Stop the $7.6 Million in Cuts to Oakland Schools! Here are 2 ways to act now!
by ClassroomStruggle
We are currently distributing this email blast and flyer around Oakland schools. You can help stop these cuts too! There are 2 ways to tap in:
Please fill in the cuts your school is facing at the bottom in the comments section. The more we are sharing this info, the more we can organize across different schools. Unity is power.
Copy a version of this flyer. Fill in your school’s specific cuts where we left space. Then pass it around to teachers, staff, parents, and students at your schools. When people see the concrete effects of the cuts, they’re more likely to act. Click here to download an editable version of the flyer.
Stop the $7.6 Million in Cuts!
OUSD’s Priorities Are Upside-Down!
The numbers don’t add up!
We know that the district has gotten infusions of money, some of which we’ve fought for like Prop 30 and Measure J. We know there is money in the reserve budget. We know consultants get paid out millions every year. But yet, the district is still claiming empty pockets. They’re trying to hide political moves – to close schools, eliminate adult education, shift funding to charters and private contractors, de-prioritize Special Ed students – through moving numbers around.
In just two years, the administration has mismanaged millions of our dollars. First, they lost $7 million of QEIA grants because they failed to keep class sizes low enough. Then, they said an accounting error in Special Ed forced them to make cuts of $8 million. Now, they have a new accounting error of $7.6 million. This is unacceptable! Whatever their excuse, the effects are the same: cuts to our kids.
For years they have continued to cut from classrooms, students, parents and community but at no point have cut their own salaries. We say enough is enough. Our kids deserve better. We demand better!
Chop From the Top!
More Money for Classrooms!
Maintain and Rebuild Adult Ed!
Refuse to Pay the State Debt!
Not One Cut!
What can you do?
1) Educate your school. We made a template of a flyer you can pass out. We even left a part for you to fill in with your school’s specific cuts to make it concrete for people. Find the template
2) Share awareness. List all cuts on
3) Demand: Not One Cut!