A Response to Bill Nye (The Science Guy): Standards? Yes. The Common Core State Standards? No.
By Stephen Krashen Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) is enthusiastic about the Common Core because he feels that there are some basic principles that students simply need to know: Everybody needs to learn “a little bit of physics, chemistry, mathematics and you got to learn some evolution. You’ve got to learn some biology … Everybody’s got to learn the alphabet. Everybody’s got to learn to read. The U.
9-7-14 All NEW Living in Dialogue - Wayne Au Tangles with the Gates-Funded Education Lab Journalism Project
Home - Living in Dialogue: Wayne Au Tangles with the Gates-Funded Education Lab Journalism ProjectBy Anthony Cody. In August, Louisiana teacher and investigative reporter Mercedes Schneider wrote about the dangers of having education journalism directly funded by the Gates Foundation. This morning, she followed up that post with another, pointing out that while it sounds benign to “focus on succes