John Oliver, Student Debt, and the Edubiz Marketplace
I really have nothing to add to this, but boy do you need to see it..Okay, I have one thing to add to it. He actually missed the part where the fed bailed out Corinthian.This is what twisted market forces look like when they hit education. When the government sets up a system with the main function of using students to funnel loan dollars to education based businesses, this is what you get. You ar
The College Bias
It's not new and it's not hard to explain. After all, virtually all teachers are college educated. We're pre-disposed to a collegiate bias.Add to that the correlation between more education and more money, and add to that the manner in which DC (by way of CCSS) has institutionalized college as The Goal, and it's no surprise that in education, we have a decidedly pro-college bias.In many high schoo
9-7-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: No, Education Post Is Not About ConversationTwelve million dollars buys you a big splash. Many of us have launched blogs; very few of us have had heavy press coverage of the launch.When Anthony Cody, a nationally known education writer and activist left the nest at Education Week to launch Living in Dialogue, a website that features work from many of the top writers in education po