LAUSD computer trouble brings sense of deja vu: Letters
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ACLU challenges school district's iPad policy - Education Week
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Internet Safety Tips | Parent and Educator Edition | Dark Psychology
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On the frontlines of reintegrating LAUSD | Bill Boyarsky | Jewish Journal
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Let's Not Let This Get Buried: Deported Children Being Killed After Being Sent Back.
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http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/08/20/teachers-union-to-visit-schools-in-push-for-pay-increase-smaller-classes/ Teachers Union Officials To Visit Schools In Push For Pay Increase, Smaller Classes August 20, 2014 11:59 AM
Dear schools, let the kids have August - LA Times
Letter to a Ninth-Year Teacher - Connecting the Dots: Ideas and Practice in Teaching - Education Week Teacher
http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/connecting-the-dots/2014/08/letter_to_a_ninth_year_teacher.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS2 Dear Ninth-Year Teacher: In the last few weeks, you've probably seen more than a few letters to first year teachers, imparting
Counseling, Not Arrests, Is Priority in New Policing Policy for Los Angeles Schools - District Dossier - Education Week
http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/District_Dossier/2014/08/los_angeles_unified_overhauls_.html?cmp=ENL-EU-NEWS3 The police force for the nation's second largest school system will now send most students who get into trouble for fighting, bringing
What Happens When Teachers Run Schools? - On California - Education Week
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School as Home, and the Unwritten Job Descriptions of Teachers in High-Needs Schools - View From the Bronx: An Urban Teacher's Perspective - Education Week Teacher
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Fwd: Jersey Jazzman: The Myth of The Burned-Out Senior Teacher: Part I
http://jerseyjazzman.blogspot.com/2014/08/the-myth-of-burned-out-senior-teacher.html The Myth of The Burned-Out Senior Teacher: Part I Non-teacher David Boies is absolutely convinced that we are plagued by old, bad, burned-out teachers; that's why we need to get rid of tenure, see, and replace them with young,
Vigilante Teacher
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Ed Notes Online: Why Parent Leaders Should Join Court Intervention in Support of Tenure
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Field Guide to Anti-Teacher Trolls | Peter Greene
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On Due Process, Or What You Call Tenure - The Jose Vilson
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County yet to approve LA Unified’s LCAP, But have yet to discuss their concerns
The Los Angeles County Office of Education is withholding approval of the Local Control and Accountability Plan drawn up by the Los Angeles Unified School District pending clarification of the $700 million the school district says it is spending on low-income students, English learners and foster children.Los Angeles Unified is receiving additional funds for these three categories of high-needs
In NYC the Scandals have Sex in classrooms , alien lesson plans and threats of violence thanks to Mulgrew
'Sex coverup' with counselor should force UFT President Mulgrew out: foesBy Reuven FentonMay 21, 2012 | 4:00amModal TriggerWOE! Then-guidance counselor Emelina Camacho-Mendez allegedly had sex with UFT chief Michael Mulgrew (above) at Grady HS in 2005.Photo: Daniel ShapiroMichael HicksGrady HSGrady HS (benny j. stumbo)()He needs to be taught a lesson!An outraged UFT chapter leader yesterday
Randi Weingarten defends Mike Mulgrew while innicent teachers are sent to goue factory
MARC A. HERMANN FOR THE NEW YORK DAILY NEWSUFT President Michael MulgrewFormer teachers union president Randi Weingarten went to bat for her successor Sunday after a lawsuit charged that when he was a teacher, he had sex on school premises with a guidance counselor.The suit claims that the United Federation of Teachers made labor concessions to the city to cover up the incident involving Michael
Did Mike Mulgrew have a 'woody' in wood shop?
Why is he still allowed to be around students ? The guy is a total punk. New York teacher's union head 'had sex with teacher in high school wood shop and gave her a cushy job'By DAILY MAIL REPORTERPUBLISHED: 08:29 EST, 20 May 2012 | UPDATED: 08:37 EST, 20 May 2012 10View commentsA lawsuit filed by a disgruntled teacher claims the powerful head of New York City's teachers union was caught
Eli Broad, Bill Gates , Joel Klein and a flying saucer full of Martians designed these things to brainwash us all!!
Michael Mulgrew defends Common Core: 'You sick people need to deal with us and the children that we teach'The wild remarks came during last month's American Federation of Teachers convention in Los Angeles. 'You sick people need to deal with us and the children we teach. Thank you very much!' Mulgrew said.BY BEN CHAPMAN , STEPHEN REX BROWN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Published: Thursday, August 7, 2014,
Change Walmart | No to Walmart-Style Classrooms
No to Walmart-Style ClassroomsDear Walmart Owner Rob Walton:I'm standing with teachers to call on your family to immediately stop funding attempts to close our schools and take much needed funding from public education.Sincerely,Why to Act Now:We all know that Walmart has a bad reputation when it comes to the treatment of their workers. What you may not know is that the Walton family, who owns
V.A.M. It!: Finally Mulgrew Says What I Always Suspected!
I wasn't surprised when Michael Mulgrew remarked at the AFT Convention last weekend, "I have heard the stories about how Eli Broad and [Bill] Gates and a flying saucer full of Martians designed these standards." For you see, I, too had long suspected that the Common-Core was promulgated by Martians. I just wasn't sure whether it was one misguided martian or a whole band of them. You
Astroturfed students file class-action suit against NY teacher tenure laws | SILive.com
By Nick Fugallo | nfugallo@siadvance.com on July 05, 2014 at 12:29 PM
Guess what: school reform is really about land development (not kids) - The Washington Post
BY VALERIE STRAUSS May 28, 2013 Dean Leslie Fenwick (howard.edu (Correction: Fixing publication date for book, and removing quote attributed to book) Here is a provocative piece from Leslie T. Fenwick,dean of the Howard University School of Education and a professor of education policy, about what is really behind urban school reform. It's not about fixing
Out of the frying pan; into the fire!? LA Schools Are Actively Recruiting Military Vets For Available Teacher Openings
What the hell is this ? Suddenly enrollment is up and employment at the district is becoming an area of employment growth? Without the Labor board link I would be more dubious But the teachers student ratio sure has to be an issue after Deasy successfully purged thousands of veteran teachers . We know teachers are expected to teach fir above the the legal class size caps . There are plenty of
Disastrous Ruling In California Education Trial Makes ‘Reformers’ Giddy — For Now | Liberaland
http://www.alan.com/2014/06/10/disastrous-ruling-in-california-education-trial-makes-reformers-giddy-for-now/ California Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu just handed down a devastating ruling that could reverberate nationally and bolster the drive to
Fwd: http://www.southbronxschool.coED NOTES: Re teachers houses elsewhere? I know a teacher in Philly was several years ago when the suits shut her school down After promising not to of the school made gains, her name was Hope Moffet and what she did AA pretty brave. ButEven though she was given a reprieve , she fell off the map. Hers was an accidental brand of heroism Anyway, if you're in
8-19-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: New York Students Inch Upward On Common Core Tests, But Most Are Still Failinghttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/14/new-york-common-core-scores-2014_n_5679545.html New York Students Inch Upward On Common Core Tests, But Most Are Still Failing The New York State Education Department released the much-anticipated scoresby Rene Diedrich / 6h Washington State School Officials