NY1, Time Warner News Send Debate Invitations To Cuomo And Teachout
From State of Politics:NY1 and Time Warner Cable News in Albany are inviting Gov. Cuomo and his Democratic rival, Zephyr Teachout, to a live, hour-long Sept. 2nd debate that will air statewide and be hosted by NY1 Political Anchor Errol Louis and Capital Tonight Anchor Liz Benjamin. Invitations have also been sent to Rep. Kathy Hochul and Tim Wu to participate in a separate debate for Lieutenant G
Common Core On Life Support
Here's the second poll this week showing the public has turned against the Common Core:While more people know what the Common Core State Standards are than last year, a majority of them oppose the standards, according to the 46th edition of the PDK/Gallup Poll of the Public's Attitudes Toward the Public Schools. Overall, the wide-ranging survey found, 81 percent of those polled said they had heard
Remember When Frank Bruni Thought "Won't Back Down" Was A Great Movie?
Food writer Frank Bruni has written another teacher-bashing column, a habit of his ever since they gave him op-ed real estate at the NY Times, though to be fair, there are quite a few other teacher-bashers on the Times op-ed page as well, so maybe Frank's just trying to fit in with his more famous compatriots in neo-liberalism.In any case, NYC Educator dispensed with Frank's argument here and I do
Cuomo Remains Hidden In The Shadows
A few of us on Twitter were wondering if anybody has seen Andrew Cuomo since he returned from his Israel trip.It seems like every morning, this is schedule (as it is for today):Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in New York City with no public schedule.And why not stay hidden and work things from the shadows?It certainly isn't hurting his poll numbers, as the latest Quinnipiac Poll shows this morning:Cuomo cont
8-19-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: Support For Common Core Continues To Drop - Even In Reform-Friendly PollsWho will UFT President Michael Mulgrew punch over this very disheartening news for Common Core supporters?Anybody watching the escalating battle across the country over the Common Core State Standards and aligned standardized testing will hardly be surprised by a new national poll which reveals a signif