Cuomo: Debates Are Bad For Democracy
You just can't make this stuff up:Mr. Cuomo’s primary challengers include Zephyr Teachout, a law professor, whose candidacy has attracted attention of late partly because of the governor’s simultaneous concern about it (he tried to get her removed from the ballot) and refusal to acknowledge it exists (he avoids uttering Ms. Teachout’s name). ...Mr. Cuomo was asked about his refusal to debate and
Rob Astorino Says Its Time To Make The Board Of Regents Accountable To Voters
The Times-Union reports that GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino released a 15 point education plan yesterday, with Astorino's call for replacing the Common Core in New York coming at the top of the plan list.But I found this part most interesting:Astorino's plan also includes changing the process for selecting the leaders of the the state's educational system. He'd like to see the 13-member
Thoughts On The Teacher Evaluation Results
As I posted yesterday, NYC public school teachers were supposed to receive their APPR evaluation ratings sometime between 4:00 PM and 12:00 AM yesterday.The NYCDOE sent my email notice out at 7:07 PM last night.I didn't check for it until this morning.To be honest, I have contempt for this system, both the observation components and the test-based accountability components.My sense is, the observa
Cuomo Plays 9/11 Card In Primary Contest
Governor Cuomo must be more concerned about the Democratic Primary vote next Tuesday than his campaign's letting on if he felt the need to play the "Vote For Zephyr Teachout and terrorists will kill you!" card.That's what he did yesterday, sounding very much like George W. Bush:Gov. Cuomo stopped short of bashing his primary rival Zephyr Teachout for refusing to take a position on Israel
9-2-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Why Isn't The Press Covering The Moreland Investigation Any Longer?Thomas Kaplan reports many people around the state are taking the primary season to publicize their unhappiness with Governor Cuomo:He has been snubbed by unions representing teachers and state workers. Editorial boards are skewering him. Political rivals are lobbing attacks from his left and his right.A year