At L.A. Unified, tensions are high and crisis is in the air. The between Supt. John Deasy and the school board that oversees him is at what is perhaps an all-time low. Deasy is again muttering about quitting; others are grumbling that he should be fired.Leadership is about forging relationships that are productive and . I find it troubling that this writer, Karen Klein, will blame the BOE and t
Don't Forget South Central: iPads Are Good For Students, Aren't They?
http://dontforgetsouthcentral.blogspot.com/2014/08/ipads-are-good-for-students-arent-they.html iPads Are Good For Students, Aren't They? If you believe technology can replace teachers, then yes. I do not believe it. Let me back up. Hi! My name is Martha Infante and I have been in education for 24 years. I love teaching. I would also love a class set of computers for my students to do researc
A Teacher in Los Angeles Has a Message for Karen Klein, Editorial Writer of the LA Times | Diane Ravitch's blog
http://dianeravitch.net/2014/09/19/a-teacher-in-los-angeles-has-a-message-for-karen-klein-editorial-writer-of-the-la-times/comment-page-1/#comment-2236874Yesterday, the Los Angeles Times published an editorial chastising critics of Superintendent John Deasy and accusing them of wanting to go back to the "good old days" when the teachers' union–United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)—had mo
L.A. Unified survey finds little use of iPads' curriculum - LA Times
http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-ipad-eval-20140918-story.htmlIn the first formal evaluation of the troubled iPads-for-all project in Los Angeles schools, only one teacher out of 245 classrooms visited was using the costly online curriculum. The reason, according to the report, was related to the program's ambition, size and speed.The analysis found that district staff was so focused on distribu
Check out this comment: http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-computers-la-schools-20140918-story.html#vf-1776500014872www.hemlockontherocks.com
NYC TEACHER - CRUSADER Francesco Portelos : How to Use FOIL in LAUSD
On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:21 AM, wrote:LA educators,Use the information here http://achieve.lausd.net/Page/3137 in conjunction with our FOIL resources here www.dtoe.org/resources.You may be able to request it by emailing pra@mail.lausd.netOr call and ask for Public Records Officer contact info. We've had much success here in NYC with FOIL. Emails, purchases, video sur
How About a UFT Cut-the-Strings, Free-the-Puppets Caucus?
NYC Educator: How About a UFT Cut-the-Strings, Free-the-Puppets Caucus?: I didn't start out criticizing our Union. I started out with a sincere concern for the current state of affairs in education and the loss of respect among "reformers" for my profession. This will always be my bottom line. I thought my Union would always be with me, but I soon learned this was not the case. I lea
HIRED GUN : David Boies Attacks Teacher Tenure
David Boies helped California gay couples win the right to marry. Now he's attacking teacher tenureDavid Boies is an accomplished civil rights attorney who is probably best known for his Supreme Court cases, in which he has represented Al Gore and Californian gay couples seeking to marry. Now he is working on behalf of kids in urban schools, but his approach is a controversial one. He argues that
LAUSD: Armed, Dangerous & Stupid | Friendly Fire
http://blogs.dailynews.com/friendlyfire/2014/09/18/lausd-armed-dangerous-stupid/ LAUSD: Armed, Dangerous & Stupid Los Angeles Unified School District has decided to give back the Rocket Powered Grenade launchers (RPGs) that they got from the Department Homeland Security. That's probably a good idea–particularly for an organization that can't figure out how to buy, maintain and use iPads. That
TELL THAT TO ELI BROAD: Patient Capitol Drives Change
Editor’s note: Matthew Pittinsky is the CEO of Parchment.In 2001, Arthur Levine, then president of Columbia University Teacher’s College, predicted that one day faculty members would become free agents, increasingly independent of their colleges and universities. “It is only a matter of time before we see the equivalent of an academic William Morris Agency,” Levine, now president of the Woodrow Wi
9-18-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: The bad-old days at LAUSD - LA Timeshttp://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-ed-lausd-utla-teachers-union-superintendent-dea-20140918-story.html?track=rss The bad-old days at LAUSD At L.A. Unified, tensions are high and crisis is in the air. The relationship between Supt. John Deasy and the school board that oversees him is at what is perhaps an all-time low. Deasy is aga