The quote that reveals how at least one corporate school reformer really views students
For years now, the U.S. public educational system has been the guinea pig for what many call “corporate education reform.” What is it? It is both a mindset and a group of specific measures foisted on school districts, including standardized test-based “accountability” systems, the spread of charter schools and vouchers, and the overall privatization of […]
Strauss: The quote that reveals how at least one corporate school reformer really views students
For years now, the U.S. public educational system has been the guinea pig for what many call “corporate education reform.” What is it? It is both a mindset and a group of specific measures foisted on school districts, including standardized test-based “accountability” systems, the spread of charter schools and vouchers, and the overall privatization of public schools. This primer explains it th
What new Common Core test scores really show
New York officials recently released the results of the state’s 2014 Common Core State Standards-aligned exams. In this post information award-winning Principal Carol Burris of South Side High School in the Rockville Centre School District, explains what they mean. Burris has been writing about problems with the controversial school reform efforts in her state for […]
The Answer Sheet 8-26-14
Answer Sheet: School district bans classroom discussion on Michael Brown, FergusonThe superintendent of a school district in Illinois has issued a directive banning any discussion in classrooms of Michael Brown, the unarmed black teen killed Aug. 9 by a white police officer, or the civil unrest that followed in Ferguson, Mo. KMOX-TV reports that Superintendent Ed Hightower of Edwardsville District