At around 11:45am today, 4 more UCI students were detained by UCPD for chalking in front of Aldrich Hall, UCI’s administration building. These students were participating in a protest against the detention last week of 5 students for the same “crime” and police violence against students at UCSF protesting fee hikes – including an incident in which UCI Police Officer Jared Kemper pulled his handgun on unarmed students.

Two officers arrived on the scene immediately, to run down students and check hands for chalk. Then a third officer arrived: JARED KEMPER. Apparently Officer Kemper is under use of force review but has not been placed on leave after repeatedly beating students, aiming his gun at students, and then shoving a female student. After the crowd of 30-40 students that had gathered began chanting “FIRE KEMPER!” he was quickly whisked away and replaced by 2 more cops, including a plainclothes cop. As the students were being released,