It Isn’t Over in Lee County or Elsewhere! And About Common Core…
The Lee County School Board has backed out and students will get tests and tests and more tests. But I know parents will not give up. I’m hoping they will hold their Superintendent accountable for stating that she wanted to devise a plan. This plan should include parents. Perhaps there are some parent lawyers who are willing to step-up to the plate.
It’s not just Lee County as you know. Consider this from the Miami Herald, “Out of the 180-day academic year, Miami-Dade County schools will administer standardized tests on every day but eight. Though not every student will take every test, the number and consequences of testing are facing a growing backlash from parents, teachers and even some district officials.”
Never before have so many been looking at the testing fiasco, everywhere. And Lee County is reporting this as the Common Core State Standard tests which are called Florida Common Standards…at least last I heard. Please tell me if they have changed the name again.
In the news, they acknowledged this was about Common Core and Thomas B. Fordham President Michael Petrilli weighed in. He said, “I think you might see some other symbolic actions form school boards around the country, but at the end of the day as long as they need the funding and the public is demanding information about how It Isn’t Over in Lee County or Elsewhere! And About Common Core…: