Activist instrumental in bringing the $15.00 minimum wage to Seattle speaks at Educating Gates rally
Teacher and council member Kshama Sawant, who was instrumental in bringing the $15.00 minimum wage to Seattle, speaks at the Educating Gates rally, on organizing for change. Read about Kshama here. The post Activist instrumental in bringing the $15.00 minimum wage to Seattle speaks at Educating Gates rally appeared first on Living in Dialogue.
8-16-14 Living in Dialogue
Home | Living in Dialogue:Ranking and Sorting: The Sordid History of Standards and TestsBy Anthony Cody When critics such as myself point out the very bad effects the Common Core tests are having, as they label more than two thirds of our children unready for college and career, we are accused of “conflating tests with standards.” UFT president Michael Mulgrew was making this argument on the AFT c