Parents want to Save Our Schools: Join them for a fundraiser, 5/7/11!
Momentum is building for the Save Our Schools March this coming July. And this Saturday, May 7th, we will have the sixth of our exciting webinars, featuring three parent activists who are challenging us all to think differently about education reform.
Tim Slekar and Michele Gray are Pennsylvanians who have organized a boycott of the state’s standardized tests. They have appeared on CNN and Fox News, and have been doing the hard work of communicating with policymakers to get them to understand what our children really need.
Rita Solnet, a founding member of Parents Across America, has been a tireless organizer as well, bringing constituents together with their congressional representatives, to help them understand we do not need more billions spent on new tests. They will share news of their work, and ideas for how parents can make a difference in the future of our schools.
Please join us for this important conversation at 8 pm Eastern, 5 pm Pacific time, Saturday, May 7th.Click here to register!
Their message is powerful, and we need your help to amplify it by bringing it to our nation’s capitol this summer.
We are at a crucial phase of this movement, and every voice– and every dollar– counts. Marches cost money. We have to reserve space, rent Port-o-Potties, rent sound equipment– free speech ain’t free! In March we held our first money cascade, and raised several thousand dollars.
Please join in our next Money Cascade this Saturday and donate $20, $50 –or whatever you can spare– to the Save Our Schools March on May 7th. Our goal is $2500 for the day, and just like last time, we will keep you updated about our progress here on the website, on the blog, and on Twitter throughout the day.
In gratitude and solidarity,
The Organizing Committee