The Conspiracy at PS 154 in the Bronx

As a reminder, let us delve into the past and see what DR Alison Coviello, Ed.D wrote to BFF AP Jessica Cruz on August 24, 2012;
“Hey, I revised Zucker’s job description (per the advice of Mike Agona) so that it is focused more on literacy. This way, Agona explained, we’ll have a surer chance of winning a case when our observations detail incompetence.”Now, hold on just a sec. Bear with me. OK?
It seems that with as with a good cliffhanger, I left some people hanging, and for that I apologize.
When I was in Chicago last month at a White Sox game, during batting practice SBSB fan and honorary member of The Crack Team Paul Konerko asked me;
"Hey, what's up with that blog post of August 7 and the email from DR Alison Coviello, Ed.D? Did not her BFF AP Jessica Cruz respond to it?Yes Paul, there was a reply;
--> Hey Alison,
In Montreal for my mini vacation :-) Got to say though, Canada is a little "tight or rather uptight"... hopefully things will lighten up today.
Anyway, here are my suggestions for Zucker's job description. I think this way (you'll see) lays out the expectation clearly and will support us more in the write-ups. Basically I'm recommending we take out the word should since it implies "it is suggested that"....
Notice anything amiss? I mean besides calling Canada "tight or rather uptight"? Seriously, how can