L.A. schools Supt. Deasy defends his dealings with Apple, Pearson - LA Times
http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-lausd-ipads-20140903-story.html L.A. schools Supt. Deasy defends his dealings with Apple, Pearson Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy on Tuesday issued his most extensive and passionate defense yet of his actions involving Apple and Pearson, the companies that received the major contract in a $1.3-billion technology program. He asserted that he
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn
I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. - rene Confirm that you know rene rene diedrich writer/poet at Freelance Greater Los A
WARY EXCHANGE BETWEEN LAUSD SCAPEGOAT TEACHERS That Lays the Scams Out, Exposing much more than iPad and MiSIS
BMW Went to the dentist and read the MSIS article after I returned.Almost all big projects fail with the district because there are money and other profit to be made from these. Whenever there are huge projects like is, people see $$$ in them instead of make them successful. Failed projects cost more and people involved gain more. As to this MSIS, what all people talked about it in the interv
Here.Mia the leader of our schools.... “Hedge-Fund Guy” Emails Support to School Reformers - Education Next : Education Next
http://educationnext.org/%E2%80%9Chedge-fund-guy%E2%80%9D-emails-support-to-school-reformers/ "Hedge-Fund Guy" Emails Support to School Reformers It's sunset over Manhattan, and from the 35th floor of a Park Avenue skyscraper the vista is pure gold. The soaring buildings are bathed in the deep rich colors of, well, money. As visitors take their seats in the sedately cavernous room, a s
NPR Whitewashes Charter Schools and Disaster Capitalism in New Orleans | the becoming radical
NPR WHITEWASHES CHARTER SCHOOLS AND DISASTER CAPITALISM IN NEW ORLEANS It was bad enough when NPR whitewashed the "grit" narrative, but now NPR is whitewashing charter schools and disaster capitalism in New Orleans. Framed as "remarkable changes," erasing public schools and firing all public school faculty (a significant percentage of the black middle class in New Orle
Why The Obama Administration Won't Back Off Its Disastrous Education Policies
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 Why The Obama Administration Won't Back Off Its Disastrous Education Policies As I was sitting watching the US Open after a day of preparing for classes, I started thinking of why state after state, with the encouragement of the US Department of Education, keeps subjecting teachers to evaluation systems which are humiliating, time consuming and ina
The Coming Revolution in Public Education - Atlantic Mobile
The Coming Revolution in Public Education - Atlantic MobileIt's always hard to tell for sure exactly when a revolution starts. Is it when a few discontented people gather in a room to discuss how the ruling regime might be opposed? Is it when first shots are fired? When a critical mass forms and the opposition acquires sufficient weight to have a chance of prevailing? I'm not an expert on revoluti
http://parentsinactionforbetterschools.org/on-this-labor-day-let-us-remember-that-all-students-need-more-educators-not-an-archaic-computer-system/ ON THIS LABOR DAY LET US REMEMBER THAT ALL STUDENTS NEED MORE EDUCATORS NOT AN ARCHAIC COMPUTER SYSTEM Numerous reports have surfaced recently about the failures of MiSiS, the recently installed computer system of the Los Angeles Unified School Distric
Education Post aims to take the sting out of national conversations about school reform - The Washington Post
http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/education-post-aims-to-take-the-sting-out-of-national-conversations-about-school-reform/2014/09/01/65f11832-2fb2-11e4-bb9b-997ae96fad33_story.html Education Post aims to take the sting out of national conversations about school reform Spend any time on Twitter or in the blogosphere and the national debate about public education quickly resembles a sch
California Governor Appeals Teacher-Tenure Ruling - Education Week
http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/08/30/california-appeals-teacher-tenure-ruling_ap.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS2 California Governor Appeals Teacher-Tenure Ruling Published Online: September 2, 2014 By The Associated Press Los Angeles Gov. Jerry Brown appealed a court ruling that struck down tenure and other job protections for California's teachers, setting himself apart from leaders in s
'Grit' May Not Spur Creative Success, Scholars Say - Education Week
http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2014/08/20/01grit.h34.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS2 'Grit' May Not Spur Creative Success, Scholars Say Published Online: August 19, 2014 Published in Print: August 20, 2014, as 'Grit' May Not Spur Creative Success, Say Researchers By Sarah D. Sparks Washington Inventor Thomas A. Edison once famously said, "Genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspi
Fwd: Petition update – The LAUSD Board of Education: Fire Superintendent John Deasy
Petition Update rene, Carl Petersen just posted an update on the petition you signed: The LAUSD Board of Education: Fire Superintendent John Deasy 139 supporters We are up to 137 signatures... Carl Petersen Petition Organizer Sep 02, 2014 But we need many more if we are going to
Curt Hagman | Join Assemblyman Curt Hagman on KFI as He Speaks on LAUSD’s Failing iPad Project
http://arc.asm.ca.gov/member/AD55/?p=article&sid=214&id=259009 Join Assemblyman Curt Hagman on KFI as He Speaks on LAUSD's Failing iPad Project SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow at 10:30 AM, Assemblyman Curt Hagman (R-Chino Hills) will be on the Bill Carroll Show on KFI AM 640 to speak on Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) failing iPad project. At the end of last year, LAUSD began impleme
Lawmaker Calls For DA To Probe ‘Suspicious’ LAUSD iPad Rollout « CBS Los Angeles
http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/09/02/chino-hills-lawmaker-calls-for-da-to-probe-lausd-ipad-rollout/ Lawmaker Calls For DA To Probe 'Suspicious' LAUSD iPad LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A Chino Hills lawmaker Tuesday called upon Los Angeles County prosecutors to investigate a controversial bidding process used to bring iPad tablets to students in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)
Teachers union to superintendent: Go to 'teacher jail' - LosAngelesRegister.com
http://www.losangelesregister.com/articles/district-604296-deasy-system.html Teachers union to superintendent: Go to 'teacher jail' The Los Angeles Unified School District’s teachers union will call Wednesday on Superintendent John Deasy to report to “teacher jail†until investigations into the district’s much-maligned iPad program and MiSiS student data system have concluded. Leaders of
Largest school district, highest litigation costs: Guest commentary
http://www.sgvtribune.com/opinion/20140902/largest-school-district-highest-litigation-costs-guest-commentary Largest school district, highest litigation costs: Guest commentary Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is the largest public school district in California, and second-largest district in the nation. LAUSD provides an educational system for more than 600,000 K-12 students, four
9-2-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Gates and the Teacher Wars: It Matters Where You Stand | Cult of Pedagogyhttp://www.cultofpedagogy.com/gates-teacher-wars/ Gates and the Teacher Wars: It Matters Where You StandDoes staying out of the ed reform debate make you out of touch, a peacekeeper, or a self-serving a-hole? There was a time, not long ago, when I was a Bill Gates defender. His foundation has done incred