Teacher evaluation done right
Volunteer gives labor-management model high marks

Evaluators from five pilot districts spent a week in intensive training learning how to use NYSUT’s Teacher Practice Rubric. Albany teacher Sara McGraw, standing, compares notes with principal Vibetta Sanders. At right is Arbor Hill principal Rosalind Gaines-Harrell. Photo by Andrew Watson.
When North Syracuse teacher Lisa Goldberg came to Albany in January to learn more about a pilot teacher evaluation system, she was definitely skeptical.
The 20-year social studies veteran took one look at the 30-plus page performance evaluation and literally threw up her hands.
"This will take at least 15 hours to prepare," she told the training leader. "It's totally overwhelming." Fast forward several months and Goldberg has come full circle. She's now stepped up to be a consulting teacher/evaluator for the next phase that will expand the program throughout her district.
"Believe me, I was cynical," said Goldberg, a member of the North Syracuse Education Association. "But I found the process to be so eye-opening, so personally rewarding