EdPost Flexes Rapid Response Muscles
Well, it turns out that Education Post will be good for one thing. Its rapid response function (in which apparently a cadre of hired bloggists are ready to grab their keyboards from their mantles and launch like internet minutemen) will allow the rest of us to see when Pro-Public Education folks have scored a palpable hit.By that measure, Carol Burris landed a big hit with her Four Flim-Flams colu
An Open Letter to My Alma Mater Re: TFA
Dear Allegheny College:I was reading your latest alumni email with its nice batch of "Hey, you're great" quotes. It was nice in the usual boostery way, but when I saw an endorsement from Teach for America, it brought me up short. I'm sad to see Allegheny link itself to TFA. Let me explain.I came to Allegheny in 1975. I enrolled because the school was not too far from home in NW PA, it wa
9-18-14 Curmudgucation - Another Call for a New Conversation
CURMUDGUCATION: Another Call for a New ConversationPatrick Riccards, of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation and the Eduflack blog, has made a fairly reasonable addition to the burgeoning sub-genre of "We reformsters need to get a new conversation started, because we are losing the old one" posts. But this one is interesting."Seeking Collaboration Between Reformers, Edu