce policies. Parents should not be required that their children complete assessments due to a funding threat from the USDOEd. Parents must have knowledge of what data is being gathered by the school district, for what purpose and to whom that data is disseminated.
Lace to the Top points out the obvious disconnect between education reformers and parents in a recent post with an “Opt In Letter”. If parents loved Common Core, excessive testing with non-validated assessments and data mining of their children, school districts would be inundated with parents begging to be part of these testing/data mining practices. The letter below is from a fictional parent buying into the schtick of the education reformers: shoddy assessments, questionable results of these assessments, the *need* to become globally competitive, the crony capitalists, and the *need* for student’s personally identifiable information.
Do you know of any parent who would sign such a letter below? If districts were required to utilized active permission to assess/data mine children, it would be an interesting guess on how many opt in forms would actually be received by districts. It’s dark humor and makes the eloquent point that most parents do not support the CCSSI and would not support such an opt in.