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Most New York Students Are Not College-Ready
nytimes.com - New York State education officials released a new set of graduation statistics on Monday that show fewer than half of students in the state are leaving high school prepared for college and well-pay...

Poverty and Failure of Education System Weigh on Black Students - 8/23/11
mvgazette.com - By MIKE SECCOMBEProf. Henry Louis Gates: “What happened to our people?” Since 1968, the black middle class in America has quadrupled, Henry Louis (Skip) Gates told a packed house at the Edgartown W...

Claims that city teachers and administrators cheating on standardized tests triple
nydailynews.com - Martin Shields/Getty As the Bloomberg Administration increases the stakes on standardized tests, reports that teachers and administrators are cheating on exams has tripled, according to city data. ...

John Thompson on Brill's Re-write of Teacher Union History - Living in Dialogue
blogs.edweek.org - It is a truism that when an attorney does not have the evidence, he or she argues the law. When lawyers do not have the facts or the law on their side, they tell a good story. Steve Brill's new boo...

School Daze — The Icehouse Gang
icehousegang.com - As Hubert Humphrey might have said, the Ice House Gang is just pleased as punch to give a shout-out to a couple members whose writing dazzled in The New York Times this past Sunday. That is, our ow...

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coopmike48 Welfare Reform at 15: A Sad Story of the Fraying of the Safety Net | FDL News Desk - http://t.co/tpqcD6y4 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
coopmike48 Principals cut 2,000+ teaching jobs; city plans school layoffs | GothamSchools http://t.co/0YscuWE #Edu3 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite
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EducationSee all

The Real Cheating Scandal of Standardized Tests - Miller
miller-mccune.com - Opinion: The widening circle of cheating scandals on standardized tests should fuel the movement to reduce the stakes these exams have on public education in the U.S.As the list of states and citie...

Dallas Value Added Study — More Analysis
garyrubinstein.teachforus.org - A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I did my own analysis of the 1997 study which is always quoted by Rhee about how 3 effective teachers in a row vs. 3 ineffective teachers in a row is life changin...

The name game
educationgadfly.net - It’s silly season again, and I’m not referring to the Republican primaries. No, I’m thinking about the all-out battle for proponents and opponents of “reform” to stick a nasty label on the other si...

SocietySee all
Under Bloomberg, a Sharp Rise in Accusations of Cheating by Educators
nytimes.com - Annual allegations of test-tampering and grade-changing by educators have more than tripled since Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg took control of New York City’s school system, outpacing a broader incre...

Justice Department Sends Poll Watchers Into County Where White Voters Were Intimidated
tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com - Attorney General Eric Holder is sending poll watchers into a Mississippi county where white voters were previously found to have been intimidated by a Democratic official who is African-American.Th...

filipino nuses win discrimination lawsuit against baltimore hospital
blog.angryasianman.com - Remember that story out of Baltimore about the Filipina nurses who were fired for speaking Tagalog? Corina Capunitan-Yap, Anna Rowena Rosales, Jazziel Granada and Hachelle Natano said they were fir...

PoliticsSee all

“Hey, Mr. K! How’s that pension thing going?” « Fred Klonsky's blog
preaprez.wordpress.com - Speaker Michael Madigan, Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party and teacher pension killer. Two weeks before Labor Day and I’m back at work. Friday was an in-service Institute Day. Yesterday the...

Wiretaps and Other Abuses in Colombia Financed With U.S. Aid
hispanicallyspeakingnews.com - Published at 4:45 pm, August 23, 2011 Photo Credits: Uribe and the Wiretapping Scandal The Washington Post published over the weekend a very comprehensive article providing significant information ...

Labor power AFL-CIO to form super PAC to engage beyond unions
democraticunderground.com - Source: ReutersLabor power AFL-CIO to form super PAC to engage beyond unions By Molly O'Toole Molly O'toole – 21 mins agoWASHINGTON (Reuters) – Powerful labor group AFL-CIO is forming a super PAC t...

Art & EntertainmentSee all
Ryan Gosling Breaks up Street Fight in East Village
dnainfo.com - MANHATTAN— Actor Ryan Gosling played the role of real-life superhero while helping break up a street fight in Astor Place.The Academy Award-nominated star is purportedly seen in a video intervening...

An Animated Argument Against Copyright Law - Entertainment
theatlanticwire.com - J.K. Rowling will be making money off of the Harry Potter books until the 23rd-century thanks to the twisted history of intellectual property law in the United States. Unfamiliar with how and why c...

teaser trailer for aung san suu kyi biopic the lady
blog.angryasianman.com - Yahoo! Movies just dropped the new teaser trailer for The Lady, the upcoming movie biopic based on the life of Burmese democracy leader, political prisoner and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu...

EnvironmentSee all
The Scramble for Access to Libya’s Oil Wealth Begins
nytimes.com - Even before Libyan rebels could take full control of Tripoli, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini of Italy said on state television Monday that the Italian oil company Eni “will have a No. 1 role in t...

nypost.com - Department of Education officials are attempting to whitewash missteps that allowed students to stew inside a toxic Bronx school for months, parents charged yesterday.Despite finding levels of the ...

North Anna Nuclear Plant | Virginia Earthquake Nuclear Power Plant | VIDEO
mediaite.com - video Since news of the Virginia earthquake felt along the Eastern Seaboard broke earlier today, one thing that’s the media has watched rather closely is the safety and integrity of the North Anna ...

CrimeSee all

N.Y. Still Pursues Case Against Whistle-Blower
nytimes.com - ALBANY — The Cuomo administration is continuing to pursue a two-year-old disciplinary case against Jeffrey Monsour, a state employee at the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities who has...

Gov. McDonnell appoints Fornash education secretary
washingtonpost.com - RICHMOND, Va. — Gov. Bob McDonnell has appointed Laura W. Fornash as Virginia’s new secretary of education. McDonnell’s office announced Fornash’s appointment Tuesday. Fornash had been interim secr...

Christie signs bill outlawing bath salts
northjersey.com - TRENTON -- Governor Christie signed legislation Monday that will make it a crime to posses, manufacture or sell "bath salts," a designer drug that was being sold in convenience stores, gas stations...

#insidejobSee all

$99m of Mark Zuckerberg's $100m school donation still in the bank
dailymail.co.uk - By Daniel BatesLast updated at 11:15 PM on 11th April 2011It was supposed to be a generous gift to finally sort out some of the nation’s worst performing schools.But six months after Mark Zuckerber...

#noaccountabilitySee all
nypost.com - Department of Education officials are attempting to whitewash missteps that allowed students to stew inside a toxic Bronx school for months, parents charged yesterday.Despite finding levels of the ...
