Making a Difference
How can I make a difference?In millions of situations millions of people have asked that single question.There are plenty of inspirational answers for it. A thousand single persons working together can move the world. Your single action can be the straw that breaks the camel's back, the action that inspires others. Cue violins.Personally, I think it's actually the wrong question.See, we don't have
Lily E. Garcia Will Break My Heart
It is clear that my relationship with the new NEA president will be fraught with ups and downs.I have expressed my willingness to be courted. And she has definitely had her moments.Back on August 11, Valerie Strauss unveiled an interview with LEG that had many folks cheering. Plainspoken and direct, LEG, provided a brace of great quotes:Arne Duncan is a very nice man. I actually believe he is a ve
Patronizing Teachers for the Core
When you read this sentence at the start of a blog post, you know things are about to head south rapidly:One of the most frequent questions I get from coaches is about how to coach teachers in the Common Core (CCSS).This is the lede from "Coaching Towards the Common Core State Standards" over at Ed Week. Our coaching...um...coach is Elena Aguilar. More about her in a second. First, let's
The Five Steps to Killing Universities
In August of 2012, the website The Homeless Adjunct ran the post "How the American University Was Killed, in Five Easy Steps." While "kill" might be a bit of an overstatement, the post definitely gives a picture of how US colleges and universities have been clobbered, and clobbered hard. Let's see if any of these steps look familiar two years later.Here are the HA's five steps.
8-19-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Whatever Happened to Affordable College EducationI enjoy the blog Curmudgeon Central not just because the name makes us some sort of internet cousins, but because the writer, a college professor in Texas, makes me look like Little Mary Sunshine.Recently, he published a post that jumps off from this internet meme If you are of a Certain Age (say, mine) then you recognize this is mor