Racial Bullying in Small Town Ohio~Guest Post By Kelly Shoemaker Cooper
I feel that I must share my son's story from small town USA. Last school year my son was in 4th grade. He was being bullied and called racial slurs (nigger and porch monkey) by a 6th grader and a group of other boys. My husband reached out to the principal of his school to discuss what was happening to our son. He told my husband that bullying and racial intimidation does not occur in his school.
8-16-14 With A Brooklyn Accent: Love Letters to the BATS
With A Brooklyn Accent:Imagination- A Poem for Michael BrownI can only imaginewhat its like to bewatchedfearedseen as a threatwhen i walkwhen i drivewhen i go to schoolNever knowingwhen i will bestoppedsearchedthrown on the groundor when words thatI sayand gestures that Imakecan lead to mydeathby Mark Naison / 2d Us VS Them- A Guest Post on the Larger Implications of Ferguson by Dr Lori MartinThe