Teachers Offer Back-to-School Shopping Tips
July 29, 2013 RSS Feed Print
Many parents plan to spend hundreds of dollars on supplies as back-to-school shopping starts in earnest this August, according to a new report.
August is the unofficial start of the back-to-school shopping frenzy.
Retailers court students and their parents in earnest, eager to sell them everything from flashcards to the new must-have sneakers or laptops.
[Learn how to find the best back-to-school deals.]
States give shoppers a break, too. At least 12 states – includingAlabama, Florida and North Carolina – declare the first weekend of the month a tax holiday, allowing shoppers to purchase clothes, shoes and school supplies without the burden of state sales tax.
Their efforts are well placed. Close to 70 percent of consumers plan to spend up to $500 this back-to-school season, and 50 percent plan to do their shopping in August, according to a survey released last week.
Basic items such as notebooks, binders and pencils are at the top of