“The Teacher Wars” in the News

It’s been a whirlwind launch week for my book, The Teacher Wars: A History of America’s Most Embattled Profession. Thank you for the many messages of support, the notes saying you bought the book, and–yes–the critiques, too! Here are some of the highlights:
My Vox longread (an adaptation from the book) on changes at the always-controversial Teach For America
At The Wall Street Journal, I turn in four ways for parents to spot great teachers
At The New Republic, Rebecca Traister and I discuss the complex historical relationship between feminism and the teaching profession
Also at The New Republic, one of my favorite education writers, Rick Kahlenberg, reviews my book alongside the excellent Building a Better Teacher, by Elizabeth Green
At Slate’s The Gist podcast, the awesome and hilarious Mike Pesca (son of a teacher) turns in a probing interview with me on the book, and what the U.S. can learn from how other nations structure the teaching profession
Warren Olney of PRI’s To The Point featured a segment on the book with teachers’ union president Lily Eskelsen Garcia, economist Eric Hanushek, principal Carol Burris, and myself
At Slate, I suggest we remember the important role of the principal, too
At Vox, crack education reporter Libby Nelson asks me super smart questions
And at NBC, Nona Willis Aronowitz wants to know how writing the book changed my own ideas about teaching and education