Clemson U. stops mandatory student survey with detailed sex questions
Clemson University has said students do not now have to fill out a survey that had been mandatory and that included some highly detailed questions about sex, such as, “With how many people have you had sex (including oral) in the last 3 months?” The Greenville News reported that the survey was part of an […]
Why ‘no excuses’ charter schools mold ‘very submissive’ students — starting in kindergarten
If you have heard the phrase “no excuses” charter schools but don’t really know what they mean, here is an informative post about them and the controversial philosophy under which they approach student discipline and achievement. Joan Goodman, a professor in the Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania and director of the school’s Teach […]
The importance of a name
Here is a post by a Colorado teacher about what seems to be a simple observation about some students — that they don’t correct adults who mispronounce their names — but is really a nuanced look into the psyche of some students of color who live in poverty. This public school teacher blogs anonymously under […]
The Answer Sheet 9-18-14
Answer Sheet: 19 states still allow corporal punishment in schoolWhile a national debate roils about professional athletes whacking kids, it seems useful to remember that 19 states still allow children to be hit in public school, sometimes to the point of bruising. A federal data analysis found that on average, one child is hit in public school every 30 seconds somewhere in the United […]4 by Vale