Holy Mesopotamia Batman: First Grade CCSS vocabulary.
I have been giving the New York State Education Department’s new Common Core curriculum modules a study over the last few weeks. I see these modules as an insulting scripted curriculum that favors test preparation skills over learning. I teach middle school social studies so new reforms such as the Common Core have not had […]
Hey… hey power? Meet truth. Watch this exchange. Amazing.
Former school employee, not sure if she was a teacher or not, but she’s absolutely right: middling class individuals are held to a standard such that private or public errors in judgment have the potential for long-lasting consequences. Then you have this guy, blasts his junk all over the Internet, and he wants the highest […]
All Week 7-27-13 @ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER
@ THE CHALK FACE knows SCHOOLS MATTER: YESTERDAYAttended the @educationgadfly event on #optorcop yesterday. Nice people, here’s my rantHere’s a link to video of the event at the Fordham Institute on a debate about opting out of test-based accountability in education reform. I’ll have to watch the video to see if my question/comment was recorded. I’m still kicking myself because I feel like I botch