GOOD Ideas for Cities: Increasing Parental Involvement
Conversations around improving education largely focus on ideas for improving schools and teachers. But it has been proven that dedicated parental involvement is just as important for students. How could a city implement a stronger connection between parents and schools? As part of GOOD Ideas for Cities Cincinnati, the Cincinatives team tackled a challenge to increase parental interaction during one of the most important periods of a student's career—early childhood education. Their program, Home Room, focuses on showing parents that everyday,
Should We Celebrate That IQ Tests Show Women Are Smarter?

Flynn told ABC News he gave 500 men and 500 women between the ages of 15 and 18 from Argentina, Australia, Estonia, New Zealand, and South Africa, Raven’s Progressive Matrices IQ test, a multiple choice abstract reasoning test which is frequently used here in the United States to assess whether a student qualifies for gifted education. In previous years women's scores on the test were as much as five points below their male peers. But over the past few years, everyone's IQ scores have been on the rise and women have seen the greatest increases.
So does Flynn's announcement mean that we should be celebrating that women are officially smarter than men? Not exactly. Intelligence isn't a quantifiable quality and IQ test results aren't actually representative of someone's