Theft of Public Education in Memphis « Diane Ravitch's blog
Theft of Public Education in Memphis « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Theft of Public Education in Memphis by dianerav Jim Horn of Schools Matter pored through the 200-page document describing the plan for the immediate future of the Memphis public schools, and this is what he learned. The Memphis schools will be merged with the schools of Shelby County, allegedly for efficiency. But in fact, the plan is to implement a massive transfer of students to charter schools. By 2016, a mere four years from now, enrollment in charter schools will... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLES by Mike Klonsky Chicago teachers now working without a contract CTU President Karen Lewis *“It is our responsibility to work toward a contract that is fair and equitable to our members and one that will help us give our students the high-quality, first-class education they deserve. While there has been progress in some areas, we remain far apart on many others.”* -- NBC News Chicago,CTU Contract to Expire Over Weekend Michelle Chen *After Katrina, the city became an incubator for non-unionized charter schools an... more »
Daily Kos: 115 degrees in the Heartland
Daily Kos: 115 degrees in the Heartland: 115 degrees in the Heartland by (teacherken) HILL CITY, Kan. — This town on the parched plains, best known for its bountiful pheasant hunting and museum of oil history, recently earned a new, if unwelcome, distinction — the center of America’s summer inferno.For five days last week, a brutal heat wave here crested at 115 degrees. Crops wilted. Streets emptied. Farmers fainted in the fields. Air-conditioners gave up. Children even temporarily abandoned the municipal swimming pool. Hill City was, for a spell, in the ranks of ... more »
Emails reveal voucher scheme | The News Star |
Emails reveal voucher scheme | The News Star | Emails reveal voucher scheme [image: White]Emails between Louisiana Education Superintendent John White, Gov. Bobby Jindal's spokesman Kyle Plotkin and Jindal's policy adviser Stafford Palmieri show White devising a scheme to "muddy up a narrative" and to "take some air out of the room" after a news report about the new voucher program that was published before his Senate confirmation hearing in May. In the email exchange, White proposes creating a news story about the "due diligence" process for school vouche... more »
This is what we’re paying for? - Wait, What?
This is what we’re paying for? - Wait, What?: This is what we’re paying for? by jonpelto Steven Adamowski is collecting $225,000 from Connecticut taxpayers to serve as “Special Master” of the Windham Schools. He has so much time on his hands, Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, Stefan Pryor, made Adamowski the “Special Master” for New London too. Now comes the news that the roof at Windham’s Natchaug Elementary School is so unstable, the Windham Board of Education had to have an emergency vote to shift all the elementary students to the Windham Middle School when classes start thi... more »
Pearson Responds to Revelations of Its Massive Florida Lobbying Efforts; Silent on Ties to Jeb Bush | Scathing Purple Musings
Pearson Responds to Revelations of Its Massive Florida Lobbying Efforts; Silent on Ties to Jeb Bush | Scathing Purple Musings: Pearson Responds to Revelations of Its Massive Florida Lobbying Efforts; Silent on Ties to Jeb Bush by Bob Sikes This WFTV story last week on FCAT administrator Pearson prompted a quick response from the testing giant which *WFTV *published as well: “Pearson’s government relations work, which includes work with lobbyists, is purely on substantive, policy matters. Our efforts are dedicated to educating elected officials and other policy makers on what is p... more »
First Year Highlights: Classroom Management Advice - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week Teacher
First Year Highlights: Classroom Management Advice - Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo - Education Week Teacher: [image: Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo] First Year Highlights: Classroom Management Advice By Larry Ferlazzo on July 2, 2012 10:48 AM I'm taking the summer off from answering new questions while I work on my next book. Instead, over the next two months, I'll be posting "collections" bringing links together from previous posts on common topics (classroom management, instructional strategies, etc.). I've published almost fifty separate "answers" over the past year, and t... more »
Geaux Teacher!: I TOLD YOU SO #2
Geaux Teacher!: I TOLD YOU SO #2: I TOLD YOU SO #2 by (Lee Barrios, M.Ed., NBCT) I'm adding this to my I TOLD YOU SO series of blogs. ALL LEGISLATORS who voted for ACTS 1 and 2 are complicit in anything this rogue, unqualified, Teach For America OPERATIVE, and Jindal LACKEY has done to destroy public education in our state. Add to that the MEDIA that White was scheming to enlist in his cover up and that includes *The Times-Picayune *who has persisted in avoiding the hard questions put to it and has abandoned its journalistic duty to serve as a watch dog for the... more »
C. Cryn Johannsen: The Ones We've Lost: The Student Loan Debt Suicides
C. Cryn Johannsen: The Ones We've Lost: The Student Loan Debt Suicides: The Ones We've Lost: The Student Loan Debt Suicides *This story was produced by the independent Economic Hardship Reporting Project, co-edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Gary Rivlin.* One evening in 2007, Jan Yoder of Normal, Illinois noticed that her son Jason seemed more despondent than usual. Yoder had been a graduate student in organic chemistry at Illinois State University but after incurring $100,000 in student loan debt, he struggled to find a job in his field. Later that night, Jason, 35, left the family'... more »
Straight Up Conversation: New National Charter Alliance Chief Nina Rees :: Frederick M. Hess
Straight Up Conversation: New National Charter Alliance Chief Nina Rees :: Frederick M. Hess: Straight Up Conversation: New National Charter Alliance Chief Nina Rees *by Frederick M. Hess • Jul 2, 2012 at 8:36 am Cross-posted from Education Week* Print Send RSS [image: Share] Share Nina Rees has just been named the new president of the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, the national organization of the country's charter schools. As of August 20, she'll take the reins from interim president Ursula Wright, who has impressively filled the job for nearly a year. Nina serve... more »
Why U.S. can’t get back to head of the class (because it was never there) - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Why U.S. can’t get back to head of the class (because it was never there) - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Why U.S. can’t get back to head of the class (because it was never there) By Valerie Strauss This *was writtetn by David E. Drew, who holds the Joseph B. Platt chair at the Claremont Graduate University. His most recent book is “STEM the Tide: Reforming Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education in America,” published by the Johns Hopkins University Press. He can be reached at* By David E. Drew Policy makers and politicians like to talk ... more »
NYC Educator: What Will a Teacher's "Bar Exam" Do?
NYC Educator: What Will a Teacher's "Bar Exam" Do?: What Will a Teacher's "Bar Exam" Do? by NYC Educator AFT President Randi Weingarten is proposing a "bar exam" for teachers. Weingarten thinks this will counter some of the stereotypical perceptions of teacher unions. You know--the stuff you see in the news, the comments you sometimes see on this blog, and the nonsense that emanates from the mouths of demagogues like Mayor4Life Michael Bloomberg. "They only care about themselves." "We put Children First." "Let's worry about the children in the system, and not the adults." "The bad ... more »
Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can! - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard
Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can! - Lily's Blackboard | Lily's Blackboard: [image: Lily's Blackboard Rotating Header Image] Can You Make a Difference? Yes, You can! Jul 2nd, 2012 by Lily. *(Mayor of RA contestants please comment on this post)* In this world of grey cynicism and pale apathy, it’s easy to think that the big things have all been done. That we’re all at the mercy of Billionaire Big Brothers who will decide our collective fate and no vale la pena luchar – It’s not worth the struggle. It’s easy to think that if you didn’t know any better. *If you didn’t know what I... more »
They bow to this legend of the Academic Decathlon -
They bow to this legend of the Academic Decathlon - They bow to this legend of the Academic Decathlon [image: Daniel Berdichevsky is an Academic Decathlon star and he is 35. As he strode into a hotel ballroom in Albuquerque, scores of high school students competing for the national decathlon title clamored for the chance to shake his hand] Daniel Berdichevsky is an Academic Decathlon star and he is 35. As he strode into the hotel ballroom in Albuquerque, scores of high school students swarmed the man they know as DemiDec Dan, a legend in their world. The students, compe... more »
YES on Protect Schools and Public Safety Act - California Teachers Association
YES on Protect Schools and Public Safety Act - California Teachers Association: [image: california education funding crisis] Our Schools Need New Revenue! In the past 4 years, more than *$20 billion* has been cut from public education in California. We rank *47th in the nation in per-student funding * and now have the *largest class sizes* in the country. This year an additional $8 billion in new cuts are being proposed. And without new revenue, an additional $6 billion will be cut* *from public education. It’s time to invest in our common future and put California back on track.... more »
Geaux Teacher!: THIS IS NOT A JOKE!
Geaux Teacher!: THIS IS NOT A JOKE!: THIS IS NOT A JOKE! by (Lee Barrios, M.Ed., NBCT) A new blog that I believe was inspired by the realization of a parent with gifted children in St. Tammany Parish that the opportunity for ALL CHILDREN IN LOUISIANA to receive a quality public education is teetering precariously on a precipice and put there by our own Governor Bobby Jindal. Take note teachers, parents and taxpayers in St. Tammny Parish. Our highest-performing-large-district-in-the-state status will not protect us from the "if-it-ain't-broke-break-it" mentalit... more »
Early full-term babies may face later school woes -
Early full-term babies may face later school woes - Early full-term babies may face later school woes By Lindsey Tanner AP Medical Writer / July 2, 2012 CHICAGO—Even for infants born full-term, a little more time in the womb may matter. The extra time results in more brain development, and a study suggests perhaps better scores on academic tests, too. Full-term is generally between 37 weeks and 41 weeks; newborns born before 37 weeks are called premature and are known to face increased chances for health and developmental problems. The children in the study were all full... more »
THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION CAUSES MORE INJUSTICE « Teachers Fight Back: THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION CAUSES MORE INJUSTICE by alkleen Four New York seventh-graders whose bullying of a bus monitor grandmother went viral on You Tube have been suspended for a year, a school district official said Friday. They must complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens and will receive behavioral training, according to the Greece Central School District in upstate New York. The You Tube video showed four teens bringing Karen Klein, 68, to tears. Here we go again. Because a school ... more »
Big Education Ape - Morning Wink 7-1 AM Posts #soschat #edreform
Big Education Ape - 5 hours ago
*BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTS* Does Experience Matter? « Diane Ravitch's blog coopmike48 at Big Education Ape - 7 minutes ago Does Experience Matter? « Diane Ravitch's blog: Does Experience Matter? by dianerav One of the axioms of corporate reform in education is that experience doesn’t matter. Also, they say, degrees don’t matter. Certification doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except “performance” or “results,” and these are defined as the “measurables,” the test scores. If a teacher can get students to produce higher test scores, he or she is a good teacher. If they c... more »
Teachers Don't Suck !: Believe It or Not - Practice Makes Perfect
Teachers Don't Suck !: Believe It or Not - Practice Makes Perfect: Believe It or Not - Practice Makes Perfect by Walt S. *This letter brings to mind a story told to me by a colleague who was teaching physics in a neighboring community.* ** *After a classroom observation the *
My teacher voice: You keep your word. « Fred Klonsky
My teacher voice: You keep your word. « Fred Klonsky: My teacher voice: You keep your word. by Fred Klonsky Chicago teacher Adam Heenan has been asking teachers to use their teacher voice. Adam found me at the NEA RA in Washington D.C. For almost thirty years I used my teacher voice with kids, but I didn’t have to teach kids that breaking a promise is wrong. They knew something our legislators don’t: You keep your word. Here’s mine:
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: A DRAFT RESOLUTION REQUESTING A COST ANALYSIS OF TESTING AND TEST PREP: A DRAFT RESOLUTION REQUESTING A COST ANALYSIS OF TESTING AND TEST PREP [image: Convention] *FORWARDED IN AN EMAIL DIRECTED TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS CONVENTION 2012 (7/27) - THANK YOU MELODY**Inspired by New Mexico State Audit of Testing**WHEREAS*, the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 increased accountability requirements necessitating an increase in assessments and requirements for disaggregated data; and *WHEREAS*, for nearly a decade, imple... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Educational Reform is Slavery and The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 07.01.12
Missouri Education Watchdog: Educational Reform is Slavery and The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 07.01.12: Educational Reform is Slavery and The Sunday Education Weekly Reader 07.01.12 by stlgretchen What does increased taxation mean for education "reform"? The Sunday Education Weekly Reader is reposting two blogs (rather than tweets this week) with serious questions about increased taxation and the results of this governmental power. Ponder these questions when thinking about the educational reforms and the increasing centralization of
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: JUNE POSTS that POPPED!: *Here are the top 5 "posts that popped" in June 2012!* I Have to Stop Reading Diane Ravitch's Blog! Why Can't We Hold Parents Accountable Anymore? Write On: Why I Love Kidblog! They Did Not Choose Their Parents! Digital Educators Needed for 21st Century Learners!
Controlling the Pace of Your Own Education | Lefty Parent
Controlling the Pace of Your Own Education | Lefty Parent: Controlling the Pace of Your Own Education by Cooper Zale We need to rethink the conventional wisdom in our society that after age four, kids need to be in school, continuously (except for perhaps summertime) from kindergarten for at least seventeen years until they graduate from college. I think it is leaving too many of our young adults dazed and confused coming out the other end rather than feeling prepared and inspired to join the greater adult community. They’ve spent too much time endlessly preparing and practicing to... more »
I’m starting a new union. Send me your dues. « Fred Klonsky
I’m starting a new union. Send me your dues. « Fred Klonsky: I’m starting a new union. Send me your dues. by Fred Klonsky *John L. Lewis, leader of the mine workers union.* Maybe it’s the summer heat. Recently a small group of standardized test critics (which I am, by the way) have declared war on the National Education Association. Not just a war on the leadership, mind you. But on all 3 million members, minus themselves (or at least those that actually are members of the NEA or the AFT). Even though the national meeting of the NEA RA will produce a basketful of resolutions condemn... more »
According to NCLB half of Guilford County charters are not meeting AYP - Greensboro Charter Schools |
According to NCLB half of Guilford County charters are not meeting AYP - Greensboro Charter Schools | According to NCLB half of Guilford County charters are not meeting AYP 1Email [image: Khem Irby's photo] Khem Irby Greensboro Charter Schools Examiner + Subscribe All charter schools and public schools in North Carolina must meet their Adequately Yearly Progress or AYP. According to No Child Left Behind (“NCLB”) students in grades 3-8 must not only pass their required state reading and math exams but each year they must make progress on these exams. If a school does no... more »
Bush-Scott “Choice” Rhetoric and Arguments For Status-Quo Testing Are Failing Apart | Scathing Purple Musings
Bush-Scott “Choice” Rhetoric and Arguments For Status-Quo Testing Are Failing Apart | Scathing Purple Musings: Bush-Scott “Choice” Rhetoric and Arguments For Status-Quo Testing Are Failing Apart by Bob Sikes The *Tampa Bay Times *Jeff Solochek reports on Rick Scott’s speech to Pasco County republicans. Knowing he was in the room with like-minded supporters, Scott let loose with predictable drivel on education: Scott opened his remarks by praising Pasco Republicans for helping to elect conservatives like Will Weatherford, the incoming speaker of the Florida House. He urged them to... more »
Does Experience Matter? « Diane Ravitch's blog
Does Experience Matter? « Diane Ravitch's blog: Does Experience Matter? by dianerav One of the axioms of corporate reform in education is that experience doesn’t matter. Also, they say, degrees don’t matter. Certification doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except “performance” or “results,” and these are defined as the “measurables,” the test scores. If a teacher can get students to produce higher test scores, he or she is a good teacher. If they can do it year after year, they are “great” teachers. Reformers say that you can’t know in advance who the great teachers are. You have to... more »
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Prop 39 Co-Locations: STATEMENT FROM SUPERINTENDENT DEASY & THE BOARD OF ED RE: CALIFORNIA CHARTER SCHOOL ASSOCIATION V. LAUSD + Court order: Prop 39 Co-Locations: STATEMENT FROM SUPERINTENDENT DEASY & THE BOARD OF ED RE: CALIFORNIA CHARTER SCHOOL ASSOCIATION V. LAUSD + Court order [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] *LAUSD NEWS STATEMENT* ** *For Immediate Release* June 28, 2012 Contact: Tom Waldman 11/12-239 *STATEMENT FROM LAUSD SUPERINTENDENT JOHN D... more »
A teacher’s perfect moment in the classroom (involving John Milton and John Mayer) - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
A teacher’s perfect moment in the classroom (involving John Milton and John Mayer) - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: A teacher’s perfect moment in the classroom (involving John Milton and John Mayer) By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Michele Kerr, a second-career teacher with a master’s in education from Stanford University, with credentials in math, history, and English. She will start her fourth year of teaching in the fall. This appeared on Larry Cuban’s blog, School Reform and Classroom Practice.* By Michele Kerr My best moment as a teacher — so far — came right a... more »
There's No Such Thing as a Super Teacher - Education - GOOD
There's No Such Thing as a Super Teacher - Education - GOOD: There's No Such Thing as a Super Teacher by Liz Dwyer After 10 years in the classroom—teaching everything from elementary school to adult education classes—Roxanna Elden has seen it all. Now working as a writing teacher at Hialeah High School in Miami, Elden, who is the author of *See Me After Class: Advice for Teachers By Teachers* a humorous survival book for new teachers, is on a mission to bust the super teacher myth for good. In the TED-style talk above, Elden told attendees at the recent Education Writers Associati... more »
As private school vouchers expand in New Orleans, eyes turn toward state for accountability plan |
As private school vouchers expand in New Orleans, eyes turn toward state for accountability plan | As private school vouchers expand in New Orleans, eyes turn toward state for accountability plan Since the flooding that followed Hurricane Katrina, two public school systems have grown side by side out of the wreckage in New Orleans, one operated by the state, another by the local school board. Now, a third school system of sorts, still comparatively small but growing, is elbowing its way into the mix, not entirely public but subsidized by millions of taxpayer dollars. Th... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Teacher Evaluations: A Race To Nowhere
Jersey Jazzman: Teacher Evaluations: A Race To Nowhere: Teacher Evaluations: A Race To Nowhere by Duke New York is rushing to change teacher evaluation, even if they're not ready for it: An important deadline in the state’s ongoing teacher evaluation process occurs Sunday, but most schools will be missing it. July 1 was set as the day for schools around the state to submit plans for their new teacher evaluations to the State Education Department. The evaluations are required in order to qualify for federal grant money that New York State won under the Race to the Top program. ... more »
Daily Kos: Being the person your dog thinks you are
Daily Kos: Being the person your dog thinks you are: Being the person your dog thinks you are by (teacherken) [image: Be The Person Your Dog Thinks You Are] or since it has been years since we last had a canine, that your cats think you are. Let me explain why this thought occurred. My power has now been out for 37 hours. Latest word is we are not likely to get it back before tomorrow. So I have left Arlington for Capitol Hill, for a Starbucks with A/C and lots of outlets. As I do various things online I have been people watching, something I love to do. I have ... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-30-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-29-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-28-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-27-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-26-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-25-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
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Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2