Breaking Non-News: All 4 of MA's New Low-Scoring Schools Have High Poverty Scores
And the planned cultural sterilization and segregation turnaround plans continue. . . .At first glance, we may want to blame the educators and their teaching methods. They are primarily responsible for the material that each student learns everyday. However, looking deeper into this issue, each of the six new schools contain students with underpreviledged families.The National School Lunch Program
Andre Agassi's New Passion: Corporate Welfare
Andre Agassi is touring the country checking out the 27 charter schools he has built with real estate tycoon, Bobby Turner. Agassi says its all worth the effort to make his millions from taxpayer dollars just to see children so "engaged in learning," as they are below in the East Nashville Rocketship charter school.Story from WSMV.
9-18-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Reprise: Re-Review of Paul Tough's Biggest HitWhen I looking this morning for the publication date of Paul Tough's neo-eugenics manifesto, How Children Succeed . . ., I saw that it is #1 at Amazon in the area of Educational Psychology. I felt the need to re-post this review, which appeared first at Substance News.Paul Tough, KIPP, and the Character Con: A Review of How Children Suc