Foley and Malloy are just plain wrong on taxes
[A special note of thanks to all of you who have posted comments and sent emails of support urging me to continue writing posts Wait, What? While I will continue to mull over the various issues and opportunities, the following is an attempt to gingerly re-enter the fray by using this blog to raise what […] The post Foley and Malloy are just plain wrong on taxes appeared first on Wait What?.
9-1-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: To blog or not to blog?That is the question… In these difficult times, many of us are grappling with the question – How can one be useful and relevant in what increasingly appears to be a new dystopian age. (Look up the word dystopian if you don’t know what it means). Coming off my recent “campaign” for governor, I find […] The post To blog or not to blog? appeared first on Wait What?