The Fine, Reformy Whines of @ConorPWilliams & @campbell_brown
As Paul Krugman recently opined: when you can't win an argument on the merits, whine about "tone":I’m far from convinced by everything that gets done today in the name of education reform. But Rhee’s and Brown’s examples are indicative of a troubling pattern for reform opponents: anti-reformers are prone to shooting any reform messenger. Anti-reform has an ad hominem problem. In part thi
9-18-14 Jersey Jazzman - David Boies's Flim-Flam on Tenure
Jersey Jazzman: David Boies's Flim-Flam on TenureI suspect that celebrity lawyer David Boies -- recruited by celebrity education non-expert Campbell Brown to lead the fight against teacher tenure -- has begun to realize he can't possibly win his case against educator due process on the merits. So he's doing what all lawyers do when they find themselves with a dud of a case: obscuring the issue at