Michael Agona's Conflicted Appeal Interest

Some takeaways.
No one from the prosecuting side seemed organized. Not only did they seem not prepared, but extremely disorganized as well.
We learned a F-status former principal, Dr Rosa Maria Leon, was brought in to work with Lydia but according to Lydia never did. Lydia's principal, Arisleyda Ureña contradicted Lydia.
For those who are wondering who Dr Leonis;
...was born and raised in Spanish Harlem. Having been an English language learner student herself, Dr. Leon’s mission was to understand the process of second language acquisition so that students are able to become English proficient, and at the same time, progress academically. Dr. Leon completed her Bachelor’s Degree at Hunter College followed by three Master’s Degrees: Bilingual Education (First graduating class in NYC), Reading Specialist, and Administration and Supervision. She then continued her education by graduating from Fordham University with a Doctoral Degree. Her Doctoral dissertation is based on a longitudinal study following a bilingual class from Kindergarten to the 4th grade to determine factors that contribute to the successful acquisition of English proficiency and academic success. This dissertation may be obtained from the Fordham Library.One can be hard pressed to see how Dr Leon has a background in high school social studies, but right now that is neither here no there.
But, as a consultant, or F-status as well as a former principal, one can wonder if she has had or http://www.southbronxschool.com: