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Monday, November 22, 2010

To Pretend Perfection, Sinful; To Aspire Towards It, Divine — The Jose Vilson

To Pretend Perfection, Sinful; To Aspire Towards It, Divine — The Jose Vilson

To Pretend Perfection, Sinful; To Aspire Towards It, Divine

Banksy Art, "Wall Art Swept Under The Rug"

Today, I sat with some fellow math teachers across the district to further investigate the new Common Core Standards. We’re looking through the new standards, creating questions and analyzing tasks (while I intermittently joke about my CoCoLoCo theory). We’re churning up great ideas while the moderator’s doing his best to moderate a bunch of rowdy NYC math teachers and coaches. At some point during lunch, the people at my table invited one of the people who is developing high performing tasks that may make it into the body of