Susan Ohanian's Take on the Latest LAUSD Outrages
Audit says $2.1 million in L.A. school computers unaccounted for - LA Times
Infographic: LA schools iPad project: How it started ... before the bidding began | 89.3 KPCC
http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2014/08/25/17192/how-did-la-schools-decide-on-ipad-software-it-star/#timeline Superintendent John Deasy was a year into his tenure at the Los Angeles Unified School District when he started talking to the largest publishing company in the world, Pearson PLC, about working together on a digital transformation in
Interview with LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy on pausing the $1billion iPad program | Which Way L.A.?
http://blogs.kcrw.com/whichwayla/2014/08/lausd-superintendent-john-deasy-on-why-hes-halting-the-ipad-programTo hear the interview, use the link above. The iPad program at LAUSD has been halted following criticism of the bidding
Criminal Charges Should Be Brought Against Lausd'S Superintendent John Deasy
CRIMINAL CHARGES SHOULD BE BROUGHT AGAINST LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY (Mensaje se repite en Español) Whether the Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Superintendent John Deasy is criminally culpable for his actions in dealing with Pearson and Apple on behalf of the district concerning his clearly collusive actions in complete derogation of the public bidding process
Truth Out: Education, Inc.
(Illustration: Jared Rodriguez / t r u t h o u t) This story could not have been published without the support of readers like you. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and fund more stories like it! Presidential administration proclamations about the state of public education over the past 30 years: 1983: "Our Nation is at risk. . . . the educational
ELITE Attackers of Public Schools Don't Admit the Impact of Economic Inequality, Racism on Education
Elite Attackers of Public Schools Don't Admit the Impact of Economic Inequality, Racism on Education Wednesday, 27 August 2014 09:56 By Mark Naison, Haymarket Books | Book Excerpt
.:: LAUSD Ethics Office ::.Guidelines from an Office that Should be Ethical Enough to Address Issues Concerning Apple, Person , Deasy and More
http://ethics.lausd.net/default.asp?Page=help_faqs_01#faqsP About Ethics 1. Why does ethics matter? 2. Isn't ethics subjective and relative? 3. Isn't ethics just about following the rules? 4. Can you really influence people in behaving more ethically? 5. Why should anyone behave ethically if it's not in their self interest? 1
OUR Urgent Need for an Ethical Education :LAUSD BOE / Deasy Ethics Remediation :Lesson 2
Our Urgent Need for an Ethical Education
Remediation for LAUSD BOE and Mr. Deasy : Psychology of Selfishness: What is ethics and why do we need it?
http://ifat-glassman.blogspot.com/2009/10/what-is-ethics-and-why-do-we-need-it.html What is ethics and why do we need it? We make decisions every day, all the time. What do you think is the fundamental reason for our need to act, to make decisions? One thing to notice is that our feelings
LAUSD Superintendent John Deasy says he is not scrapping district’s $1 billion iPad program
From Bond Report Image: AppleLos Angeles Unified School District officials issued a statement Tuesday saying the district still plans to put an electronic tablet in the hands of every student after scrapping its original contract for iPads and software after questions were raised about the procurementhttp://www.dailynewsen.com/education/
LAUSD SCAMS Go Beyond the Apple- Pearson Collusion: Payroll is Pillaging Paychecks with Phony OVERPAYMENT Claims t
*If you are a current or retired employee of the Los Angeles Unified SchoolDistrict (LAUSD) there is yet another assault you might find yourself beingsubjected to- the clearly false allegation that you were overpaid by LAUSD,when the reality is that there is a greater likelihood and in many casesclear and convincing evidence that you were significantly underpaid. In thelast few years, LAUSD has
The Walking Dead and their Whipping Boys of Public Education
WordPress.com Lloyd Lofthouse posted: "Thanks to the fake Ed reformers—for instance, Bill Gates, President Obama and his Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (there
Open Letter to lAUSD Board of Education.
Dear Board of Education:Relative to latest shocker athttp://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2014/08/25/17202/la-schools-cancel-ipad-contracts-after-kpcc-publis/, it is quite a brazen pronouncement from the Superintendent: he is simply says "never mind" to his multi-million dollar (to date) iPAD plan. He treats taxpayer money and children's education as simply a video game where if he screws
Those Who Go Unsung | FrontPage Magazine
http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/ben-shapiro/those-who-go-unsung/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:%20FrontpageMag%20(FrontPage%20Magazine%20%BB%20FrontPage) Those Who Go Unsung The vast
Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? - Los Angeles Times |
http://itcompanyegypt.com/can-supt-deasy-survive-lausds-ipad-fiasco-los-angeles-times-2/ Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? – Los Angeles Times So, remember that $1-billion plan to get iPads for each and every Los Angeles Unified student the district has been
8-26-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Publishing giant Pearson says LA school officials emails part of pilot project | 89.3 KPCCEmails also show Pearson offered to hire four, full-time staff members to help train teachers – which would be an extraordinary expense for an eight-classroom pilot. "In addition, we would hire one elementary math and one elementary ELA and one secondary math and one secondary ELA t