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Friday, February 10, 2012

Welcome to Teachbad’s Book Club | Mr. Teachbad

Welcome to Teachbad’s Book Club | Mr. Teachbad:

Welcome to Teachbad’s Book Club


Mr. Teachbad’s Offi­cial Teach­bad Book Club Even­tac­u­lar Dis­cus­sion Series (MTOTbBCEDS). Here’s what we’ll do in MTOTbBCEDS.

1) I pick a book.
2) I encour­age peo­ple to buy it and read it.
3) About a month later I post a lit­tle review and we chat; if the author wishes, he or she may write some­thing to begin the dis­cus­sion and/or respond directly to ques­tions and com­ments from readers.

Yes? OK. Let’s begin.

We will start with Why Great Teach­ers Quit and How We Might Stop the Exo­dus by Katy Far­ber. Buy it. Then read it.

The title sort of speaks for itself; def­i­nitely in line with the Teach­bad Mis­sion. It’s short and no heavy lift­ing. So, like I said, go buy it. Then read it. And come pre­pared. I don’t want to hear any shit about how your ordered it and it got lost in the mail or any­thing like that.

(Par­en­thet­i­cally, another place you can see the cover of this book is over my right shoul­der in the wildly unpop­u­lar