The Teat: BAEO, Choice, $, and Strings Attached?

Today The Teat returns to discuss The Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO).
A few days ago I was giving an interview to an LA Times reporter for an upcoming piece they are going to publish onTeach For America. About midway through the discussion the reporter asked, “Who funds your research?” I replied, I am a scholar, this is what I do for a living, as a tenured faculty member, my time-honored role is to create knowledge for society. I am not saying I have not been hired in the past to consult on various research projects or serve(d) on various advisory boards. However, my peer-reviewed research has not been bought. More on this later…
I have also noticed over the past several years when submitting to peer-reviewed journals, they are now asking who funded the research. Why might this now be necessary? It is also now typical that at the end of an article peer-